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  • Bashar al-Assad—The Fall of a Rabid AntiSemite

    Sunday, December 08, 2024
    When Pope John Paul II visited Damascus in May 2001, Bashar used his welcoming speech to denounce the Jews, saying, “They tried to kill the principles of all religions with the same mentality in which they betrayed Jesus Christ and the same way they tried to betray and kill the Prophet Muhammad.”   read more
  • Saudi Prince Ordered to Pay Damages after 3 Female Chauffeurs were Fired in Minnesota

    Friday, November 13, 2015
    The women claimed they were selected to help with the chauffeuring because they were told it would be “elegant” for females to drive “ladies and kids.” But then they were fired because the prince, who was then a deputy defense minister, reportedly wanted “no women drivers.” They were replaced by male chauffeurs. The women then sued Abdul-Aziz and Elbashir. The prince never responded to the lawsuit, and Elbashir quickly stopped responding as well.   read more
  • Police Chiefs Claim City Laws Create Unexpected Roadblocks in Efforts to Diversify Ranks

    Thursday, November 12, 2015
    Those wishing to become officers in Inkster, Michigan, must pay $6,000 to attend an academy. Making candidates pay for their tuition limits the pool of those who can afford a police career. Like some other states, Michigan is prohibited from reimbursing towns for training. This kind of restriction is good for budgets, but not for diversifying police departments. “That knocks out a whole swath of people that I know are eligible,” said Inkster police chief William Riley III.   read more
  • Threats to Food Safety, Open Internet, Environment Seen in Long-Awaited TPP Trade Deal Text

    Thursday, November 12, 2015
    “Now that we’ve seen the full text, it turns out the job-killing TPP is worse than anything we could’ve imagined,” said Democracy for America's Charles Chamberlain. “This agreement would push down wages, flood our nation with unsafe imported food, raise the price of life-saving medicine, all the while trading with countries where gays and single mothers can be stoned to death.” TPP also would restrict food inspections at international borders, and undermine efforts to label GMO foods.   read more
  • Outsourcing Firms Overrun H-1B Visa Program, Squeezing Out U.S. Jobs

    Thursday, November 12, 2015
    These firms use visas to relocate their employees, many from India, to the U.S., where they are taking jobs Americans could do. The Times reported federal law requires global companies using H-1B workers to sign a declaration saying they will not displace Americans. “But there is a loophole: An exemption cancels that requirement if employers pay H-1B workers at least $60,000 a year — significantly less than an experienced technology worker’s salary in many parts of the country,” said the Times.   read more
  • Central American Children Applying for Asylum—5,400; Accepted—0

    Thursday, November 12, 2015
    Only 90 of the 5,400 children who have applied to escape street gangs, extortion and rape have been interviewed by the Department of Homeland Security. Some have been approved, but “lengthy procedures for getting airplane tickets and processing paperwork have delayed” their admittance into the U.S., the Times reported. “Really, it’s pathetic that no child has come through this program,” said Lavinia Limón, president and CEO of the nonprofit U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants.   read more
  • Alarm Sounded on Release of Genetically Engineered Moths

    Thursday, November 12, 2015
    Dana Perls, food and technology policy campaigner at Friends of the Earth U.S., warned the upcoming trial was unnecessary and possibly dangerous. Jaydee Hanson, senior policy analyst at Center for Food Safety, said: “Once these GE moths are out in the wild, there is no turning back. Every possible scenario needs to be accounted for. Until federal agencies have implemented rigorous regulations around GE insects, this GE moth trial should be halted.”   read more
  • FCC Decision Allows Your Online Activity to Continue Being Tracked

    Wednesday, November 11, 2015
    The FCC has rejected a petition from a consumer group to require online companies to honor do-not-track requests from consumers. Consumer Watchdog petitioned the FCC to start developing a new regulation mandating ‘edge providers’ such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, Pandora, Netflix, and LinkedIn to honor do-not-track requests from consumers. Users can set their browser preferences to request that their online movements aren’t tracked, but few companies comply.   read more
  • Judge Pulls Plug on NSA Mass Phone Data Collection, Even as Program Shifts Gears

    Wednesday, November 11, 2015
    Judge Leon was not dissuaded by the coming change in the NSA program. “Although this court appreciates the zealousness with which the government seeks to protect the citizens of our nation, that same government bears just as great a responsibility to protect the individual liberties of those very citizens," he wrote. “This court simply cannot, and will not, allow the government to trump the Constitution merely because it suits the exigencies of the moment."   read more
  • Cost-Cutting Contractor Allowed Russian Programmers to Infect Pentagon Computers

    Wednesday, November 11, 2015
    Contractor Kingsley discovered the offshoring and warned the Russian-made software made it possible for the Pentagon’s communications systems to be infected with viruses. He said Netcracker used the Russians because they worked for a third of the cost of U.S. programmers. "Numerous viruses were loaded onto the DISA network as a result of code written by the Russian programmers and installed...in the DISA secure system,” said Kingsley.   read more
  • U.S. Spends 10 Years and $1 Billion to Digitize Immigration Forms … and Ends up with Just One

    Wednesday, November 11, 2015
    “You’re going on 11 years into this project, they only have one form, and we’re still a paper-based agency,’’said Kenneth Palinkas, former president of the union that represents USCIS employees. “It’s a huge albatross around our necks.’’ USCIS may have to spend another $2 billion to finish the project and digitize the other 94 forms used by immigrants who come to the U.S. The new projected completion date is 2019.   read more
  • GlaxoSmithKline Hit with 193 Lawsuits over Morning Sickness Drug that Causes Birth Defects

    Wednesday, November 11, 2015
    The suit charges use of Zofran for morning sickness amounts to “experimenting with the lives of unsuspecting mothers-to-be and their babies.” It says GSK was warned as of 1999 by the FDA to “immediately cease distribution” of ads that “promote Zofran in a manner that is false or misleading because it lacks fair balance.” Instead, says the suit, GSK urged its staff to emphasize to providers "not only the benefits of Zofran but also the financial benefits to the providers by prescribing Zofran."   read more
  • Chances of being Audited by IRS Dips to 11-Year Low

    Tuesday, November 10, 2015
    Republicans in Congress have worked to cut funding for the IRS, forcing the agency to lay off thousands of workers, including those who review income tax returns. The cuts have resulted in the audit rate for individual tax returns dipping to 0.84% for fiscal year 2015. That’s the lowest rate since 2004. The IRS has lost 15,000 workers since 2010, but at the same time, the number of income tax returns filed by individuals went up 3%, to 146 million.   read more
  • Most U.S. Agencies Fail to Conduct Required Reviews of Federal Regulations

    Tuesday, November 10, 2015
    President Obama issued several executive orders beginning in 2011 instructing agencies to perform retrospective analyses of rules “that may be outmoded, ineffective, insufficient, or excessively burdensome, and to modify, streamline, expand, or repeal them" as needed. But researchers discovered few agencies had plans to measure the effectiveness of the regulations, which ranged from enhanced tank car standards for high hazard flammable trains to minimum wages for federal contractors.   read more
  • Medical School Returns Coca-Cola Grant Used for Playing Down Role of Soft Drinks in Obesity

    Tuesday, November 10, 2015
    Critics accused the GEBN of trying to reshape public opinion about soft drinks to protect Coca-Cola’s bottom-line. The outcry prompted the medical school’s leadership to return the money, saying “the funding source has distracted attention from its worthwhile goal.” Professor Marion Nestle called the network “a front group” for Coca-Cola intended to promote the message that obesity is primarily caused by a lack of exercise, not by overconsumption of junk food.   read more
  • Should Presidential Election Day be declared a National Holiday to Facilitate Voting?

    Tuesday, November 10, 2015
    “By making next year’s election a national holiday, President Obama would signal a strong national commitment to voting and help serve as a counter-balance to the 2013 Supreme Court decision that gutted the historic Voting Rights Act,” the groups said. “Since this decision, nearly every state has introduced bills to make voting harder...through discriminatory voter ID bills or drastic cuts to early voting days, same-day registration, and other suppressive measures.”   read more
  • Social Security Overpaid $1 Billion a Year for Disability Insurance Program

    Tuesday, November 10, 2015
    The mistakes involved “beneficiaries who had returned to work and had earnings above program limits,” the GAO reported. Auditors also noted the agency’s “process for handling work reports by beneficiaries has internal control and other weaknesses that increase the risk of overpayments, even when DI beneficiaries follow program rules and report work and earnings.”   read more
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