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  • Can Biden Murder Trump and Get Away With it?

    Monday, March 11, 2024
    Rumors are spreading that the U.S. Supreme Court will vote 5-4 to rule that a U.S. president cannot be prosecuted for anything he does while he is president. Some Democrats are suggesting that Joe Biden bring a gun to his first debate with Donald Trump. If he shoots Trump, he would be immune, but if Trump shoots Biden he would be prosecuted because he is not a sitting president.   read more
  • Trump’s Attacks on Press Serve to Rally Public to Its Support

    Monday, December 19, 2016
    As Trump tries to burn the media village down, he may just be saving it. His running campaign of Twitter attacks and vows to punish the traditional news media is threatening to put the industry on more solid economic footing, where customers are willing to pay for it more regularly. As the country and the world head into this confusing new era, news organizations are in a position to make a newly urgent pitch: Buying a subscription is tantamount to supporting the pillars of democracy.   read more
  • Religious Freedom Law, Heavily Relied on by Justice Dept. to Fight State Anti-Muslim Actions, May be Ignored by Trump’s Attorney General

    Monday, December 19, 2016
    Civil rights advocates see a growing wave of intolerance that has been amplified by the victory of Trump. Experts on religious freedom worry Trump’s inauguration leaves the future of the religious freedom law in doubt. The man he has nominated to lead the Justice Dept, Sen. Jeff Sessions, has endorsed Trump’s call for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration. As the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, Sessions might be less sympathetic to pursuing investigations involving Muslim rights.   read more
  • California County Fights Chevron and School District to Defend Voter-Approved Law Limiting Oil Production

    Monday, December 19, 2016
    The San Ardo Field is the 46th largest oil field in the U.S. The oil is “heavy” and has the consistency of ketchup, but by injecting steam it is heated and extracted more easily. Chevron is the largest operator on the site, producing about 11,000 barrels of oil per day. Measure Z, presented to voters as a ban on fracking and risky oil operations to protect the region’s water, passed with 56% approval on Nov. 8. It prohibits fracking and other procedures deemed a danger to groundwater.   read more
  • Wealthy Americans May Get Hefty Tax Cut with Repeal of Obamacare

    Sunday, December 18, 2016
    Republicans may be handing wealthy Americans a big tax cut by repealing Obamacare. The "repeal" part of the GOP promise would definitely have one-sided consequences, said researcher Gordon Mermin. "This is a change that helps high-income folks more than everyone else," he said. "People who currently get these premium tax credits are going to lose a lot." More than 8 million consumers could take a significant hit. They would lose financial assistance worth several thousand dollars.   read more
  • U.S. Justice Dept. Sues Michigan City for Religious Discrimination in Rejecting Mosque Application

    Sunday, December 18, 2016
    The Justice Dept civil rights division based its lawsuit on a law meant to prohibit religious discrimination and prevent unjustified burdens on people exercising their religion. Vanita Gupta, the civil rights division's chief, said they would continue to “aggressively protect” the rights of communities to live, pray and worship. “We have definitely seen a spike in these cases, in problems when it comes to minority religions,” Azzam Elder, lead lawyer for the community center, said Friday.   read more
  • Surge in Drug-Affected Newborns Driven by Rising Rural-Area Female Opioid Use

    Sunday, December 18, 2016
    The rates correspond with women's use of opioid drugs during pregnancy. This includes use or misuse of oxycodone and other prescription opioid painkillers, and use of illegal narcotics. Newborns whose mothers use these drugs during pregnancy are at risk for seizures, excessive crying, problems with breathing, sleeping and feeding and other withdrawal symptoms. Treatment sometimes includes methadone and babies may need to be hospitalized for weeks or months.   read more
  • America's Wonder Woman Handed Pink Slip by U.N. after Protests of Over Her Ambassadorship

    Sunday, December 18, 2016
    The comic book heroine was abruptly fired from her ambassador job at the U.N. following protests from both inside and outside the world organization that a white, skimpily dressed American prone to violence wasn't the best role model for girls. Critics said the appointment was tone deaf at a time when real women are fighting against sexual exploitation and abuse, and that there were plenty of real heroines that could be the face for gender equality.   read more
  • Latvia’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Andris Teikmanis?

    Sunday, December 18, 2016
    Teikmanis was recognized by human rights activists when he found protesters against the Soviet-backed regime not guilty for their part in a non-approved demonstration. In 2005, he was named ambassador to Russia, at one point angering Moscow saying the “Russian state is unfriendly to Latvia.” At a Moscow press conference, he was splattered with fruit juice by two members of the National Bolshevik Party protesting the detention of their leader by the Latvian government.   read more
  • Group of U.S. Electors Demand Briefing from U.S. Intelligence on Russia Election Interference

    Saturday, December 17, 2016
    When CIA said Russia likely sought to influence the U.S. election on behalf of Trump, 10 electors sent an unprecedented letter to Director of National Intelligence Clapper demanding a briefing. Their letter described the Electoral College as a deliberative body whose members have more than an "empty or formalistic task" to cast their votes. "There's been an attack on the integrity of the U.S.," said one elector. "As a person with a background in national security, I take that very seriously."   read more
  • Nebraska’s Discriminatory Justice System Has Left 10% of State’s Children with a Parent in “Debtors’ Prison”

    Saturday, December 17, 2016
    “One in 10 children in Nebraska have a parent who is behind bars,” according to the report. Coincidentally, or not, “One in 10 Nebraskans are people of color,” the study notes. However, “More than five in 10 Nebraskans in jail pretrial are people of color. Before they even get to trial, Nebraska defendants charged with nonviolent offenses spend an average of 48 days behind bars. This research shows a clear and disturbing overrepresentation of people of color behind bars in Nebraska as well.”   read more
  • Whistleblowers’ Exposure of Wrongdoing Leads to Reform at Culpable Companies

    Saturday, December 17, 2016
    The costs to whistleblowers are high; they often face retaliation and are unable to find work because they are blackballed. These very real perils underscore the significance of new research that found a sharp and lasting drop in financial wrongdoing at companies that were subject to whistleblower investigations. “Following the allegations,” said the study, “whistleblower firms are significantly more likely to experience a decrease in the incidence of accounting irregularities."   read more
  • Mannequin Wearing Oxygen Mask Rescued from Locked Car by New York Police

    Saturday, December 17, 2016
    The Times Union of Albany reports that a caller told police there was an elderly woman "frozen to death" in a parked car. Officers rushed to the scene and found what appeared to be a woman sitting in a car's front passenger seat wearing an oxygen mask. A sergeant busted a rear window, opened the door and discovered that the woman was a realistic mannequin.   read more
  • Luxembourg’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Sylvie Lucas?

    Saturday, December 17, 2016
    Lucas’ first assignment in the United States came in 1995, when she was named deputy permanent representative to the United Nations in New York. She served there until 2000, when she returned to Luxembourg as the ministry’s deputy director for political affairs. Lucas got her first ambassadorial assignment, to Portugal with concurrent accreditation to Cabo Verde in 2003. She returned home the following year to serve as director for political affairs.   read more
  • Will Trump Scrap NASA’s Climate Research Mission?

    Friday, December 16, 2016
    With the election of Donald Trump, there was immediate concern inside NASA about the future of the agency’s earth-science program. Within hours of Trump’s acceptance speech on Nov. 9, an internal email circulated within NASA acknowledging worry that “funding may now be exposed to severe reductions.” Trump's space policy advisor is pushing to take climate science out of NASA, and his NASA transition chief has strong skepticism about the severity of global warming.   read more
  • Price of Antidote for Heroin Overdose Skyrockets as Much As 500%

    Friday, December 16, 2016
    The price of Narcan -- the lifesaving heroin-overdose antidote that revives the dying -- has skyrocketed, with one formulation rising more than 500% in two years. Although Narcan first hit the market in 1971, demand has skyrocketed as the opioid epidemic worsens. And with more potent opioids on the street -- such as fentanyl -- first responders, the largest consumers of the drug, are finding they need multiple doses to revive overdose victims.   read more
  • Increase in Sexual Misconduct and Reprisal Allegations against Top Army Officials

    Friday, December 16, 2016
    They represent some of the more serious misconduct concerns faced by the military. And they underscore the fact that transgressions are occurring in the higher ranks. Sexual misconduct — which includes assault, harassment and improper affairs — and professional retaliation have long been identified by the Pentagon. Reprisal is the "number one allegation" that the inspector general's office investigates. "This is very concerning," said the memo sent last month to top Army leaders.   read more
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