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  • Can Biden Murder Trump and Get Away With it?

    Monday, March 11, 2024
    Rumors are spreading that the U.S. Supreme Court will vote 5-4 to rule that a U.S. president cannot be prosecuted for anything he does while he is president. Some Democrats are suggesting that Joe Biden bring a gun to his first debate with Donald Trump. If he shoots Trump, he would be immune, but if Trump shoots Biden he would be prosecuted because he is not a sitting president.   read more
  • Texas Courts Accused of Criminalizing Poverty with Debtors’ Prisons

    Wednesday, November 23, 2016
    "There is no out, honestly, there is no way out," said the single mother from Houston. "Even if you want to do the right thing, you want to pay your citation, you get caught up in this spider web of citations that are tangled up with late fees and surcharges and there is no...way out." She is among thousands of Texans living in poverty who have found themselves ensnared in a legal system that brings increasing debt and often lands them in jail because they are unable to pay traffic fines   read more
  • New Study Could Pressure VA to Expand Agent Orange Benefits for Vets

    Wednesday, November 23, 2016
    The findings come 41 years after the close of the Vietnam War. Since then, veterans have become increasingly distrustful of the VA. They maintain that their exposure to Agent Orange, which contained the toxic chemical dioxin, has harmed their own health and has been passed on to their children. The VA had been expected to announce its decision this year, but officials now say that will be left to the administration of Donald Trump.   read more
  • Director of the Central Intelligence Agency: Who Is Mike Pompeo?

    Tuesday, November 22, 2016
    Pompeo has called for harsher treatment of suspected terrorists and opposed Obama’s Iran deal to limit its nuclear capability. On NSA monitoring of Americans’ communications, Pompeo said, “I believe that program has proven to be a very valuable asset for the intelligence community and for law enforcement.” He praised tech firms for complying with government surveillance requests. He also suggested that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden be given the death penalty.   read more
  • Trump’s Expected Economic Retreat from Latin America Fuels Region’s Outreach to China

    Tuesday, November 22, 2016
    Trump on the campaign trail pledged to break up trade deals such as the North American Free Trade Agreement, deport illegal migrants and build a wall to keep out millions from Mexico and Latin America, sending shockwaves across a region that for two centuries has looked northward for policy guidance. Nobody in the region is expecting much from Trump in terms of really productive policy. That leaves room for China to play a much more important role," said China expert Margaret Myers.   read more
  • Obama Blocks New Oil and Gas Drilling in Arctic Ocean

    Tuesday, November 22, 2016
    All of Obama's environmental accomplishments are at risk from Trump's presidency. Trump loathes regulation and wants to increase oil and gas drilling and the use of coal. He said he believes climate change is a hoax and has vowed to "cancel" U.S. involvement in the landmark Paris Agreement on global warming. He may also weaken or kill the Clean Power Plan, a cornerstone Obama policy meant to reduce carbon pollution from the nation's power plants as part of an effort to combat climate change.   read more
  • VP-Elect Pence Tells Indiana Court He Won’t Comply with Law Requiring Him to Disclose Gubernatorial Records

    Tuesday, November 22, 2016
    Pence has long presented himself as a champion of a free press. But his gubernatorial administration has argued against the public release of emails and other documents that could shed light on his tenure as governor. His office has withheld documents, delayed responses or flatly denied public records requests filed by news organizations. Yet he aggressively criticized Hillary Clinton for refusing to release emails sent from a private server she maintained while secretary of state.   read more
  • Education Secretary Calls for End to Corporal Punishment in Nation’s Schools

    Tuesday, November 22, 2016
    More than 110,000 students, including disproportionate numbers of black and disabled students, were subjected to paddling or a similar punishment in 2013-14. King said it would be considered "criminal assault or battery" against an adult. "[It] has been clearly and repeatedly linked to negative health and academic outcomes for students, "he said. "It is opposed by parent organizations, teachers unions, medical and mental health professionals and civil rights advocates..."   read more
  • Oklahoma Town Sues 27 Energy Companies for Role in Destructive Earthquakes

    Monday, November 21, 2016
    In their lawsuit, Pawnee residents say the 27 companies operate wastewater injection wells even though they know the method causes earthquakes. Oklahoma has had thousands of earthquakes in recent years, with nearly all traced to underground wastewater disposal. "We have clients who don't allow their children to go upstairs because they're afraid the roof will fall in on them," said Curt Marshall, an attorney for the residents. "There's a lot of fear; when is the next big one?"   read more
  • As U.S. Hate Crimes Rise in Wake of Trump Win, Their Underreporting by Nation’s Police Leaves FBI with Flawed Data

    Monday, November 21, 2016
    Shortly after Donald Trump was elected president, the Southern Poverty Law Center encouraged people to share details about potential hate crimes. By the next day, they’d received 250 reports – more than they’re used to seeing in six months. Then the FBI released its latest national tabulation, which showed a 67% increase in anti-Muslim hate crimes. Those worried about the consequences of Trump’s triumph have seized on these reports to express concern over emboldened white nationalists.   read more
  • Widespread Abuse of Disabled Found in Illinois Taxpayer-Funded Group Homes

    Monday, November 21, 2016
    A male group resident was beaten to death by his caregiver after being accused of stealing cookies. Employees abused a female resident by binding her hands and ankles with duct tape, covering her head with a blanket and leaving her on a kitchen floor for hours. In many cases, the health and safety of residents has been left to unlicensed and scantly trained employees. The death toll has risen due to caregivers failing to promptly call 911, perform CPR or respond to medical emergencies.   read more
  • Surge in U.S. Traffic Deaths Blamed on New Cell Phone Tech Distractions

    Monday, November 21, 2016
    After steady declines over the last four decades, highway fatalities last year recorded the largest annual percentage increase in 50 years. And the numbers this year are even worse. In the first six months of 2016, highway deaths jumped 10.4%, to 17,775, from the comparable period of 2015, according to the NHTSA. “This is a serious public safety concern for the nation,” said PCIAA VP Gordon. “We are all trying to figure out to what extent this is the new normal.”   read more
  • Trump Factor Steers Foreign Students Away from U.S. Colleges, Putting at Risk Schools’ Annual $32 Billion in Foreign Revenue

    Sunday, November 20, 2016
    U.S. college admissions officials are worried that Trump’s election could portend a decline in international candidates. Such a disruption could be particularly worrisome for universities who balance their books with income from international students, who generally pay higher tuition. “It’s the main topic of conversation among my friends,” said Palak Gera, 21. “They don’t want to apply to the U.S. under Trump.” Said Aman Kumar, age 18: “I’m thinking of applying to Canada."   read more
  • Federal Judge Decries U.S. Surveillance of Occupy Demonstrators, Orders Spy Agencies to Disclose Records

    Sunday, November 20, 2016
    The FBI, CIA and NSA have 60 days to comply with the order that follows a 2012 case in which the FBI disclosed its efforts to monitor Occupy Wall Street activities. The FBI shared information about Occupy's plans with banks, businesses and local police, even as it acknowledged the protesters' nonviolent mission. "The government should not be investigating its citizens simply because they've raised their voices in dissent, whether it's against government or corporate policy," Hetznecker said.   read more
  • Noise Must Be Made by New Hybrid and Electric Cars to Save Pedestrian Lives, Says New Federal Rule

    Sunday, November 20, 2016
    The rule requires hybrid and electric vehicles to make audible noise when traveling in reverse or forward at speeds up to about 19 mph. The sound alert isn't required at higher speeds because other factors, such as tire and wind noise, provide warning. The new rule could help prevent about 2,400 pedestrian injuries a year once all hybrids on the road are equipped to make noise, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.   read more
  • 2,000% Increase in Election-Season Use of Term “Post-Truth” Makes it Oxford’s Word of the Year

    Sunday, November 20, 2016
    It's a term sometimes used to describe the current political climate. Oxford Dictionaries said Wednesday that use of the term rose 2,000 percent between 2015 and 2016, often in discussions of Britain's decision to leave the European Union and the campaign of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump. It's often used in the phrase "post-truth politics" and is defined as belonging to a time in which truth has become irrelevant.   read more
  • Greece’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Theocharis Lalacos?

    Sunday, November 20, 2016
    In 2013, Lalacos was named head of the liaison office in Skopije, Macedonia. There, he dealt with, among other things, Greece’s refusal to allow the country to call itself Macedonia. Lalacos remained there until being sent to Washington. One of his challenges will be to get help for his country as it deals with its refugee crisis, with thousands landing there and being forced to remain in camps.   read more
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