Arizona Judge Orders City Council Candidate off Ballot for not Speaking English Well Enough

Monday, January 30, 2012
Alejandrina Cabrera
Alejandrina Cabrera, a candidate for city council in the border town of San Luis, Arizona, has been told by a local judge she cannot run for the office in March’s primary election because she does not speak English well enough.
Yuma County Superior Judge John Nelson came to his decision after hearing testimony from linguist William Eggington, a professor at Brigham Young University. After interviewing Cabrera and conducting tests with her, Eggington concluded she had “basic survival level” English, but was unable to adequately communicate with others in order to participate in city business.
Arizona law requires public office holders to know English. But the state does not specify what standards of fluency a candidate must have, Cabrera’s attorneys argued.
Cabrera is considering appealing the decision to the Arizona Supreme Court.
Of course there is a back story to this tale. The lawsuit that initiated the challenge to Cabrera was filed by San Luis’ mayor, Carlos Escamilla, whom Cabrera had twice tried to recall last year.
-Noel Brinkerhoff

San Luis Candidate Removed from Ballot (by Cesar Neyoy, Bajo El Sol) 


cc 12 years ago
funny the state paid for a class for her to learn english, and she failed? its funny with all the time she has spent with a lawyer, she could have taken a college course. english should always be the first language of usa..end of story..if you aren't qualified for the job, you don't get it.. she can educate herself and get the job..and how could she go to an american high school, and not learn english.?

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