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  • Musk and Trump Fire Members of Congress

    Wednesday, February 26, 2025
    Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) sent messages to all members of Congress terminating their positions, stating “Your performance has not been adequate to justify further employment.” All Democratic and independent members of Congress, as well as two Republicans, found themselves locked out of their offices after everything inside had been confiscated.   read more
  • Climate Change Policies Implemented by Cities in U.S. and Around the World Could Save $17 Trillion over 35 Years

    Thursday, September 10, 2015
    These changes would include making buildings more efficient, investing in public transportation, deploying high-efficiency lighting and installing solar panels. “There is now increasing evidence that emissions can decrease while economies continue to grow,” said researcher Schultz. “Becoming more sustainable and putting the world — specifically cities — on a low carbon trajectory is actually feasible and good economics.” The $17 trillion savings could be more if indirect benefits are considered.   read more
  • Major Tech Firms Continue to Resist U.S. Government Demands for Text and Email Access

    Thursday, September 10, 2015
    The Justice Deptartment sought text messages sent between individuals suspected of illegal gun and drug activity. They were sent using Apple’s iMessage system. Apple said it couldn’t comply with the request as the iMessage system is encrypted. “The conflicts with Apple and Microsoft reflect heightened corporate resistance, in the post-Edward J. Snowden era, by American technology companies intent on demonstrating that they are trying to protect customer information,” wrote the Times.   read more
  • FBI Errors Lead to Discovery that DNA Evidence May be Far Less Foolproof When It Includes More than One Person

    Thursday, September 10, 2015
    “The most radical difference,” Scott Henson wrote, involved a case “where a one-in-a-billion probability was lowered to around one-in-fifty.” The difference “stemmed not from the data entry errors but because … the FBI had changed its methodology for calculating probabilities in mixed DNA samples and moved to a new method which they considered more accurate.” The change could mean that people convicted with mixed DNA evidence might have cause for a new trial.   read more
  • CIA Kept U.S. Agencies in Dark about Investigation into Possible Diversion of Uranium from U.S. to Israel

    Thursday, September 10, 2015
    The AEC found NUMEC lost 185 pounds of uranium due to inefficiencies in the refinement process. The FBI looked into the missing uranium but, like the AEC, closed its investigation after meeting with NUMEC director Zalman Shapiro but without consulting the CIA, “even though the agencies knew the CIA was interested in him,” Ryan wrote. He also reported that two CIA employees who worked during the height of the investigations have said diversion of uranium occurred.   read more
  • Carmakers’ Auto Defects Lead to Reversals of Vehicular Manslaughter Convictions

    Thursday, September 10, 2015
    One case involved a 1996 Toyota Camry driven by Kuoa Fong Lee, whose 2007 accident killed three people. Lee was sentenced to eight years in prison. She had served two years when her conviction of vehicular homicide was tossed out after Lee’s lawyers argued the car suddenly accelerated and Lee couldn’t stop it. “The cases are just the latest example of the double standard that prevails between street and white collar crime,” said author Rena Steinzor.   read more
  • Mislabeled U.S. Meat Found to Contain Different Animal Species, Including Horse

    Wednesday, September 09, 2015
    Researchers at Chapman University’s Food Science Program gathered 48 meat samples from local supermarkets and online specialty meat distributors and tested the DNA contained in them. The results showed 10 of the 48 samples were mislabeled—and that nine of the 10 mislabeled samples contained additional species. Two of the 10 included horse meat, which is illegal to sell in the U.S. for consumption.   read more
  • Alarm Raised over Health Insurance Mergers

    Wednesday, September 09, 2015
    The American Medical Association (AMA) said in a study released this week that plans by Anthem to acquire Cigna and Aetna to buy Humana will harm patients across the country. The AMA argues too many insurance markets are already dominated by a few companies, and allowing these mergers will only further concentrate insurance options.   read more
  • Toxic Chemicals found Transferred from Human Breast Milk to Babies

    Wednesday, September 09, 2015
    Researchers from Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health and from European institutions found that perfluorinated alkylates (PFAS) are sometimes fed to newborns through mother’s milk. PFAS are a class of industrial chemicals and cancerous toxins used to repel water, grease and stains in sleeping bags, pizza boxes, cookware, waterproof clothing and other common household products.   read more
  • Israelis Linked to Settler Terrorism were from U.S. Families

    Wednesday, September 09, 2015
    The home of a Palestinian family was firebombed, killing an 18-month-old child, Ali Dawabsheh, who was burned to death. His mother died Sunday of her burns. Their home was sprayed with graffiti reading “revenge” in Hebrew and featured a Star of David. Although not so far charged with the fire that killed the Dawabshehs, four youths--three with U.S. connections--believed to be connected to settler terrorism have been incarcerated by Israeli officials.   read more
  • U.S. Health Crisis Could Result from Mass Deportation of Undocumented Citizens, Medical Group Warns

    Wednesday, September 09, 2015
    The American College of Physicians, which represents doctors of internal medicine and related fields, has come out against the mass deportation of the 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States proposed by Donald Trump and other members of the GOP, saying such a drastic move could adversely affect millions of individuals and endanger public health.   read more
  • Obama Orders Federal Contractors to Provide Paid 7 Days Sick Leave

    Tuesday, September 08, 2015
    President Barack Obama has used his executive powers to force federal contractors to provide seven days of paid sick leave to employees. The new rules, which won’t go into effect until 2017, demand that companies doing business with the U.S. government give their workers (both full-time and part-time) an hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked for a total of up to seven days in a year.   read more
  • Productivity has Grown Six Times as much as Pay over the Last 40 Years

    Tuesday, September 08, 2015
    The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) says net productivity grew 72.2% between 1973 and 2014. During that same period, hourly compensation of the vast majority of American workers increased only 8.7%, or 0.20% annually. When wages did go up, it mostly happened from 1995 to 2002. EPI also said only 15% of productivity growth between 1973 and 2014 translated into higher hourly wages and benefits for the typical American worker.   read more
  • Pope Francis Insults Native People by Making Junipero Serra a Saint

    Tuesday, September 08, 2015
    Tribal leaders and others have voiced objections to Pope Francis’ announcement in January to make Serra a saint. Protests have been staged all across California and more are expected throughout the year. Serra’s drive to “civilize” native peoples while founding California's missions resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and the eradication of their culture,   read more
  • Egg Lobby Launched Major Campaign to Defeat Vegan Egg Replacement Startup

    Tuesday, September 08, 2015
    The Guardian and the Associated Press say they uncovered emails from lobbyists representing egg producers that targeted the sales of Hampton Creek, which produces a mayonnaise that contains no eggs. The egg replacement company was seen as a threat to the $5.5 billion-a-year egg industry, prompting the American Egg Board (AEB) to launch a campaign to keep Hampton Creek from becoming successful.   read more
  • Chinese Government Moves into Rail Car Manufacturing…in Massachusetts

    Tuesday, September 08, 2015
    The government-owned China Railway Rolling Stock Corp. (CRRC) has begun building a $60 million factory in Springfield that will produce more than 280 Red and Orange Line cars for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA). The new plant will begin assembling cars next year and see the first ones rolling off its assembly line by 2018. The Springfield factory is expected to employ 150 local workers, and serve as the company’s North American headquarters.   read more
  • 1.5 Million U.S. Households Live on $2 a Day per Person

    Monday, September 07, 2015
    The welfare reforms enacted during the Bill Clinton administration have made it easy for states to cut off funding to even the most desperate. Studies have shown that the number of people neither working nor receiving benefits has increased substantially since then. Even when benefits are available, many don’t know to apply. Some people are left to survive by donating plasma, selling aluminum cans for scrap, or in some cases, entering the sex trade.   read more
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