Media Shut Out of Conference on Foreign Corrupt Practices

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
(graphic: Propaganda Times)

Law enforcement officials and defense attorneys will gather this week in the nation’s capital for a conference about foreign corrupt practices. But much of what’s said will not be revealed to the public because reporters will be prohibited from attending.


On Thursday and Friday in Washington, DC, participants will gather for the American Conference Institute’s National Conference on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).


Members of the media can cover the keynote address by Justice Department Criminal Division Chief Lanny Breuer and two other sessions. But the rest of the conference, about 90% of it, will be off-limits to journalists.


Closed seminars include the topics:


“FCPA Internal Controls amid Increased SEC Expectations: What Your Books and Records Need to Accomplish.”


“Creating a Home for the Whistleblower: How to Facilitate Open Communication and Appropriately Respond to Allegations in a Bounty Hunter Environment.”


“How to Create Robust, Culturally-Sensitive and Practical Guidelines for Gifts, Entertainment and Hospitality in High Risk Markets: A Guide to What You Can Do”


“10 Trip Wires to Avoid When Conducting an FCPA Internal Investigation.”

-Noel Brinkerhoff


To Learn More:

FCPA Behind Closed Doors (Corporate Crime Reporter)

It Ought To Stop (by Mike Koehler, FCPA Professor)

6 Companies that Bribed Foreign Officials and Supported Lobbying against Anti-Bribery Laws (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)




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