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  • Can Biden Murder Trump and Get Away With it?

    Monday, March 11, 2024
    Rumors are spreading that the U.S. Supreme Court will vote 5-4 to rule that a U.S. president cannot be prosecuted for anything he does while he is president. Some Democrats are suggesting that Joe Biden bring a gun to his first debate with Donald Trump. If he shoots Trump, he would be immune, but if Trump shoots Biden he would be prosecuted because he is not a sitting president.   read more
  • Americans’ Widespread Concerns over Vitamin D Deficiency Called Groundless

    Thursday, November 10, 2016
    Correctly interpreted, less than 6 percent of Americans ages 1 to 70 are deficient and only 13 percent are in danger of not getting enough. That's concerning, "but these levels of deficiency do not constitute a pandemic," the authors write. Yet people may think there is one. Doctors say there's too much needless testing and too many people taking too many pills for a problem that few people truly have.   read more
  • Calcium Buildup in Womb Seen as Possible Cause of Premature Births

    Thursday, November 10, 2016
    The culprit seems to be abnormal calcium deposits that make the normally elastic amniotic sac prone to rupture. Such calcium buildup in the womb is similar to the kind that stiffens older people's arteries or causes kidney stones. Premature birth can cause lifelong health problems, and babies who are very premature can die. Sometimes there's an obvious cause, such as an infection. Yet most of the time, doctors can't explain what triggers preterm birth in an otherwise healthy pregnant woman.   read more
  • After High-Profile Shootings, Blacks Seek Prosecutor Seats

    Wednesday, November 09, 2016
    The effort faces steep demographic and institutional obstacles that have kept the offices of elected prosecutors — those deciding whether to seek criminal charges against the officers responsible — among the whitest reserves in U.S. politics. Only a few dozen out of more than 2,300 elected prosecutors nationwide are African-American. Even the National Black Prosecutors Association, which has 400 members, can point to only about a dozen who were elected to their posts.   read more
  • Cyprus’ Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Leonidas Pantelides?

    Wednesday, November 09, 2016
    In 2001, Pantelides was made ambassador to Greece. He returned to Cyprus in 2008 to serve as the head of the diplomatic office for President Demetris Christofias. He was caught up in some controversy when, after Cypriot forces in 2009 confiscated munitions from a ship bound for Syria, the contraband exploded in a naval yard in 2011, killing 13. Christofias and Pantelides were among those found to be at least partly responsible for the failure to secure the munitions.   read more
  • Is It Over Yet?? Relief from Presidential Campaign Used as Theme of Product Pitches

    Tuesday, November 08, 2016
    The American Psychological Association said that 52% of American adults cited the presidential election as a “very or somewhat significant source of stress." After the debates, Excedrin tweeted: “Debates bring headaches; Excedrin brings fast headache relief.” It added that 73% of Americans would experience election-related headaches this year. Ringling's ad had a clown saying: “People keep calling candidates clowns. But we’re real clowns, and we take clowning seriously.”   read more
  • Facebook’s Ethnic Targeting Draws Lawsuit and U.S. Housing Dept. Review

    Tuesday, November 08, 2016
    Facebook users filed a class-action lawsuit against Facebook, asserting that its ad-targeting technology violates the law. “There is no mechanism to prevent ad buyers from purchasing ads...and then excluding based on these illegal characteristics,” said the complaint. “[N]o user can tell whether they are subject to illegal discrimination, because the discrimination occurs with the ads they do not see. ...The problem will not be remedied unless Facebook is forced to take additional action.”   read more
  • Muslim Americans Experience Greater Scrutiny than Other Travelers at U.S. Airports

    Tuesday, November 08, 2016
    “I have to go an extra hour earlier than anybody else, because it’s not random checking,” Syed said. An American and a Muslim, Syed wears a hijab, or head covering. More often than not, she said, she is pulled aside at security check-in for secondary screenings and pat-downs, the examiner feeling her head through the hijab. Syed and many of her American Muslim friends and Islamic-rights advocates are all too familiar with what many refer to as the stigma of traveling while Muslim.   read more
  • Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Sues FEC to Rein in Super-PAC Spending

    Tuesday, November 08, 2016
    The challengers contend that SpeechNow has allowed wealthy donors to use super PACs as vehicles that let them "evade campaign-contribution limits designed to prevent corruption and the appearance of corruption." With 3,000 super PACs operating in the 2016 election cycle, 40% of contributions to these groups have come from the same 50 sources. As of October, they had raised $1.1 billion and made total expenditures of more than $799 million.   read more
  • Environmental Groups Target Big Banks that Funded $2.5-Billion Dakota Pipeline Loan

    Tuesday, November 08, 2016
    In campaigning to reduce the world’s carbon emissions, environmentalists have increasingly focused on the financiers behind the fossil fuel industry — highlighting their role in financing coal, oil and gas projects. The groups have blasted the Dakota Access pipeline as outdated infrastructure with no place in a world racing to stave off the worst effects of climate change. The pipeline is expected to carry half a million barrels of crude oil daily out of the Bakken fields of North Dakota.   read more
  • Rise in Social Media’s Power Reveals Growing Threat to Democracy: Fake News

    Monday, November 07, 2016
    Facebook and Twitter have been exposing millions of Americans to false stories. The contraction in the reporting corps, with the success of disinformation this year, is making for some sleepless nights in this fake-news environment. “It’s the biggest crisis facing our democracy, the failing business model of real journalism,” said Sen. McCaskill. “If you have a society where people can’t agree on basic facts, how do you have a functioning democracy?” said Post editor Baron.   read more
  • Increasing Use of Big Data to Fight Crime Poses Civil Liberties Risks

    Monday, November 07, 2016
    This technology raises issues of civil liberties, as digital information provided by social media is combined with criminal data by companies that sell it to law enforcement. The ACLU, citing reports that the Chicago Police used a computer analysis to create a “heat list” that unfairly associated innocent people with criminal behavior, has warned about the dangers of the police using big data. Even companies that make money doing this sort of work warn that it comes with civil rights risks.   read more
  • 20 Hours of Early Ballots in Limbo as U.S. Supreme Court Reinstates Arizona’s Early-Voting Ban

    Monday, November 07, 2016
    The U.S. Supreme Court on Saturday reinstated an Arizona law that makes it a felony to collect early ballots, stepping into a contentious political issue days before the presidential election and hurting Democratic get-out-the-vote efforts. The ruling called into question what happens to ballots that were legally collected from voters in the 20 hours that the law was blocked. The GOP chairman said the the ballots should be returned. Democrats say the law hurts minorities' ability to vote.   read more
  • Unreliable Drug Test Used to Convict Thousands in Las Vegas … and Officials Knew it for Years

    Monday, November 07, 2016
    There’s no way to quantify exactly how many times the field tests were wrong or how many innocent people pleaded guilty based on the inaccurate results, or to assess the damage to their lives. What is clear is that even as they continue to employ field tests to secure arrests and gain convictions, neither the Las Vegas Police nor the DA’s office has informed local judges of the long-standing knowledge of their unreliability. And neither has taken any additional steps to prevent mistakes.   read more
  • Shorthanded U.S. Supreme Court’s Justices Trade “Courtesy Votes” to Maintain Status Quo

    Monday, November 07, 2016
    A death row inmate may be alive today because a transgender Virginia student was denied the use of the bathroom of his choice this year. The two seemingly unrelated cases have one thing in common: In each, a Supreme Court justice switched sides to provide a needed fifth vote to preserve the status quo. Justice Breyer broke with liberal colleagues to provide "a courtesy vote" to four conservative justices. Chief Justice Roberts did a similar favor, switching sides to vote in another case.   read more
  • Grocery Trade Group Fined Record $18 Million for Hiding Donor Names in GMO Ballot Battle

    Sunday, November 06, 2016
    The grocery trade group hid donor contributions to oppose a voter measure that required labeling of genetically modified organisms. It spent $11 million to defeat the initiative, but refused to reveal actual donors such as Coke, Pepsi and Nestle. The entire scheme was concocted to bypass election disclosure rules. Hirsch said the testimony of GMA trade group CEO Pamela Bailey was vague and "combative" during hearings. The fine is the largest campaign-finance penalty in U.S. history.   read more
  • EPA Accused of Withholding Documents in Lawsuit Alleging Breach of Pesticide Regulation

    Sunday, November 06, 2016
    Anderson says a particularly toxic strain of pesticides known as neonicotinoids has killed hundreds of thousands of bees in recent years. He says the EPA has failed to regulate neonicotinoids, even though it is required by law to do so. Alsup suggested that the government could be withholding relevant documents, based on his prior experience as a Justice Dept attorney, when he routinely witnessed government lawyers try to exclude pertinent files from disclosure in lawsuits.   read more
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