Appointments and Resignations

369 to 384 of about 1406 News
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Inspector General of the Department of Defense: Who Is Jon Rymer?

In 2010, as chairman of the Audit Commission of the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficientcy, he was called in to audit the auditors—investigating the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction. He found the office was out of compliance with some of its audit policies and recommended corrective action. Rymer maintained the dual roles at the FDIC and SEC until being nominated for the Department of Defense post.   read more

Director of Defense Media Activity: Who Is Ray B. Shepherd?

In February 2013, Ray B. Shepherd, a former Air Force public affairs officer, was named Director of Defense Media Activity, which handles public relations for the Armed Forces. One of the most controversial issues since Shepherd has been at Defense Media Activity is the consideration of cuts to Stars & Stripes, the editorially independent newspaper (and now website) aimed at the Armed Forces, due to sequestration. So far, the newspaper is hanging in there.   read more

Acting Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency: Who Is David Shedd?

He joined the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and in 1984 began serving tours in Mexico and in Costa Rica. In 2007, Shedd was named director of national intelligence deputy for policy, plans, and requirements. According to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Shedd “played critical roles in almost every ODNI initiative from 2005 until his departure in 2010.” Shedd was named deputy director of DIA in 2010.   read more

Director of the Defense Contract Management Agency: Who Is Wendy Masiello?

On April 1, 2014, Wendy M. Masiello of the U.S. Air Force was named director of the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA), which handles procurement of everything from uniforms to jet aircraft for the U.S. military. DCMA has more than 12.000 employees and manages more than 330,000 active contracts. With the title came a promotion to lieutenant general.   read more

Director of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service: Who Is James B. Burch?

Burch joined the Secret Service in 1980 and served 27 years there. In October 2007, Burch joined the State Department as its assistant inspector general for investigations. He established Middle East offices in Amman, Jordan and Cairo, Egypt as well as a presence in Baghdad, Iraq, to cope with the influx of Americans in that region.   read more

Ambassador to the United States from Indonesia: Who Is Budi Bowoleksono?

After a stint as deputy director general for Multilateral Affairs, in 2008 Bowoleksono was assigned his first ambassadorial post in Kenya, with responsibility for Seychelles, Mauritius and Uganda, in addition to the United Nations Environment Program and the U.N. High Commission for Refugees. He returned home in 2010 to serve as secretary general in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.   read more

Ambassador to the United States from Timor-Leste: Who Is Domingos Sarmento Alves?

Alves was the spokesman for RENTIL, the National Resistance of Students of Timor-Leste, during that group’s 12-day sit-in at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta in 1994, which coincided with a visit from President Bill Clinton. Alves and 28 other protestors were granted political asylum in Portugal.   read more

Deputy Commandant, Army Command and General Staff College: Who Is Christopher Hughes?

As Hughes and his unit approached Sistani’s residence, a crowd formed and began to get ugly. In response, Hughes held his rifle at arm’s length, muzzle down, and ordered his troops to take a knee and smile. Hughes and his unit then left the scene. He drew much attention, even being mentioned in one of President George W. Bush’s weekly radio addresses, for diffusing the situation. Sistani later issued a proclamation asking Najaf’s residents to cooperate with the Army.   read more

Chief of the National Guard Bureau: Who Is Frank Grass?

As chief of the National Guard Bureau, much of Grass’ time has been spent fighting to keep funding cuts from hurting the Guard’s readiness. Other issues that he has had to deal with are sexual assault prevention and ensuring that same-sex spouses of Guard soldiers and airmen receive the benefits they’re entitled to. In June 2014 Grass did a star turn with an appearance on “Late Night with David Letterman.”   read more

Malaysia’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Awang Adek Hussin?

Awang Adek had hoped to be appointed Menteri Besar, or chief minister, of Kelantan if he was successful in the 2008 election, but he was defeated. He was appointed as a senator in 2009, maintaining his post as deputy finance minister. He was reappointed to the Senate seat in 2012. Awang Adek served as a director of several Malaysian companies before being named ambassador.   read more

Director of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency: Who Is Joseph Rixey?

More recently, Rixey was deputy program executive officer of Air Anti-Submarine Warfare and Advanced Sensors Programs and vice commander of Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command. His last assignment before moving to DSCA was as deputy assistant secretary of the Navy for International Programs and director of the Navy International Programs Office.   read more

Chad’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Mahamat Nasser Hassane?

After his departure from the Energy Ministry, Hassane was a consultant for a year, and then in 2007 was named a senior advisor to Deby. The following year, Hassane was once again named minister of oil and energy. Deby fired him from that post again in 2010, reportedly because Hassane pestered the oil consortium, led by ExxonMobil, about falling production.   read more

Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing: Who Is Lourdes Castro Ramírez?

Castro Ramírez was recruited in 2009 to become the chief executive officer of the San Antonio Housing Authority, which gives housing assistance to 25,000 households. There has been some controversy during her tenure. In 2011, local news reports detailed high travel expenses for Castro Ramírez and other employees of the authority. She was found to have spent five nights in a Washington, D.C., Ritz-Carlton hotel at taxpayer expense. The total bill for that trip was $7,400.   read more

Belgium’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Johan Verbeke?

. He was named the secretary general’s special coordinator in Lebanon, but left after a few months because of concerns for his safety. He was then sent to Georgia in a similar role and was head of the UN Observer Mission until 2009. He returned to Belgium’s foreign service in 2010 as its ambassador to the United Kingdom, serving there until being tapped for the Washington post.   read more

Qatar’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Mohammed Jaham Al Kuwari?

Al Kuwari was born May 20, 1958, one of 13 children of parents who could not read or write. Gaining a scholarship, he attended college in the United States, at the University of Portland in Oregon, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Political Science in 1980. He joined Qatar’s foreign service the following year, with his first posting coming in Washington, D.C.   read more

India’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Subrahmanyam Jaishankar?

Jaishankar accused the United States government in January 2003 of having an “obsession with Iraq” while ignoring the terrorist training and support pipeline that ran through Pakistan and Afghanistan. His father, K. Subrahmanyan, was considered by many to be the “father of Indian strategic thought,” and was the author of India’s nuclear doctrine.   read more
369 to 384 of about 1406 News
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Appointments and Resignations

369 to 384 of about 1406 News
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Inspector General of the Department of Defense: Who Is Jon Rymer?

In 2010, as chairman of the Audit Commission of the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficientcy, he was called in to audit the auditors—investigating the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction. He found the office was out of compliance with some of its audit policies and recommended corrective action. Rymer maintained the dual roles at the FDIC and SEC until being nominated for the Department of Defense post.   read more

Director of Defense Media Activity: Who Is Ray B. Shepherd?

In February 2013, Ray B. Shepherd, a former Air Force public affairs officer, was named Director of Defense Media Activity, which handles public relations for the Armed Forces. One of the most controversial issues since Shepherd has been at Defense Media Activity is the consideration of cuts to Stars & Stripes, the editorially independent newspaper (and now website) aimed at the Armed Forces, due to sequestration. So far, the newspaper is hanging in there.   read more

Acting Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency: Who Is David Shedd?

He joined the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and in 1984 began serving tours in Mexico and in Costa Rica. In 2007, Shedd was named director of national intelligence deputy for policy, plans, and requirements. According to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Shedd “played critical roles in almost every ODNI initiative from 2005 until his departure in 2010.” Shedd was named deputy director of DIA in 2010.   read more

Director of the Defense Contract Management Agency: Who Is Wendy Masiello?

On April 1, 2014, Wendy M. Masiello of the U.S. Air Force was named director of the Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA), which handles procurement of everything from uniforms to jet aircraft for the U.S. military. DCMA has more than 12.000 employees and manages more than 330,000 active contracts. With the title came a promotion to lieutenant general.   read more

Director of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service: Who Is James B. Burch?

Burch joined the Secret Service in 1980 and served 27 years there. In October 2007, Burch joined the State Department as its assistant inspector general for investigations. He established Middle East offices in Amman, Jordan and Cairo, Egypt as well as a presence in Baghdad, Iraq, to cope with the influx of Americans in that region.   read more

Ambassador to the United States from Indonesia: Who Is Budi Bowoleksono?

After a stint as deputy director general for Multilateral Affairs, in 2008 Bowoleksono was assigned his first ambassadorial post in Kenya, with responsibility for Seychelles, Mauritius and Uganda, in addition to the United Nations Environment Program and the U.N. High Commission for Refugees. He returned home in 2010 to serve as secretary general in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.   read more

Ambassador to the United States from Timor-Leste: Who Is Domingos Sarmento Alves?

Alves was the spokesman for RENTIL, the National Resistance of Students of Timor-Leste, during that group’s 12-day sit-in at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta in 1994, which coincided with a visit from President Bill Clinton. Alves and 28 other protestors were granted political asylum in Portugal.   read more

Deputy Commandant, Army Command and General Staff College: Who Is Christopher Hughes?

As Hughes and his unit approached Sistani’s residence, a crowd formed and began to get ugly. In response, Hughes held his rifle at arm’s length, muzzle down, and ordered his troops to take a knee and smile. Hughes and his unit then left the scene. He drew much attention, even being mentioned in one of President George W. Bush’s weekly radio addresses, for diffusing the situation. Sistani later issued a proclamation asking Najaf’s residents to cooperate with the Army.   read more

Chief of the National Guard Bureau: Who Is Frank Grass?

As chief of the National Guard Bureau, much of Grass’ time has been spent fighting to keep funding cuts from hurting the Guard’s readiness. Other issues that he has had to deal with are sexual assault prevention and ensuring that same-sex spouses of Guard soldiers and airmen receive the benefits they’re entitled to. In June 2014 Grass did a star turn with an appearance on “Late Night with David Letterman.”   read more

Malaysia’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Awang Adek Hussin?

Awang Adek had hoped to be appointed Menteri Besar, or chief minister, of Kelantan if he was successful in the 2008 election, but he was defeated. He was appointed as a senator in 2009, maintaining his post as deputy finance minister. He was reappointed to the Senate seat in 2012. Awang Adek served as a director of several Malaysian companies before being named ambassador.   read more

Director of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency: Who Is Joseph Rixey?

More recently, Rixey was deputy program executive officer of Air Anti-Submarine Warfare and Advanced Sensors Programs and vice commander of Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command. His last assignment before moving to DSCA was as deputy assistant secretary of the Navy for International Programs and director of the Navy International Programs Office.   read more

Chad’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Mahamat Nasser Hassane?

After his departure from the Energy Ministry, Hassane was a consultant for a year, and then in 2007 was named a senior advisor to Deby. The following year, Hassane was once again named minister of oil and energy. Deby fired him from that post again in 2010, reportedly because Hassane pestered the oil consortium, led by ExxonMobil, about falling production.   read more

Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing: Who Is Lourdes Castro Ramírez?

Castro Ramírez was recruited in 2009 to become the chief executive officer of the San Antonio Housing Authority, which gives housing assistance to 25,000 households. There has been some controversy during her tenure. In 2011, local news reports detailed high travel expenses for Castro Ramírez and other employees of the authority. She was found to have spent five nights in a Washington, D.C., Ritz-Carlton hotel at taxpayer expense. The total bill for that trip was $7,400.   read more

Belgium’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Johan Verbeke?

. He was named the secretary general’s special coordinator in Lebanon, but left after a few months because of concerns for his safety. He was then sent to Georgia in a similar role and was head of the UN Observer Mission until 2009. He returned to Belgium’s foreign service in 2010 as its ambassador to the United Kingdom, serving there until being tapped for the Washington post.   read more

Qatar’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Mohammed Jaham Al Kuwari?

Al Kuwari was born May 20, 1958, one of 13 children of parents who could not read or write. Gaining a scholarship, he attended college in the United States, at the University of Portland in Oregon, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Political Science in 1980. He joined Qatar’s foreign service the following year, with his first posting coming in Washington, D.C.   read more

India’s Ambassador to the United States: Who Is Subrahmanyam Jaishankar?

Jaishankar accused the United States government in January 2003 of having an “obsession with Iraq” while ignoring the terrorist training and support pipeline that ran through Pakistan and Afghanistan. His father, K. Subrahmanyan, was considered by many to be the “father of Indian strategic thought,” and was the author of India’s nuclear doctrine.   read more
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