Appointments and Resignations

465 to 480 of about 1406 News
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Ambassador from Uganda: Who Is Oliver Wonekha?

Wonekha has been quoted as lamenting the gender difference between legislators in her country. Ugandan male legislators are able to network at pubs and clubs after the sessions, while women are still expected “to rush home and make your spouse comfortable.” Wonekha’s first name—Oliver—has caused some confusion, with some diplomatic directories referring to her as “His Excellency.”   read more

Director of the National Security Agency: Who Is Michael Rogers?

In 2007, Rogers won his first star, being promoted to Rear Admiral (lower half) and being named Director of Intelligence for the U.S. Pacific Command. Two years later, he was named director of intelligence for the Joint Staff, earning another star in 2010. Rogers was named commander of Fleet Cyber Command/10th Fleet in 2011. That job came with a promotion to Vice Admiral. Rogers was named Admiral when he moved to the NSA.   read more

Office of Legal Counsel: Who Is Karl Thompson?

One of his more significant cases was the successful representation of the drug maker Merck & Co. in a lawsuit dealing with its painkiller drug Vioxx, which was later pulled from the market after evidence showed that it increased the risk of heart problems for patients.. Another case Thompson handled was destined to spur criticism of him as he entered government service. He assisted a Navy lawyer in the defense of Omar Khadr, a terror suspect held at Guantánamo.   read more

Ambassador from El Salvador: Who is Rubén Zamora?

Right-wing factions took control of the government in early 1980, forcing out Zamora and assassinating his brother Marrio. Rubén Zamora then fled El Salvador, staying in exile for seven years. Zamora was often a spokesman for the rebels fighting for control of El Salvador, whose government was backed by U.S. President Ronald Reagan. Zamora was blocked by the Reagan State Department from entering the United States during this period.   read more

Ambassador to Colombia: Who Is Kevin Whitaker?

From 2002 to 2005, Whitaker headed the Cuban Affairs Desk for the State Department. During a visit to Havana in December 2002, he met with dissidents and was expelled by Fidel Castro’s government. In 2005, he was named deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Venezuela, another country with which the administration of President George W. Bush was at odds.   read more

Ambassador from Cyprus: Who is Georgios Chacalli?

He had his first posting to the United States in 1997, when he was named counselor in the Cypriot embassy in Washington. He later was named deputy chief of mission. Chacalli’s first ambassadorial posting was in 2004 to Hungary. That posting was followed in 2006 by being named ambassador to the European Union, a post he held until 2010. Then, he was sent to Stockholm as ambassador to Sweden, with additional responsibilities of Norway and Latvia.   read more

Ninth Circuit has Full Set of Judges for First Time in 22 Years

The nation’s largest federal appellate court has a full complement of judges for the first time in 22 years. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is supposed to have 29 judges, but has had at least one vacancy since 1992. Friedland, a San Francisco attorney with Munger Tolles & Olson, was approved by the Senate on a mostly party-line vote, 51-40, with only one Republican senator, Susan Collins of Maine, supporting her.   read more

Administrator of the Small Business Administration: Who Is Maria Contreras-Sweet?

In 1999, California Governor Gray Davis (D) appointed Contreras-Sweet secretary of Business, Transportation and Housing. In that role, she managed 44,000 employees and a $14 billion budget. When Arnold Schwarzenegger took over the governor’s office in 2003 after the recall of Davis, Contreras-Sweet left public service and founded Fortius Holdings, a private equity and venture fund aimed at the Latino community.   read more

Ambassador to Saudi Arabia: Who Is Joseph Westphal?

Westphal served on Obama’s transition team for defense in 2008. Also that year, he worked with The New School University in New York. Obama made Westphal under secretary of the Army in 2009, where he served until recently. In that post, he was the Army’s chief management officer. Westphal, who speaks Spanish fluently, also had several missions to Latin American, working with the armies in several nations.   read more

Ambassador from China: Who Is Cui Tiankai?

Since taking his post in Washington, Cui has seemingly become immersed in American culture. He took his wife, Ni Peijun, to the Super Bowl last February and was photographed on the sidelines. In March 2014, he told a panel in Beijing “I have seen both seasons of ‘House of Cards,’ which I think embodies some of the characteristics and corruption that is present in American politics.”   read more

Ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa: Who Is Mark Gilbert?

Gilbert’s nomination was approved by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and it now awaits approval by the full Senate. A major campaign bundler, he raised $1.2 million for Obama’s various campaigns. Gilbert was on Obama’s team long before he was on Obama’s campaign and diplomatic teams. Gilbert played seven games in 1985 for the Chicago White Sox, whose most famous fan is the president.   read more

Ambassador from Argentina: Who Is Cecilia Nahón?

Nahón was named Argentina’s secretary of International Economic Relations in December 2011. She held that post until her posting in Washington. Nahón’s appointment was seen by many Argentinean observers as more evidence that the La Cámpora movement, which grew out of Perónist values and espouses policies of social justice and state intervention, is gaining ground, as some of the old guard are being pushed out in favor of younger La Cámpora members.   read more

Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services: Who Is Leon Rodriguez?

In 2011, President Obama nominated Rodriguez to lead the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division. However, his nomination was withdrawn because of Republican opposition to his work in the Civil Rights Division. In September 2011, Rodriguez moved over to the Department of Health and Human Services to lead its Office of Civil Rights. Much of his work there involved bringing cases against medical and insurance organizations for breaches of patient information.   read more

Director of the Bureau of Land Management: Who Is Neil Kornze?

Kornze’s age, 34 when he was nominated for the post, would make him one of the youngest agency heads in history. Despite his family ties to the mining industry, and his close association with mining champion Reid, Kornze’s nomination to lead the BLM drew praise from many environmental groups, including the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters.   read more

Director of the U.S. Geological Survey: Who Is Suzette Kimball?

Suzette Kimball, who has been acting director of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) since February 2013, was nominated by President Barack Obama on January 9, 2014, to fill the job permanently. In 2010, Kimball was named deputy director of the USGS. In that post, she led USGS's international activities and represented all North American geological surveys on international mapping endeavors. She has written more than 75 publications on coastal ecosystem science and coastal zone policy.   read more

Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education: Who Is Ericka Miller?

Since 2007, Miller has been vice president for Operations and Strategic Leadership at The Education Trust, which promotes academic achievement for students from pre-kindergarten through college. On November 11, 2013, President Barack Obama nominated Ericka M. Miller to be the assistant secretary for Postsecondary Education in the Department of Education. Her nomination was approved by the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee on January 29, 2014.   read more
465 to 480 of about 1406 News
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Appointments and Resignations

465 to 480 of about 1406 News
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Ambassador from Uganda: Who Is Oliver Wonekha?

Wonekha has been quoted as lamenting the gender difference between legislators in her country. Ugandan male legislators are able to network at pubs and clubs after the sessions, while women are still expected “to rush home and make your spouse comfortable.” Wonekha’s first name—Oliver—has caused some confusion, with some diplomatic directories referring to her as “His Excellency.”   read more

Director of the National Security Agency: Who Is Michael Rogers?

In 2007, Rogers won his first star, being promoted to Rear Admiral (lower half) and being named Director of Intelligence for the U.S. Pacific Command. Two years later, he was named director of intelligence for the Joint Staff, earning another star in 2010. Rogers was named commander of Fleet Cyber Command/10th Fleet in 2011. That job came with a promotion to Vice Admiral. Rogers was named Admiral when he moved to the NSA.   read more

Office of Legal Counsel: Who Is Karl Thompson?

One of his more significant cases was the successful representation of the drug maker Merck & Co. in a lawsuit dealing with its painkiller drug Vioxx, which was later pulled from the market after evidence showed that it increased the risk of heart problems for patients.. Another case Thompson handled was destined to spur criticism of him as he entered government service. He assisted a Navy lawyer in the defense of Omar Khadr, a terror suspect held at Guantánamo.   read more

Ambassador from El Salvador: Who is Rubén Zamora?

Right-wing factions took control of the government in early 1980, forcing out Zamora and assassinating his brother Marrio. Rubén Zamora then fled El Salvador, staying in exile for seven years. Zamora was often a spokesman for the rebels fighting for control of El Salvador, whose government was backed by U.S. President Ronald Reagan. Zamora was blocked by the Reagan State Department from entering the United States during this period.   read more

Ambassador to Colombia: Who Is Kevin Whitaker?

From 2002 to 2005, Whitaker headed the Cuban Affairs Desk for the State Department. During a visit to Havana in December 2002, he met with dissidents and was expelled by Fidel Castro’s government. In 2005, he was named deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Venezuela, another country with which the administration of President George W. Bush was at odds.   read more

Ambassador from Cyprus: Who is Georgios Chacalli?

He had his first posting to the United States in 1997, when he was named counselor in the Cypriot embassy in Washington. He later was named deputy chief of mission. Chacalli’s first ambassadorial posting was in 2004 to Hungary. That posting was followed in 2006 by being named ambassador to the European Union, a post he held until 2010. Then, he was sent to Stockholm as ambassador to Sweden, with additional responsibilities of Norway and Latvia.   read more

Ninth Circuit has Full Set of Judges for First Time in 22 Years

The nation’s largest federal appellate court has a full complement of judges for the first time in 22 years. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is supposed to have 29 judges, but has had at least one vacancy since 1992. Friedland, a San Francisco attorney with Munger Tolles & Olson, was approved by the Senate on a mostly party-line vote, 51-40, with only one Republican senator, Susan Collins of Maine, supporting her.   read more

Administrator of the Small Business Administration: Who Is Maria Contreras-Sweet?

In 1999, California Governor Gray Davis (D) appointed Contreras-Sweet secretary of Business, Transportation and Housing. In that role, she managed 44,000 employees and a $14 billion budget. When Arnold Schwarzenegger took over the governor’s office in 2003 after the recall of Davis, Contreras-Sweet left public service and founded Fortius Holdings, a private equity and venture fund aimed at the Latino community.   read more

Ambassador to Saudi Arabia: Who Is Joseph Westphal?

Westphal served on Obama’s transition team for defense in 2008. Also that year, he worked with The New School University in New York. Obama made Westphal under secretary of the Army in 2009, where he served until recently. In that post, he was the Army’s chief management officer. Westphal, who speaks Spanish fluently, also had several missions to Latin American, working with the armies in several nations.   read more

Ambassador from China: Who Is Cui Tiankai?

Since taking his post in Washington, Cui has seemingly become immersed in American culture. He took his wife, Ni Peijun, to the Super Bowl last February and was photographed on the sidelines. In March 2014, he told a panel in Beijing “I have seen both seasons of ‘House of Cards,’ which I think embodies some of the characteristics and corruption that is present in American politics.”   read more

Ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa: Who Is Mark Gilbert?

Gilbert’s nomination was approved by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and it now awaits approval by the full Senate. A major campaign bundler, he raised $1.2 million for Obama’s various campaigns. Gilbert was on Obama’s team long before he was on Obama’s campaign and diplomatic teams. Gilbert played seven games in 1985 for the Chicago White Sox, whose most famous fan is the president.   read more

Ambassador from Argentina: Who Is Cecilia Nahón?

Nahón was named Argentina’s secretary of International Economic Relations in December 2011. She held that post until her posting in Washington. Nahón’s appointment was seen by many Argentinean observers as more evidence that the La Cámpora movement, which grew out of Perónist values and espouses policies of social justice and state intervention, is gaining ground, as some of the old guard are being pushed out in favor of younger La Cámpora members.   read more

Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services: Who Is Leon Rodriguez?

In 2011, President Obama nominated Rodriguez to lead the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division. However, his nomination was withdrawn because of Republican opposition to his work in the Civil Rights Division. In September 2011, Rodriguez moved over to the Department of Health and Human Services to lead its Office of Civil Rights. Much of his work there involved bringing cases against medical and insurance organizations for breaches of patient information.   read more

Director of the Bureau of Land Management: Who Is Neil Kornze?

Kornze’s age, 34 when he was nominated for the post, would make him one of the youngest agency heads in history. Despite his family ties to the mining industry, and his close association with mining champion Reid, Kornze’s nomination to lead the BLM drew praise from many environmental groups, including the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters.   read more

Director of the U.S. Geological Survey: Who Is Suzette Kimball?

Suzette Kimball, who has been acting director of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) since February 2013, was nominated by President Barack Obama on January 9, 2014, to fill the job permanently. In 2010, Kimball was named deputy director of the USGS. In that post, she led USGS's international activities and represented all North American geological surveys on international mapping endeavors. She has written more than 75 publications on coastal ecosystem science and coastal zone policy.   read more

Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education: Who Is Ericka Miller?

Since 2007, Miller has been vice president for Operations and Strategic Leadership at The Education Trust, which promotes academic achievement for students from pre-kindergarten through college. On November 11, 2013, President Barack Obama nominated Ericka M. Miller to be the assistant secretary for Postsecondary Education in the Department of Education. Her nomination was approved by the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee on January 29, 2014.   read more
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