Whole Foods Accused of Accepting Genetically Modified Foods

Thursday, February 09, 2012
(photo: greenprophet.com)
Whole Foods Market and other organic retailers are being accused of caving in to manufacturers of genetically modified (GM) crops and helping them legitimize their products with consumers. The products are also known as GMOs or genetically-modified organisms. Monsanto and other producers of GMO seeds and crops prefer to call them “transgenic.”
According to Ronnie Cummins, executive director of the Organic Consumers Association, Whole Foods, Organic Valley and Stonyfield Farm have “decided it’s time to surrender to Monsanto.” Citing a recent email to the stores’ customers, the publication says Whole Foods has agreed to stop fighting for the regulation of GM plants, such as alfalfa, by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA, which recently authorized unrestricted cultivation of genetically modified alfalfa, says that almost all corn products, vegetable oil, sugar and soybeans produced in the United States are made from GMO crops, as are most processed foods, including breakfast cereals, salad dressing and chicken nuggets.
Cummins, executive director of the Organic Consumers Association, writes that “[Whole Foods] and their colleagues are willing to go along with the massive planting of a chemical and energy-intensive GE perennial crop, alfalfa; guaranteed to spread its mutant genes and seeds across the nation; guaranteed to contaminate the alfalfa fed to organic animals; guaranteed to lead to massive poisoning of farm workers and destruction of the essential soil food web by the toxic herbicide, Roundup; and guaranteed to produce Roundup-resistant superweeds that will require even more deadly herbicides such as 2,4 D to be sprayed on millions of acres of alfalfa across the U.S.”
In its defense, Whole Foods executives say that they oppose GM foods and have worked with the Non-GMO Project since July 2009, and that products labeled “USDA Organic” are free of GMO ingredients. They claim that GMO contamination of organic crops is almost unavoidable because of pollen drift.
-Noel Brinkerhoff, David Wallechinsky
To Learn More:
The Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto: What Now? (by Ronnie Cummins, Organic Consumers Association)
Commins vs. Whole Foods: Organic Smacktalk (by Brth Anderson, Fair Food Fight)
Modified Crops Tap a Wellspring of Protest (by Julia Moskin, New York Times)
Genetically Modified Foods (Whole Foods policy statement)

Dramatic Increase in Weed-Killer Use in U.S. (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov) 


Ruth A 12 years ago
just buy organic - and not the nongmo project as it allows companies to use toxic chemicals in production, conventional chemicals like methyl bromide. organic is the only label and natural is meaningless, as ronnie says. i wish ronnie would go after the nongmo project more as this is how the conventional bigag and big food companies are tricking consumers into buying their products, by putting a nongmo label but not doing the hard work of growing organically!!!
Dennis Knicely 12 years ago
whole foods did not cave to monsanto. this is a total rumor, and not true. here is truthful link from whole foods regarding this: http://blog.wholefoodsmarket.com/2012/02/gmo-monsanto-buyout-rumors-untrue/ organic consumers association, a program i support, should get their facts straight before reporting unverifiable rumors like this. dennis knicely editor / publisher http://healingnews.com

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