CBS Billboards: Anti-Abortion Yes; Marijuana Legalization No
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Another subsidiary of CBS has demonstrated again the recent rightward tilt of the broadcast network corporation. CBS Outdoor is allowing right-to-life groups to display controversial messages on billboards in Atlanta that claim African-American children are becoming an “endangered species” thanks to abortion. Georgia Right to Life and The Radiance Foundation have purchased 65 billboards in Atlanta and plan to expand to 80 as part of their campaign to get blacks to join the anti-abortion movement.
The decision to accept pro-life money for the campaign contrasts with a CBS subsidiary in New York that was prevented by the parent company from running a 15-second commercial in Times Square calling for the legalization of marijuana. The spot was produced by the NORML Foundation, part of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.
During this year’s Super Bowl, CBS agreed to run a $2.5 million commercial produced by Focus on the Family featuring All-American quarterback Tim Tebow and his mother that told about her decision not to abort her son after becoming seriously ill 23 years ago. But the network refused to run an ad for the gay-dating website ManCrunch.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
CBS Behind Anti-Choice Billboards in Atlanta (by Jodi Jacobson, RH Reality Check)
Anti-Abortion Ads Split Atlanta (by Shaila Dewan, New York Times)
CBS Bans Marijuana Legalization Ad in Times Square (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)
CBS Super Bowl Ads: Anti-Abortion Yes; Gay Dating No (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)
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