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  • The 2024 Election By the Numbers

    Thursday, January 16, 2025
    The majority of voters did not vote for Donald Trump for president; the majority of voters did not vote for Republican candidates for the Senate; and fewer than 51% of voters cast their ballots for Republican candidates for the House of Representatives. The Republican Party now controls the White House, both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court, no matter how that came to be. I believe it is worth bearing in mind that a majority of U.S. citizens did not support the Republican winners.   read more
  • Republican Socialists Fight Obama Plan to Privatize TVA

    Monday, May 27, 2013
    federal energy statistics show Alabamans and Tennesseans pay considerably less for power than the national average—earning TVA “the ‘mother love’ of a politically conservative region,” according to former TVA Chairman S. David Freeman. That would explain why free-marketers like Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee) called Obama’s proposal “one more bad idea in a budget full of bad ideas,” saying privatization could lead to higher energy costs for his constituents.   read more
  • No Federal Prosecution if Wind Turbine Kills Condor

    Monday, May 27, 2013
    On Friday, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced for the first time that it wouldn’t prosecute a wind farm developer if a condor dies in the blades of one its turbines. But it only gets to kill one condor over the project’s expected 30-year life. In giving one free pass to Alta Windpower Development, a subsidiary of Terra-Gen Power, it set a standard for what constitutes reasonable measures to protect the birds that has alarmed their protectors.   read more
  • Acting Director of the Internal Revenue Service: Who Is Danny Werfel?

    Monday, May 27, 2013
    Dissatisfied with litigation work, Werfel returned to OMB in April 2002 to work as a budget examiner in the Education Branch until late 2003, as chief of the Financial Integrity and Analysis Branch from late 2003 to 2006, and as deputy controller from 2006 to July 2009. As controller of OMB, Werfel was largely responsible for establishing Recovery.gov, a federal Web site that tracked how the 2009 economic stimulus program was distributing billions of dollars to jump-start the economy.   read more
  • Reagan’s Star Wars Program…More than $200 Billion Later

    Sunday, May 26, 2013
    The ambitious and costly program, dubbed “Star Wars,” is now in its fourth decade, having consumed $209 billion while never being tested, even on a limited scale, in the heat of battle. Lewis and Postol expressed concerns because in each U.S. test, the trajectory, timing of the launch and the type of missile being fired were all known in advance.   read more
  • Benefits of Drug Legalization May Outweigh Increase in Number of Drug Users

    Sunday, May 26, 2013
    The benefits of decriminalization or legalization would be greater than their costs, pointing out that the “available evidence suggests that reducing penalties for possession of small quantities has little effect on the number of users but retains the benefit of reducing judicial case loads and incarceration rates.” Legalization would save money on enforcement costs, reducing rates of disease, death associated with drug use and violent crime..   read more
  • Two Companies Rake in Big Profits from Billion-Dollar Prisoner Phone Call Industry

    Sunday, May 26, 2013
    At the Contra Costa West County Detention Facility (WCDF) in Richmond, California, a call costs $3.25 for the initial connection, with charges up to 25 cents a minute for in-state calls and 30 cents a minute for out-of-state. Calls are often dropped, requiring a reconnection charge.   read more
  • 520 Scientists Issue Statement with Solutions to Global Life Support Problems

    Sunday, May 26, 2013
    Recognizing that these five crises are deeply intertwined with one another, the report sets forth “broad-brush” policy proposals to slow the destruction humanity is wreaking on the biosphere. These include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, better land management, slowing the rate of population growth and changing industrial processes to reduce toxic waste.   read more
  • Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs: Who Is Danny Russel?

    Sunday, May 26, 2013
    Russel worked as director of the State Department Office of Japanese Affairs from August 2008 to January 2009. He then took a job with the Obama administration, serving as director for Japan, South Korea and North Korea at the National Security Council from January 2009 to 2011 and as special assistant to the president and senior director for Asian Affairs since then.   read more
  • Labeled “Losers” by Romney and Palin, Tesla Motors Pays off Government Loan 5 Years Early

    Saturday, May 25, 2013
    According to Elon Musk, Tesla’s co-founder, the company had another five years to pay the government back (while the Energy Department claimed the number was actually nine years). Instead, it fully paid off the debt this month, thanks to a surge in its stock price. "Having accepted taxpayer money, I thought we had an obligation to repay it as soon as we reasonably could," Musk told The Wall Street Journal, “If economics were the only consideration, we would not have done this.”   read more
  • Neighbors Sue Photographer in “Rear Window” Case

    Saturday, May 25, 2013
    In what’s being called the “Rear Window” case, Arne Svenson used a telephoto camera to photograph his neighbors from his studio across the way, snapping pictures of the Foster family as they went about their daily lives. Svenson admits he never informed the Fosters about what he was doing.   read more
  • Appeals Court Rules Government Cannot Deny Visa on “Terrorism” Grounds without a Stated Reason

    Saturday, May 25, 2013
    Two years later, Berashk finally was granted an interview with a U.S. consular officer After waiting nine months for a decision from the U.S. embassy, only to learn Berashk had been turned down, Din filed a lawsuit to force officials to explain why her husband was denied entry into the U.S. The only thing the State Department did was point to a broad 1,000-word provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act that excludes applicants for a variety of terrorism-related reasons.   read more
  • Director of the National Reconnaissance Office: Who Is Betty Sapp?

    Saturday, May 25, 2013
    Joining the Central Intelligence Agency in 1997, Sapp was subsequently assigned to the NRO, where she held several senior management positions. In May 2007, Sapp became acquisition and resource director for the under secretary of defense for intelligence. In July 2008, her position was renamed deputy under secretary of defense for portfolio, programs and resources. In April 2009, Sapp became principal deputy director of NRO.   read more
  • Chemical Safety Board Accuses ATF of Interfering with Probe of Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion

    Friday, May 24, 2013
    Moure-Eraso also wrote that the “incident site was massively and irreversibly altered under the direction of ATF personnel, who used cranes, bulldozers and other excavation apparatus in an ultimately unsuccessful quest to find a single ignition source for the original fire.” ATF has said it was the fire marshal’s decision to bar CSB from the site.   read more
  • U.S. Energy Grid under Attack

    Friday, May 24, 2013
    The investigation by the staffs of Representative Ed Markey (D-Massachusetts) and Representative Henry Waxman (D-California) found that the U.S. power grid has been the focus of daily cyber attacks, with one utility reporting it was subject to 10,000 attempts a month. In addition, “More than a dozen utilities reported “daily,” “constant,” or “frequent” attempted cyberattacks ranging from phishing to malware infection to unfriendly probes.”   read more
  • Texas Bill Allows Police to Seize Guns from People in “Mental Crisis”

    Friday, May 24, 2013
    Senate Bill 1189, introduced by Republican state Senator Joan Huffman, authorizes law enforcement to seize firearms if a Texan is found to be a danger to themselves or others. Suggested by Texas Appleseed, a nonprofit advocacy organization, the new law was recommended in a 2012 report calling for changes to the state’s mental health code, which hasn’t been updated since 1985.   read more
  • 4 States Pass Laws Hiding Names of Suppliers of Death Penalty Drugs

    Friday, May 24, 2013
    Georgia adopted a new law in March that deems any information about a “person or entity that manufactures, supplies, compounds, or prescribes the drugs, medical supplies or medical equipment” used in executions to be a “confidential state secret.” In addition, three other states — Arkansas, South Dakota and Tennessee — have amended their public records laws to exempt the names of suppliers from disclosure.   read more
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