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  • The 2024 Election By the Numbers

    Thursday, January 16, 2025
    The majority of voters did not vote for Donald Trump for president; the majority of voters did not vote for Republican candidates for the Senate; and fewer than 51% of voters cast their ballots for Republican candidates for the House of Representatives. The Republican Party now controls the White House, both houses of Congress and the Supreme Court, no matter how that came to be. I believe it is worth bearing in mind that a majority of U.S. citizens did not support the Republican winners.   read more
  • Misleading Republican Websites Hijack Democratic Campaign Contributions

    Thursday, February 06, 2014
    The Republican Party is raising money for congressional races by putting up websites that pretend to represent Democratic candidates and that accept contributions that will go toward defeating the very same Democrats. In Florida, the National Republican Congressional Committee created a website that gave the appearance of backing Democrat Alex Sink for Congress. But a closer examination revealed contributions made through the site would “help defeat Alex Sink and candidates like her.”   read more
  • Exonerations of Americans Wrongly Convicted of a Crime Hit Record Number

    Wednesday, February 05, 2014
    A record number of wrongly convicted people were set free last year in the United States, according to a new report by a group that tracks exonerations. The National Registry of Exonerations said 87 prisoners were exonerated in 2013, the highest ever totaled. About two-thirds of the 87 exonerations involved rape and/or murder convictions. Many of the overturned convictions were a result of false confessions coming to light or the discovery that no crime was actually committed.   read more
  • Hoffman Overdose Highlights New York City as Hub of Surging U.S. Heroin Trade

    Wednesday, February 05, 2014
    The death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman has elevated the issue of heroin addiction and its fatal consequences in the United States, where use of the narcotic has increased significantly in recent years. Nationally, almost 670,000 Americans over the age of 12 used heroin in 2012—an increase of nearly 300,000 people, compared to the number of users in 2007.   read more
  • Secret Contacts between Taliban and Karzai Helped Erode U.S.-Afghan Relations

    Wednesday, February 05, 2014
    President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan has again demonstrated that a military partnership with the United States beyond this year may not continue. After stalling for months on a new security agreement, and falsely blaming American forces for recent civilian deaths, Karzai has now been exposed for conducting secret talks with the Taliban without any involvement from Washington. The latest move by Karzai has only further eroded a strained relationship with the U.S.   read more
  • As Congress Drags its Feet, States Step Up to Legislate Against NSA Spying

    Wednesday, February 05, 2014
    Dissatisfied with President Barack Obama’s reforms for the NSA and Congress’ lack of progress on the same front, state lawmakers across the country are introducing legislation to limit the spy agency’s snooping on Americans. To date, a dozen states ranging from Alaska to Mississippi are considering bills to limit their state’s involvement with NSA surveillance programs.   read more
  • The High Cost of Working for a Low Wage

    Wednesday, February 05, 2014
    Being poor can be very costly, despite what conservatives say about low-income people having it easy because of government programs. Poverty is something affecting more Americans these days. At least 15% of the country lives in poverty, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That translates into more than 46 million people. Half the population is categorized as “near poverty” and about three-fourths live paycheck to paycheck.   read more
  • Abortion Rate Lowest in 48 Years

    Tuesday, February 04, 2014
    The rate that American women are having abortions has reached its lowest level since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized the procedure in the early 1970s. Fewer than 17 abortions for every 1,000 women were recorded in 2011, the most recent year for which figures are available, according a paper (pdf) published by the Guttmacher Institute, which supports abortion rights. That rate was only slightly higher than the one in 1973, when abortion became legal in the U.S.   read more
  • Study Finds Increased Risk of Children with Heart Disease Born Near Natural Gas Drilling

    Tuesday, February 04, 2014
    Pregnant women living near natural gas wells face a higher risk of giving birth to children with neurological and heart defects, a new study shows. Specifically, babies born to mothers in areas with many wells (more than 125 per mile) were more than twice as likely to have spinal or brain defects—and had a 38% greater risk of congenital heart defects—than those living with no wells within 10 miles. Both types of birth defects are considered fairly rare.   read more
  • Healthcare Web Site Unable to Deal with Error Complaints

    Tuesday, February 04, 2014
    HealthCare.gov may be working better, but it still has some serious problems that are causing headaches for tens of thousands of Americans who tried to sign up for insurance. At least 22,000 individuals experienced errors while choosing a health plan, and these Americans contend they were charged too much for their insurance, were given the wrong coverage, or were denied coverage altogether.   read more
  • Retailers Adjust to Rich Getting Richer and Middle Class Fading

    Tuesday, February 04, 2014
    As Americans in the economic middle struggle to keep up, many businesses have decided to focus on the demands of the wealthy. But retailers and restaurants that have long catered to the middle class are fading because middle-earners have so little disposal income these days. Many companies are filing for bankruptcy or closing their doors because they cater to the middle class. These include Olive Garden and Red Lobster restaurants, Sears, J.C. Penney, and Loehmann’s.   read more
  • House of Representatives Aides Use Loopholes to Evade Revolving Door Restrictions

    Tuesday, February 04, 2014
    Congressional aides in the U.S. House are supposed to wait at least one year after quitting their jobs to become lobbyists or accept other private sector jobs that utilize their Capitol Hill experience. But many former staffers avoid this restriction by exploiting loopholes in federal rules. About 1,650 congressional aides have become lobbyists within a year of leaving Capitol Hill. At least half of them were able to do so without any restrictions.   read more
  • Total Drone Deaths in Pakistan Top 2,000

    Monday, February 03, 2014
    More than 2,200 people have been killed by U.S. drones operating in Pakistan since 2006, according to a report obtained by the U.K.-based group The Bureau for Investigative Journalism. The document, compiled by the Pakistani government, lists the date and time of each strike, the number of people killed and injured in each attack and, in some cases, the names of the victims. The Bureau redacted many of the names to protect their identities.   read more
  • Twice as Many Affordable Care Enrollees in Democratic States as in Republican Ones

    Monday, February 03, 2014
    How successful you think Obamacare is might depend on the state in which you live. In states controlled by Democrats, more than twice the percentage of eligible people are enrolled in Affordable Care Act (ACA) insurance programs than in states controlled by Republicans, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation study reported in the National Journal.   read more
  • State Dept. Releases Keystone Pipeline Report Amid Conflict-of-Interest Controversy

    Monday, February 03, 2014
    Some environmental activists question the report’s validity, saying that the contractor hired to prepare an earlier draft of it has ties to TransCanada, the company hoping to build the pipeline. The State Department’s inspector general investigated ERM Group’s financial links to TransCanada, according to The Washington Post. But the IG refused to release its findings on that matter.   read more
  • Justice Dept. Searching for Crack Prisoners to Release

    Monday, February 03, 2014
    Are you currently serving a long federal prison sentence for a non-violent low-level drug crime? Then Uncle Sam wants you—to apply for clemency. Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole said Thursday that he’s looking for defense lawyers to locate such prisoners, many of them convicted for offenses involving crack cocaine, and urge them to apply for clemency, according to The New York Times.   read more
  • Prosecutor Tries to Stop Murder Victim’s Parents from Speaking against Death Penalty for Murderer

    Monday, February 03, 2014
    “Bob and his family have found healing in the forgiveness that they have extended to their son's killer. However, the prosecution strives to forever undo this healing by seeking to avenge one killing with another, over the family's pleas for mercy. For the Autobee family, a death sentence and the accompanying years of litigation, all supposedly done in their son's name, would rob them of peace."   read more
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