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Chair of the Consumer Product Safety Commission: Who Is Ann Marie Buerkle?

Appointed in 2013 to a Republican seat on the CPSC, Buerkle has been a consistent pro-industry vote for looser regulation and trusting businesses to enforce their own safety standards. In 2016, she was the only CPSC member to vote against the record $15 million civil penalty imposed on Gree Electric for selling humidifiers they knew were prone to catch fire. And she was the only commissioner to vote against even publishing a proposed rule addressing risks associated with portable generators.   read more

Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence: Who Is Joseph D. Kernan?

President Trump's nomination of Joseph D. Kerman shows that his love affair with military officers shows no sign of abating. A former commander of Navy SEALS demolition teams, Kernan, in 2002, took part in the Battle of Takur Ghar against al-Qaeda forces in Afghanistan, considered the largest battle fought by the U.S. military in more than a decade. In 2009, then-Secretary of Defense Gates made Kernan his senior military assistant, and later deputy commander of the U.S. Southern Command.   read more

U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic: Who Is Stephen B. King?

King, who has no diplomatic experience, is a former FBI agent who, in 1967, investigated civil rights violations in the South. Over the course of his career, he has been a Wisconsin Republican operative who served as state Republican Committee chairman and held a position in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He was later founder of venture capital firm King Capital, a Boy Scouts of America board member, and an RNC delegate bound to Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas in the 2016 presidential election.   read more

Assistant Secretary of Interior for Insular Affairs: Who Is Doug Domenech?

President Trump nominated a notorious climate change denier to run federal policy on U.S. island possessions—several of which are threatened by rising seas caused by global warming. In 2015, Domenech joined the oil industry-funded Texas Public Policy Foundation as director of a project that opposes legislative measures to fight global warming. He has called the EPA “an overreaching federal agency unbounded by public opinion or congressional oversight that acts recklessly on secret science.”   read more

Director of the National Institute of Justice: Who Is David Muhlhausen?

A research fellow at the right-wing Heritage Foundation, Muhlhausen is pro-death penalty, asserting that it’s a deterrent to crime, even though studies show otherwise. He has opposed the Violence Against Women Act because he believes the money it allocates is not well-used. And he supports voter IDs, claiming they may boost voter turnout, in spite of studies showing that minority voting has dropped in states with strict voter ID laws, benefiting the GOP.   read more

Under Secretary for Energy Science: Who Is Paul Dabbar?

Dabbar, a Trump campaign donor, has long worked for investment banker J.P. Morgan, handling mergers and acquisitions of power plants and utilities. Former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz was not pleased with Dabbar’s nomination because it will reverse a department reorganization that combined the under secretary of energy and of science into one position that had facilitated innovation by enabling rapid integration "among basic science, applied research, technology demonstration and deployment."   read more

U.S. Ambassador to Peru: Who Is Krishna Urs?

In 2009, two days after the inauguration of President Obama, Urs, stationed in Bolivia, caused a controversy when he walked out of a speech by Bolivian President Morales, who said: “The U.S. has fomented the regional disintegration of the country, holding secret meetings to promote disturbances against the national government.” Urs was then chargé d’affaires because Morales had already kicked out the U.S. envoy amid accusations the he was involved in a plot to overthrow the Bolivian leader.   read more

Not the Director of the Office of Personnel Management: Who Was George Nesterczuk?

A member of Trump's transition team, Nesterczuk was announced in May as Trump’s nominee to lead OPM. However, on July 31, Nesterczuk withdrew his name from consideration five days after 16 unions representing hundreds of thousands of federal workers sent a letter to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs citing multiple objections to his nomination.   read more

Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration: Who Is Ronald Batory?

The nation’s top train man will be a retired railroad executive with nearly 50 years’ experience in the industry. Ron Batory, recently retired president of Conrail, had, in his youth, been advised by his father not to “waste a college education on a railroad.” But young Batory rejected that advice and joined DT&I Railroad, where he worked for years before taking top posts at CMW, Southern Pacific and others. In 1997, CSX and Norfolk Southern recruited Batory to become operations VP of Conrail.   read more

Not the Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: Who Was James Clinger?

President Trump’s dubious claims that he will “drain the swamp” continued when on June 19, 2017, he nominated James H. Clinger to chair the FDIC, which insures bank deposits. A mere three weeks after that announcement, Clinger—on July 12—abruptly withdrew his nomination, citing “family-related obligations.” Although he has a reputation as a hard-working follower, as the new FDIC chairman he was expected to be more sympathetic to bankers than to their customers.   read more

U.S. Ambassador to Italy and San Marino: Who Is Lew Eisenberg?

The Trump administration added another member of the Goldman Sachs alumni association to its roster when it was announced that financier Lewis Eisenberg would be the next ambassador to Italy. Eisenberg was also the chairman of the Trump Victory Fund, which coordinated fundraising between Trump’s campaign and that of the Republican National Committee. There was some talk that Eisenberg might be in line for a cabinet post in the Trump administration, but he had to settle for the ambassadorship.   read more

Director of the Centers for Disease Control: Who Is Brenda Fitzgerald?

Fitzgerald is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist who practiced medicine for more than 30 years. Her medical practice has been criticized, however, for her use of so-called “anti-aging” remedies not approved by the FDA. As Georgia's Public Health Commissioner, she focused on reducing infant mortality, curbing tobacco use, and fighting obesity. She and her husband have donated more than $25,000 to Republican candidates, including $2,000 to then-House member Tom Price, now her new boss.   read more

California Forbids U.S. Immigration Agents from Pretending to be Police

It is not uncommon for ICE agents to detain a person on suspicion of immigration status without a warrant. ICE agents have reportedly claimed to be police officers to gain consent to enter a person’s home – a tactic that is viewed as unethical, but within the powers granted to the officers. Civil rights groups supported the bill, looking to stymie the Trump administration’s promise to use any and all available tools to deport undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes.   read more

Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs: Who Is Carl Risch?

Risch joined DHS's U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) in 2006. After serving as an appeals officer and a manager, he worked as a field officer in the Philippines and at the embassy in Seoul, South Korea and served as acting chief of staff at CIS at the time of his nomination. While with CIS, he made refugee processing visits to Thailand, Pakistan, Namibia and Malaysia to encourage the resettlement to the United States of victims of persecution and torture.   read more

Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation: Who Is Brenda Burman?

Burman worked for four years in private practice as an attorney handling natural resource issues before going to work in 2002 as legislative counsel for energy and water for then-Sen. Jon Kyl. At both jobs, she dealt extensively with Native American water rights issues. In 2005, Burman joined the Dept of the Interior as counselor to the assistant secretary for water and science. She then began her first stint at USBR as deputy commissioner for external and intergovernmental affairs.   read more

Administrator of the Maritime Administration: Who Is Mark Buzby?

Buzby participated in NATO command operations during the Kosovo crisis of 1998-1999, and later in two deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. After a 2007 detainee suicide at Guantánamo, then under Buzby's command, he announced that prison conditions would be improved to promote “increased mental stimulation." He also warned that torture leads to false confessions, and that more useful information could be obtained from prisoners by "treating them like human beings in a businesslike manner.”   read more
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Top Stories

225 to 240 of about 3314 News
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Chair of the Consumer Product Safety Commission: Who Is Ann Marie Buerkle?

Appointed in 2013 to a Republican seat on the CPSC, Buerkle has been a consistent pro-industry vote for looser regulation and trusting businesses to enforce their own safety standards. In 2016, she was the only CPSC member to vote against the record $15 million civil penalty imposed on Gree Electric for selling humidifiers they knew were prone to catch fire. And she was the only commissioner to vote against even publishing a proposed rule addressing risks associated with portable generators.   read more

Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence: Who Is Joseph D. Kernan?

President Trump's nomination of Joseph D. Kerman shows that his love affair with military officers shows no sign of abating. A former commander of Navy SEALS demolition teams, Kernan, in 2002, took part in the Battle of Takur Ghar against al-Qaeda forces in Afghanistan, considered the largest battle fought by the U.S. military in more than a decade. In 2009, then-Secretary of Defense Gates made Kernan his senior military assistant, and later deputy commander of the U.S. Southern Command.   read more

U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic: Who Is Stephen B. King?

King, who has no diplomatic experience, is a former FBI agent who, in 1967, investigated civil rights violations in the South. Over the course of his career, he has been a Wisconsin Republican operative who served as state Republican Committee chairman and held a position in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He was later founder of venture capital firm King Capital, a Boy Scouts of America board member, and an RNC delegate bound to Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas in the 2016 presidential election.   read more

Assistant Secretary of Interior for Insular Affairs: Who Is Doug Domenech?

President Trump nominated a notorious climate change denier to run federal policy on U.S. island possessions—several of which are threatened by rising seas caused by global warming. In 2015, Domenech joined the oil industry-funded Texas Public Policy Foundation as director of a project that opposes legislative measures to fight global warming. He has called the EPA “an overreaching federal agency unbounded by public opinion or congressional oversight that acts recklessly on secret science.”   read more

Director of the National Institute of Justice: Who Is David Muhlhausen?

A research fellow at the right-wing Heritage Foundation, Muhlhausen is pro-death penalty, asserting that it’s a deterrent to crime, even though studies show otherwise. He has opposed the Violence Against Women Act because he believes the money it allocates is not well-used. And he supports voter IDs, claiming they may boost voter turnout, in spite of studies showing that minority voting has dropped in states with strict voter ID laws, benefiting the GOP.   read more

Under Secretary for Energy Science: Who Is Paul Dabbar?

Dabbar, a Trump campaign donor, has long worked for investment banker J.P. Morgan, handling mergers and acquisitions of power plants and utilities. Former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz was not pleased with Dabbar’s nomination because it will reverse a department reorganization that combined the under secretary of energy and of science into one position that had facilitated innovation by enabling rapid integration "among basic science, applied research, technology demonstration and deployment."   read more

U.S. Ambassador to Peru: Who Is Krishna Urs?

In 2009, two days after the inauguration of President Obama, Urs, stationed in Bolivia, caused a controversy when he walked out of a speech by Bolivian President Morales, who said: “The U.S. has fomented the regional disintegration of the country, holding secret meetings to promote disturbances against the national government.” Urs was then chargé d’affaires because Morales had already kicked out the U.S. envoy amid accusations the he was involved in a plot to overthrow the Bolivian leader.   read more

Not the Director of the Office of Personnel Management: Who Was George Nesterczuk?

A member of Trump's transition team, Nesterczuk was announced in May as Trump’s nominee to lead OPM. However, on July 31, Nesterczuk withdrew his name from consideration five days after 16 unions representing hundreds of thousands of federal workers sent a letter to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs citing multiple objections to his nomination.   read more

Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration: Who Is Ronald Batory?

The nation’s top train man will be a retired railroad executive with nearly 50 years’ experience in the industry. Ron Batory, recently retired president of Conrail, had, in his youth, been advised by his father not to “waste a college education on a railroad.” But young Batory rejected that advice and joined DT&I Railroad, where he worked for years before taking top posts at CMW, Southern Pacific and others. In 1997, CSX and Norfolk Southern recruited Batory to become operations VP of Conrail.   read more

Not the Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: Who Was James Clinger?

President Trump’s dubious claims that he will “drain the swamp” continued when on June 19, 2017, he nominated James H. Clinger to chair the FDIC, which insures bank deposits. A mere three weeks after that announcement, Clinger—on July 12—abruptly withdrew his nomination, citing “family-related obligations.” Although he has a reputation as a hard-working follower, as the new FDIC chairman he was expected to be more sympathetic to bankers than to their customers.   read more

U.S. Ambassador to Italy and San Marino: Who Is Lew Eisenberg?

The Trump administration added another member of the Goldman Sachs alumni association to its roster when it was announced that financier Lewis Eisenberg would be the next ambassador to Italy. Eisenberg was also the chairman of the Trump Victory Fund, which coordinated fundraising between Trump’s campaign and that of the Republican National Committee. There was some talk that Eisenberg might be in line for a cabinet post in the Trump administration, but he had to settle for the ambassadorship.   read more

Director of the Centers for Disease Control: Who Is Brenda Fitzgerald?

Fitzgerald is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist who practiced medicine for more than 30 years. Her medical practice has been criticized, however, for her use of so-called “anti-aging” remedies not approved by the FDA. As Georgia's Public Health Commissioner, she focused on reducing infant mortality, curbing tobacco use, and fighting obesity. She and her husband have donated more than $25,000 to Republican candidates, including $2,000 to then-House member Tom Price, now her new boss.   read more

California Forbids U.S. Immigration Agents from Pretending to be Police

It is not uncommon for ICE agents to detain a person on suspicion of immigration status without a warrant. ICE agents have reportedly claimed to be police officers to gain consent to enter a person’s home – a tactic that is viewed as unethical, but within the powers granted to the officers. Civil rights groups supported the bill, looking to stymie the Trump administration’s promise to use any and all available tools to deport undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes.   read more

Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs: Who Is Carl Risch?

Risch joined DHS's U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) in 2006. After serving as an appeals officer and a manager, he worked as a field officer in the Philippines and at the embassy in Seoul, South Korea and served as acting chief of staff at CIS at the time of his nomination. While with CIS, he made refugee processing visits to Thailand, Pakistan, Namibia and Malaysia to encourage the resettlement to the United States of victims of persecution and torture.   read more

Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation: Who Is Brenda Burman?

Burman worked for four years in private practice as an attorney handling natural resource issues before going to work in 2002 as legislative counsel for energy and water for then-Sen. Jon Kyl. At both jobs, she dealt extensively with Native American water rights issues. In 2005, Burman joined the Dept of the Interior as counselor to the assistant secretary for water and science. She then began her first stint at USBR as deputy commissioner for external and intergovernmental affairs.   read more

Administrator of the Maritime Administration: Who Is Mark Buzby?

Buzby participated in NATO command operations during the Kosovo crisis of 1998-1999, and later in two deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. After a 2007 detainee suicide at Guantánamo, then under Buzby's command, he announced that prison conditions would be improved to promote “increased mental stimulation." He also warned that torture leads to false confessions, and that more useful information could be obtained from prisoners by "treating them like human beings in a businesslike manner.”   read more
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