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  • Can Biden Murder Trump and Get Away With it?

    Monday, March 11, 2024
    Rumors are spreading that the U.S. Supreme Court will vote 5-4 to rule that a U.S. president cannot be prosecuted for anything he does while he is president. Some Democrats are suggesting that Joe Biden bring a gun to his first debate with Donald Trump. If he shoots Trump, he would be immune, but if Trump shoots Biden he would be prosecuted because he is not a sitting president.   read more
  • Chair of the Presidio Trust: Who Is Paula Collins?

    Tuesday, April 11, 2017
    Collins and her husband, Chuck, launched WDG Ventures, a real estate development company in San Francisco. They helped develop the Moscone Convention Center and the company has worked on large hotels, medical centers and other projects. Collins was one of the founding directors in 2006 of Presidio Bank, a business bank in the San Francisco Bay area and continues to serve on its board. In May 2015, Collins joined the national board of the American Automobile Association as secretary.   read more
  • States’ Co-Chair of the Appalachian Regional Commission: Who Is Bill Haslam?

    Monday, April 10, 2017
    In 2010, Haslam ran for and won the governorship of Tennessee, weathering criticism by his opponents over allegations of price-gouging by his oil firm in the aftermath of fuel shortages following Hurricane Katrina. Ranked as the 17th most conservative governor in the country, Haslam's controversial initiatives allowed therapists to turn away LGBT clients, criminal assault prosecutions of new mothers who'd used narcotics while pregnant, and denial of public school teachers' bargaining rights.   read more
  • Chairman of the Election Assistance Commission: Who Is Matthew Masterson?

    Sunday, April 09, 2017
    At EAC, Masterson helped develop voluntary voting system guidelines.Since the job of the EAC is to ensure states comply with the Help America Vote Act of 2002, it’s ironic that Masterson went to work for Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted. Husted has worked to suppress the vote of Democratic-leaning Ohio voters, particularly in the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections. During Masterson’s tenure there, Husted cut early voting in Democratic areas while increasing hours in Republican strongholds.   read more
  • Administrator of Job Corps: Who is Lenita Jacobs-Simmons?

    Friday, April 07, 2017
    In South Carolina, Jacobs-Simmons served as grants administrator for the Charleston County government and executive director of the Trident Workforce Investment Board. In 1999, she joined the Labor Department’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) as deputy assistant secretary. In 2002, she was named administrator of the Department of Labor and deputy assistant secretary for ETA’s field operations. She was subsequently named regional administrator for ETA’s Philadelphia office.   read more
  • Director of National Intelligence: Who Is Dan Coats?

    Friday, April 07, 2017
    In 2014, Coats fought for tough sanctions against Russia after its invasion and annexation of Crimea. He was a member of the secretive The Fellowship (or The Family), a Christian group that includes many conservative lawmakers and has promoted a fundamentalist agenda in the U.S. and around the world, including anti-gay laws in African countries. Coats fought the idea of gays serving openly in the U.S. military in the 1990s and once called same-sex marriage a sign of “deep moral confusion.”   read more
  • Chair of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission: Who Is Thomas Hicks?

    Thursday, April 06, 2017
    Hicks worked as a senior lobbyist and policy analyst for Common Cause, a nonpartisan, nonprofit group that empowers citizens to make their voices heard in the political process and to hold their elected leaders accountable to the public interest. He then served as a senior elections counsel and minority elections counsel on the House Committee on House Administration, responsible for issues relating to campaign finance, election reform, contested elections and oversight of both the EAC and FEC.   read more
  • Chair of the Board of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting: Who Is Lori Gilbert?

    Wednesday, April 05, 2017
    Since October 1986, Gilbert has been news director at KELK/KLKO Radio in Elko, Nevada, where for about 18 years she has hosted a daily half-hour community news program, “Elko Live.” In 1997, she became the founding news director and first anchor of KENV TV News 10 in Elko. Gilbert was appointed to the CPB board by President George W. Bush in 2008, and reappointed to a second term by President Obama in 2013. In 2003, Gilbert had a voice role in the movie "Identity," starring John Cusack.   read more
  • Solicitor General: Who Is Noel Francisco?

    Wednesday, April 05, 2017
    Francisco represented R.J. Reynolds Tobacco in its successful First Amendment challenge to a federal regulation requiring cigarette manufacturers to display graphic warning images on cigarette packages. Francisco also won the appeal of former Republican Governor Bob McDonnell of Virginia, who’d been convicted of taking bribes. He recently found himself in the midst of a prominent case as acting solicitor general when he had to argue that Trump’s travel ban should be implemented.   read more
  • Chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Who Is Jenny Yang?

    Tuesday, April 04, 2017
    Yang began her government service as a trial attorney in Dept of Justice Civil Rights Division. At the law firm of Cohen Milstein, she represented plaintiffs, mainly workers, in civil rights class actions and wage collective actions. Her prominent cases included Dukes v. Wal-Mart, the largest sex-discrimination class-action suit in history, in which she represented a class of 1.6 million women against Wal-Mart. The case went to the Supreme Court before being dismissed on technical grounds.   read more
  • Co-Chair of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board: Who Is Jami Miscik?

    Monday, April 03, 2017
    Miscik oversaw the team of CIA analysts that produced the August 2001, report, “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the U.S.,” which was infamously ignored by the Bush administration five weeks prior to the 9/11 attacks. She was one of the CIA officials who rejected the linking of Saddam Hussein with al-Qaeda as one of the reasons for invading Iraq. Mascik threatened to resign from the agency two months before the invasion, in response to pressure from VP Cheney’s chief of staff, Scooter Libby.   read more
  • Chairman of the Udall Foundation: Who Is Eric Eberhard?

    Saturday, April 01, 2017
    In 1989, Eberhard began a stint working for Sen. John McCain as general counsel and staffer on the Senate Indian Affairs Committee. He was first named to the Udall board of trustees in 2000 and was subsequently reappointed by Democratic and Republican presidents. He later led its Committee on the Native Nations Institute for Leadership, Management and Policy at the University of Arizona, which provides tribal decision makers with professional training.   read more
  • Chairman of the Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission: Who Is Harry Hill?

    Friday, March 31, 2017
    Hill worked for 3½ years in Japan as an English teacher in the Gifu prefecture schools. He later wrote that, “My interest in Japan grew after my freshman year at university in 1981 after I read a book called Japan as Number One. Around the same time, I started practicing a Japanese martial art called Shorinji Kempo, which increased my interest in Japan.” Hill returned to New York briefly to work for Yamaichi Securities on Wall Street, but by 1990 was back in Japan as an entrepreneur.   read more
  • Chair of the Intelligence Oversight Board: Who is Neil Wolin?

    Thursday, March 30, 2017
    In 2009, President Obama nominated Wolin as deputy secretary of the Treasury, which prompted objections from both the left and the right. The left objected to Wolin’s role in drafting the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act and played an important role in causing the economic collapse of 2008. The right was suspicious of Wolin because he was a major player for Hartford Insurance, which was now requesting bailout funds from the Dept of Treasury.   read more
  • President-CEO of the Inter-American Foundation: Who Is Robert Kaplan?

    Wednesday, March 29, 2017
    Kaplan joined the World Bank to work on educational and environmental projects. He led a $250 million grant program, Pilot Project to Conserve the Brazilian Rain Forest. In 1994, Kaplan joined the Inter-American Development Bank. He became chief of its Environment and Natural Resource Management Division for Mexico, Central America, the Dominican Republic and Haiti in 1998 and in 2007 was named chief adviser to the executive vice president. He remained there until joining the IAF.   read more
  • Executive Director of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness: Who Is Matthew Doherty?

    Tuesday, March 28, 2017
    In 2013, Doherty was promoted to regional coordinator team leader, and a year later he was made director of national initiatives, a post he held until tapped to lead the ICH. In his tenure there, Doherty helped implement Opening Doors, an Obama administration program to end homelessness and focus on certain communities within that group. In cities including Houston, New Orleans, Salt Lake City and Phoenix, the program saw success in cutting homelessness among veterans to zero.   read more
  • Co-Chair of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board: Who is Shirley Ann Jackson?

    Monday, March 27, 2017
    Jackson's work at Bell Labs was credited with the development of fiber optics, caller ID and call waiting for phones. In 1995, President Clinton appointed her to head the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and she became the 18th president of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She was the first female and first African-American to serve in those positions. In 2016, President Obama awarded her the National Medal of Science, the nation's highest honor for contributions in science and engineering.   read more
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