Does Obama Support Bush Threats to U.K. over Torture Secrets?

Thursday, February 05, 2009

In a startling judgment, two British High Court Justices ruled that they would not compel release of evidence relating to U.S. use of torture because the Bush administration had threatened to withhold intelligence sharing if it did so. They further stated that there was “no evidence” that the Obama administration was prepared to reverse the stance of its predecessors. Indeed, according to the BBC, the White House issued a statement that the U.S. “thanks the U.K. government for its continued commitment to protect sensitive national security information.” The information in question is thought to be seven short paragraphs relating to Guantánamo prisoner Binyam Mohamed, an Ethiopian-born legal resident of the U.K. who was taken into custody in Pakistan in 2002. Mohamed claims to have been tortured by Moroccan and U.S. agents in secret prisons in Morocco and Afghanistan before being flown to Guantánamo.

Citing U.S., British Court Blocks Data on Suspect (by Raymond Bonner, New York Times)
Senior Judges Attack US Refusal to Disclose Evidence (by Stephen Howard and Mike Taylor, Press Association)


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