Appointments and Resignations

241 to 256 of about 1406 News
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U.S. Ambassador to Croatia: Who Is Julieta Valls Noyes?

Noyes went overseas again in 2008 as the deputy chief of mission and chargé d’affaires in the U.S. mission to the Holy See. She made some news when some cables she had sent concerning the Vatican were released through WikiLeaks. Among the subjects covered in her pithy cables were the Catholic priests’ sex abuse scandal in Ireland and the Vatican’s assistance in releasing U.S. citizens being held by Iran.   read more

Ecuador’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Francisco Borja Cevallos?

In 1988, Borja’s brother, Rodrigo, was elected Ecuador’s president as a member of the Democratic Left Party and Francisco went into government as Rodrigo’s advisor, staying there until 1992 when the term was up. In 2007, Borja was named ambassador to Chile, a post he held for seven years.   read more

U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Maldives: Who Is Atul Keshap?

Keshap was literally born into the world of diplomacy. His father, Keshap Chander Sen, who was from Punjab, India, was a United Nations development economist working in Nigeria when Atul was born there on June 29, 1971. His mother, Zöe Calvert, had been in the U.S. Foreign Service when she met and married Sen in London.   read more

Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration: Who Is Greg Nadeau?

Nadeau was elected to the Maine House of Representatives in 1978 and was the youngest member of that body when he began serving there at age 23. Nadeau joined the Maine Department of Transportation in 2002 as director of policy and communications and in 2004 was named deputy commissioner for policy, planning and communications. Nadeau was named deputy administrator at the Federal Highway Administration in July 2009.   read more

Chairwoman of the Federal Labor Relations Authority: Who Is Carol Waller Pope?

Under Pope’s leadership, the FLRA has gone from being rated as one of the worst places to work in the federal government to one of the best. In 2010 the Partnership for Public Service and the American University Institute for the Study of Public Policy Implementation recognized the FLRA as the “most-improved” small agency.   read more

U.S. Ambassador to Benin: Who Is Lucy Tamlyn?

In 2009, she worked with multilateral organizations as economic counselor to the U.S. mission to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris. Tamlyn was sent to Lisbon in 2011 as the deputy chief of mission in the U.S. embassy in Portugal and returned to the State Department in Washington in 2013 as director of the Office for the Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan.   read more

U.S. Ambassador to Romania: Who Is Hans Klemm?

Hans G. Klemm was nominated on March 25, 2015, to be the next U.S. ambassador to Romania. He presented his credentials to Romanian President President Klaus Iohannis on September 21, 2015. It is the second such posting for Klemm, who previously served in Timor-Leste.   read more

India’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Arun Singh?

It’s the third ambassadorial posting for the long-time member of his country’s foreign service and his third term in the United States. Singh’s first posting as ambassador was to Israel in April 2005. He served there until September 2008, when he returned to the United States as deputy chief of mission in the Indian embassy in Washington. Singh went to Paris in 2013 as ambassador there, a position he held until being appointed to head India’s mission in Washington.   read more

Chairwoman of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board: Who Is Joyce Connery?

In January 2012, Connery took the newly-created position of director of nuclear energy policy in the NSC’s office of international economics. She has a reputation as a proponent of replacing coal fired power plants with small nuclear reactors and of exporting such reactors to other countries.   read more

U.S. Ambassador to Cyprus: Who Is Kathleen Doherty?

Doherty returned to Washington in 2010 as director of the State Department’s Office of European Union and Regional Affairs and in September 2011 was made deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs. She went back to Rome in August 2013 as deputy chief of mission, remaining in that post until her nomination as ambassador.   read more

Director of the National Weather Service: Who Is Louis Uccellini?

On February 10, 2013, Louis W. Uccellini was made director of the National Weather Service (NWS). The appointment of Uccellini, an expert on blizzards, came shortly after Superstorm Sandy raked the Northeast. Uccellini has written extensively on weather, including co-authoring a two-volume publication, Northeast Snowstorms.   read more

Assistant Administrator of the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research: Who Is Craig McLean?

Craig N. McLean was named January 21, 2015, to head the office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). He’s responsible for the agency’s research laboratories, climate program, National Sea Grant, and ocean exploration. Beginning in April 2010, McLean was OAR’s acting assistant administrator.   read more

Longtime Library of Congress Chief to Resign Amid Complaints of Mismanagement

Under his leadership, the Library of Congress has been criticized in more than a dozen government reports for poor management and technology failures that have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars. Billington has been criticized for making only a small fraction of the library’s 24 million books available online. “There is a general sense of relief, hope and renewal, all rolled into one feeling,” said one staffer about the news. “Like a great weight has been lifted from our shoulders.”   read more

U.S. Marshals Service Director Stacia Hylton Resigns

Sen Chuck Grassley said there were “serious questions” about the agency's leadership, including nepotism allegations, punishment of whistleblowers and possibly mishandling of funds. The senator said he would continue to investigate the Marshal Service despite Hylton’s departure. His actions prompted the Justice Department Inspector General to open its own investigation last month. The agency's surveillance methods, which have swept up Americans' phone calls, have also been under scrutiny.   read more

Acting Administrator of the National Ocean Service: Who Is Russell Callender?

W. Russell Callender took over as acting assistant administrator in charge of the National Ocean Service in November 2014, capping a long career with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In 2013, Callender was appointed deputy assistant administrator for the National Ocean Service and took over the agency the following year.   read more

Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development: Who Is Gayle Smith?

From 2005 to 2007, Smith also worked for the Clinton Global Initiative, the organization founded by former President Clinton. Smith joined the Obama administration in 2009 as special assistant to the president and senior director for development and democracy on the National Security Council staff, with responsibility for global development, democracy, and humanitarian assistance issues. She is a longtime associate of Susan Rice, Obama’s national security advisor.   read more
241 to 256 of about 1406 News
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Appointments and Resignations

241 to 256 of about 1406 News
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U.S. Ambassador to Croatia: Who Is Julieta Valls Noyes?

Noyes went overseas again in 2008 as the deputy chief of mission and chargé d’affaires in the U.S. mission to the Holy See. She made some news when some cables she had sent concerning the Vatican were released through WikiLeaks. Among the subjects covered in her pithy cables were the Catholic priests’ sex abuse scandal in Ireland and the Vatican’s assistance in releasing U.S. citizens being held by Iran.   read more

Ecuador’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Francisco Borja Cevallos?

In 1988, Borja’s brother, Rodrigo, was elected Ecuador’s president as a member of the Democratic Left Party and Francisco went into government as Rodrigo’s advisor, staying there until 1992 when the term was up. In 2007, Borja was named ambassador to Chile, a post he held for seven years.   read more

U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Maldives: Who Is Atul Keshap?

Keshap was literally born into the world of diplomacy. His father, Keshap Chander Sen, who was from Punjab, India, was a United Nations development economist working in Nigeria when Atul was born there on June 29, 1971. His mother, Zöe Calvert, had been in the U.S. Foreign Service when she met and married Sen in London.   read more

Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration: Who Is Greg Nadeau?

Nadeau was elected to the Maine House of Representatives in 1978 and was the youngest member of that body when he began serving there at age 23. Nadeau joined the Maine Department of Transportation in 2002 as director of policy and communications and in 2004 was named deputy commissioner for policy, planning and communications. Nadeau was named deputy administrator at the Federal Highway Administration in July 2009.   read more

Chairwoman of the Federal Labor Relations Authority: Who Is Carol Waller Pope?

Under Pope’s leadership, the FLRA has gone from being rated as one of the worst places to work in the federal government to one of the best. In 2010 the Partnership for Public Service and the American University Institute for the Study of Public Policy Implementation recognized the FLRA as the “most-improved” small agency.   read more

U.S. Ambassador to Benin: Who Is Lucy Tamlyn?

In 2009, she worked with multilateral organizations as economic counselor to the U.S. mission to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris. Tamlyn was sent to Lisbon in 2011 as the deputy chief of mission in the U.S. embassy in Portugal and returned to the State Department in Washington in 2013 as director of the Office for the Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan.   read more

U.S. Ambassador to Romania: Who Is Hans Klemm?

Hans G. Klemm was nominated on March 25, 2015, to be the next U.S. ambassador to Romania. He presented his credentials to Romanian President President Klaus Iohannis on September 21, 2015. It is the second such posting for Klemm, who previously served in Timor-Leste.   read more

India’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Arun Singh?

It’s the third ambassadorial posting for the long-time member of his country’s foreign service and his third term in the United States. Singh’s first posting as ambassador was to Israel in April 2005. He served there until September 2008, when he returned to the United States as deputy chief of mission in the Indian embassy in Washington. Singh went to Paris in 2013 as ambassador there, a position he held until being appointed to head India’s mission in Washington.   read more

Chairwoman of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board: Who Is Joyce Connery?

In January 2012, Connery took the newly-created position of director of nuclear energy policy in the NSC’s office of international economics. She has a reputation as a proponent of replacing coal fired power plants with small nuclear reactors and of exporting such reactors to other countries.   read more

U.S. Ambassador to Cyprus: Who Is Kathleen Doherty?

Doherty returned to Washington in 2010 as director of the State Department’s Office of European Union and Regional Affairs and in September 2011 was made deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs. She went back to Rome in August 2013 as deputy chief of mission, remaining in that post until her nomination as ambassador.   read more

Director of the National Weather Service: Who Is Louis Uccellini?

On February 10, 2013, Louis W. Uccellini was made director of the National Weather Service (NWS). The appointment of Uccellini, an expert on blizzards, came shortly after Superstorm Sandy raked the Northeast. Uccellini has written extensively on weather, including co-authoring a two-volume publication, Northeast Snowstorms.   read more

Assistant Administrator of the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research: Who Is Craig McLean?

Craig N. McLean was named January 21, 2015, to head the office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). He’s responsible for the agency’s research laboratories, climate program, National Sea Grant, and ocean exploration. Beginning in April 2010, McLean was OAR’s acting assistant administrator.   read more

Longtime Library of Congress Chief to Resign Amid Complaints of Mismanagement

Under his leadership, the Library of Congress has been criticized in more than a dozen government reports for poor management and technology failures that have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars. Billington has been criticized for making only a small fraction of the library’s 24 million books available online. “There is a general sense of relief, hope and renewal, all rolled into one feeling,” said one staffer about the news. “Like a great weight has been lifted from our shoulders.”   read more

U.S. Marshals Service Director Stacia Hylton Resigns

Sen Chuck Grassley said there were “serious questions” about the agency's leadership, including nepotism allegations, punishment of whistleblowers and possibly mishandling of funds. The senator said he would continue to investigate the Marshal Service despite Hylton’s departure. His actions prompted the Justice Department Inspector General to open its own investigation last month. The agency's surveillance methods, which have swept up Americans' phone calls, have also been under scrutiny.   read more

Acting Administrator of the National Ocean Service: Who Is Russell Callender?

W. Russell Callender took over as acting assistant administrator in charge of the National Ocean Service in November 2014, capping a long career with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In 2013, Callender was appointed deputy assistant administrator for the National Ocean Service and took over the agency the following year.   read more

Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development: Who Is Gayle Smith?

From 2005 to 2007, Smith also worked for the Clinton Global Initiative, the organization founded by former President Clinton. Smith joined the Obama administration in 2009 as special assistant to the president and senior director for development and democracy on the National Security Council staff, with responsibility for global development, democracy, and humanitarian assistance issues. She is a longtime associate of Susan Rice, Obama’s national security advisor.   read more
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