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  • Can Biden Murder Trump and Get Away With it?

    Monday, March 11, 2024
    Rumors are spreading that the U.S. Supreme Court will vote 5-4 to rule that a U.S. president cannot be prosecuted for anything he does while he is president. Some Democrats are suggesting that Joe Biden bring a gun to his first debate with Donald Trump. If he shoots Trump, he would be immune, but if Trump shoots Biden he would be prosecuted because he is not a sitting president.   read more
  • Trump Choice for Labor Chief is Outspoken Critic of Worker Protections, Minimum Wage Increases

    Friday, December 09, 2016
    AFL-CIO chief Trumka called Puzder “a man whose business record is defined by fighting against working people.” Indeed, Puzder welcomes increased automation because machines are “always polite ... they never take a vacation, they never show up late, there’s never a slip-and-fall or an age, sex or race discrimination case.” Puzder's company runs TV ads that often feature women wearing next to nothing. “I like beautiful women eating burgers in bikinis," he said. "I think it’s very American.”   read more
  • Mass Deportations Damage U.S. Housing Market by Exacerbating Foreclosures

    Friday, December 09, 2016
    These findings reveal the spiraling and often unseen effects of mass deportations, a point that is no longer purely academic as Donald Trump weighs whether to make good on his campaign promise to deport millions of unauthorized immigrants. Previous research suggests that Hispanic households, like black ones, were disproportionately victimized by subprime lending schemes. But the fact that foreclosure rates among Hispanics surpassed those among blacks points to something else going on.   read more
  • Trump’s Cyberbullying of Union Boss Called “Dark and Disturbing” Assault on Right to Dissent

    Friday, December 09, 2016
    With the full power of the presidency just weeks away, Trump’s decision to single out Jones for ridicule has drawn condemnation from historians and White House veterans. “When you attack a man for living an ordinary life in an ordinary job, it is bullying,” said Nicolle Wallace, who was communications director for President George W. Bush and a top strategist to other Republicans. “It is cyberbullying. This is a strategy to bully somebody who dissents. That’s what is dark and disturbing.”   read more
  • Direct Link Seen Between Crime Rate and Interest Rates in U.S.

    Friday, December 09, 2016
    When interest rates go up, crime goes up. When interest rates go down, crime goes down. This has been so at least since 1953. Rarely does social science research yield such a high statistical association and strong relationship between two phenomena, particularly when they are not intuitively related. Nobody would suggest that high interest rates directly cause crime. But there is a wealth of evidence on the causes of crime that demystifies this seemingly baffling relationship.   read more
  • Many Smartphone Health Apps Fail to Warn Users of Danger

    Friday, December 09, 2016
    "The state of health apps is even worse than we thought," said Dr. James Madara, chief executive of the American Medical Association. Perhaps most concerning was what happened when doctor reviewers entered information that should have drawn warnings from the app — like selecting "yes" when the app asked if the user was feeling suicidal, or entering extremely abnormal levels for blood sugar levels. "The vast majority of apps do not have any kind of response," said lead study author Singh.   read more
  • Trump Picks Ally of Fossil Fuel Industry to Lead EPA

    Thursday, December 08, 2016
    The choice of Scott Pruitt signals Trump’s determination to dismantle President Obama’s efforts to counter climate change — and much of the EPA itself. Pruitt has been a key architect of the legal battle against Obama’s climate change policies. Trump has criticized the established science of human-caused global warming as a hoax, vowed to “cancel” the multi-nation Paris accord fighting climate change, and attacked Obama’s signature global warming policy, the Clean Power Plan, as a “war on coal.”   read more
  • U.S. Tech Giants Team to Fight Online Terrorist Propaganda While Pressed by European Officials to Curb Hate Speech

    Thursday, December 08, 2016
    Amid growing security tensions in the West, governments, intelligence agencies and advocacy groups want Google, Microsoft and other tech firms to take further steps to curb hate speech, as well as to clamp down on how terrorists circulate information online. But freedom of expression advocates have warned that such demands may limit people’s ability to communicate across the internet, and they have cautioned that the line between hate speech and legitimate political discussion can be blurry.   read more
  • Nearly Half of Americans Support Use of Torture

    Thursday, December 08, 2016
    That finding puts respondents in the United States in contrast with citizens of many countries and at odds with international law, which prohibits torture under any circumstances. On the campaign trail, Donald Trump endorsed waterboarding, claiming that “it works.” Only Israelis, Palestinians and Nigerians seemed to endorse torture as enthusiastically as Americans. Forty percent of Americans also accepted the killing of humanitarian workers in a conflict zone as being part of war.   read more
  • Trump D.C. Hotel Bookings by Foreign Envoys and Special Interest Groups Raise Alarm among Ethics Experts

    Thursday, December 08, 2016
    The Trump International Hotel has come under scrutiny by government ethics experts who worry that foreign governments, special interest groups and others will book rooms and events there to curry favor with the president-elect. About 100 foreign diplomats from around the world used the hotel for a reception just a week after the election. Since the election, government ethics experts have called for the Trump Organization to sell its interest in the hotel.   read more
  • Refuted Breast Cancer Link Cited by Texas in Its Warning to Women Seeking Abortion

    Thursday, December 08, 2016
    Since 2003, state law has mandated that pregnant women be provided information when mulling an abortion. The Texas Department of State Health Services issued the new edition of "A Woman's Right to Know" on Monday. The new edition of the booklet contains a section titled "Breast Cancer Risk," despite numerous, peer-reviewed studies that have refuted links between abortion and breast cancer. The booklet also says women who terminate pregnancies can become suicidal and infertile.   read more
  • Best Efforts Come up Short in America’s Battles against Obesity, Infections and Food Poisoning

    Wednesday, December 07, 2016
    While there have been clear successes, other areas have seen little change or even gotten worse. "The data speak for themselves," said CDC chief Dr. Tom Frieden,. "If you look for the goal we set for ourselves, and look at what happened, we didn't achieve it." Despite the mixed grades, some experts applauded CDC efforts, saying the agency had only limited abilities to prevent illness or stop people from doing things that hurt their own health.   read more
  • Trump’s Controversial Praise of Putin during Campaign May Have Been “Dog Whistle” to White Supremacists

    Wednesday, December 07, 2016
    Trump mystified many with his praise for Putin. But what seemed inexplicable when Trump first expressed his admiration for the Russian leader seems, in retrospect, to have been a shrewd dog whistle to a small but highly motivated part of his base. AltRight's Spencer claimed that “an understanding” between Trump and Putin might bring together Slavic and American Caucasians and eventually “foretell a unified white world.”   read more
  • NYPD Secrecy on Police Disciplinary Records Challenged in Court

    Wednesday, December 07, 2016
    The lawsuit is the latest salvo in a continuing dispute led by civil rights groups over transparency in how the NYPD holds officers accountable for misconduct. The lawsuit calls for release of disciplinary actions taken against police officers. “There is no excuse for New York City to be taking steps backwards on police transparency,” said CUPR's Monifa Bandele. “It leaves communities most impacted by police abuses and misconduct at further risk and without accountability from the NYPD.”   read more
  • Claim of Trump Interest in Taiwan Business Investment Followed Controversial Phone Call with Taiwanese Leader

    Wednesday, December 07, 2016
    The multi-billion-dollar project, the biggest in Taiwan's history, is seeking investors. And a representative of Donald Trump took a meeting. “She had authorization documents issued by the Trump company,” confirmed the Taoyuan mayor on Nov. 18. The meeting went largely unnoticed outside Taiwan until Friday, when president-elect Trump received a congratulatory phone call from the Taiwan’s president. Now, the perception of a possible business conflict in Taiwan further complicates the situation.   read more
  • Science Panel Calls for Food Warning Labels to Clarify Allergy Risks

    Wednesday, December 07, 2016
    Food allergies can trigger reactions severe enough to kill. About 12 million Americans may have such allergies. The report said the FDA should replace the "precautionary" label approach with one that's risk-based. The idea is to determine a safety level for different allergens The resulting labeling would give consumers more information in deciding if they'd take a chance on a food or not, said Taylor, who pointed to a similar voluntary system in Australia and New Zealand.   read more
  • November Election Put Power to Change U.S. Constitution within Republicans’ Reach

    Tuesday, December 06, 2016
    The GOP already controls Congress, the White House and more governorships than in a century. But with control of state legislatures, they have power for an unprecedented opportunity: change the Constitution. A convention dominated by delegates from a single party is "alarming," said DLCC's Fiddler. "There are no rules. They can just throw out the whole Constitution if they want to. It's the wildest of Wild West situations."   read more
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