Rifle Sights Used in Iraq and Afghanistan Illegally Inscribed with Bible Quotes

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Christian rifle sight (photo: Trijicon)

Rekindling arguments that the United States is waging a Christian war against the Islamic world, a weapons manufacturer has been caught producing rifle sights for the U.S. military that have codes referencing Bible passages. The New Testament-inscribed weaponry has been used in Iraq and Afghanistan by American soldiers and Afghan security. The maker of the sights, Michigan-based Trijicon, confirms that it’s been adding the special numbers to its equipment for years as part of its proselytizing mission. Officials in the U.S. Marines and Army claim they were unaware of Trijicon’s actions.

Tom Munson, director of sales and marketing for Trijicon, says there’s nothing wrong or illegal with adding the religious references, and that the controversy is being stirred up by non-Christians.
Michael Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, disagreed with Munson’s assertion. “It’s wrong, it violates the Constitution, it violates a number of federal laws,” Weinstein told ABC News.
One of the Bible citations added by Trijicon was 2COR4:6, in reference to Second Corinthians 4:6 of the New Testament, which reads: “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
In response to ABC News’ story about the rifle sights, a Marine Corps spokesman said his branch of the military was “concerned” about the matter and was planning to meet with Trijicon officials. Trijicon has a $660 million contract to provide 800,000 sights for the Marines alone.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
U.S. Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret 'Jesus' Bible Codes (by Joseph Rhee, Tahman Bradley and Brian Ross, ABC News)
Trijicon’s Subtle Christian Messages (AccurateShooter.com Bulletin)
See all 13 comments


Shane 15 years ago
Honestly, whats all the commotion for? Its not like they put them inside Flash bangs to imprint verses in the enemies eyes for several minutes. Now that would be cool...
Jahm Mitt 15 years ago
dogzdik writes "The American company Trijicon has been nailed for discretely taking on biblical code behind the serial numbers on the gun scopes that it manufacturers and sells to the military. The format is typically 123456 JN8:12 — meaning John 8:12: or some other reference code. The firm vows on its website to follow "biblical standards" it says make America great. To undo some of this revisionist history — of cults: Hmmmm In the Beginning...... Lots of monkey people loped out of africa and up into the nile delta and syria / mesopotamia regions. They created cities. They created stories. They created laws. In Babylon, the King — Hammurubi posted the city laws on a big block of stone. Getting into the "Me Too" clubby act, were one of the many dead beat goat herding tribes., With a little literacy they copied the Code of Hammurubi., and redrafted it by scrubbing the kings name out and rewriting the heading with the name of their own diety. They declared the auspices of their diety to be a holy people who had the god given right and direction to slaughter anyone and anything who did it different to their dietie's decrees. And they called themselves Jews. Along came a guy called Abraham and then another bunch of the middle eastern "Me Too's", then redrafted another version of the Jews ripped off city laws., and they called themselves Moslem and their own book, and called it the Koran. Then along came another pack of crooks who invented a son of a diety, purporting all these miracles some 2 lifetimes after his non existance, and they called him Jesus. Up sprang another cult, and the followers of the cult — well they all claim to be "christians" and they mostly do some of the half baked dogma of each of their thousands of whacko splinter groups, but Jesus (the fraud) was not practicing christianity — he was Jewish, practicing the Jewish religious cult — as stolen from the state laws of Babylon by King Hammuribi. The first 6 books of the old testament are basically verbatim copies of the Code of Hammurubi — it's one of the worlds biggest scams of plagarisim and deceit. And the half baked christian cultists eating their non kosher bacon burgers are inscribing this drivel on the gun sights? QED: There is no such thing as being jewish, moslem or christian - because all religion's ARE bullshit.
Walt 15 years ago
I carried Trijicon Night Sights on my duty weapon until I retired from law enforcement several years ago. I was always thankful to have them. By the grace of God, I never had to shoot anyone in my 27 years of active service as a patrolman having made countless arrests of both armed and unarmed suspects. I was never aware of Trijicon's stampings, but upon hearing this, I am extremely proud of the company's stance and proud to have carried their product. I applaud Trijicon in what they do. With our soldiers' lives on the line every minute of every day in countries where Christian prayer is outlawed and Holy Bibles are forbidden, this complaint is repulsive at best. (I could add a LOT MORE negatives!)At least to carry one piece of tangible reference to God into combat on the very tool on which his and his fellow brothers in arms depend, should be the least of the worries of those critics. This is a jihad (at least that's what the enemy has declared)and these critics would deny our soldiers the very mention of God or the Lord Jesus Christ in the soldiers' behalf? Now just whose side do the critics stand? Thank you, Trijicon.
Gerre 15 years ago
For crying out loud... This misinterpreted myth of seperation of church and state is a fraud and is not even in the consitution, but are found in the jeffersonian letters. Yes, we are not to establish an American church of God (i.e; church of England), but we are a Christian nation and are at war with Islam extremists. Just because the verse references are imprinted on these Trijicon scopes doesn't make every soldier a professed christian.... it only references our christian heritage and faith in the Lord.... what's next? Banning all military personnel from eating at in-n-out burger joints because they imprint bible references on all of their cups, wraps and fry packets?... Political Correctness needs to come to an end folks and christians everywhere need to stop turning the other cheek... and start taking back our country.
Infidel 15 years ago
I would advise Trijicon to stamp John 14:6. The whole verse! Maranatha
Ray 15 years ago
Alright! If I had to use a weapon to defend myself and my country (thankfully I don't) I would definately have it inscribed with scripture. As 'bill gates' points out, there IS a jihad going on - the islamists agenda is one of world domination. They do not stand for peace, love, freedom etc like all the bleeding heart screwballs would have us beleive. Just take a look at any full-on islamist country and you will find a cowardly brutality at the very core.
B-Jay 15 years ago
Oh for goodness sake, if this company wants to write the Word of God on its weapons, whats wrong with that? God Bless them, I say and yeh, I agree,lets pray they do keep the contract. The real world is real, yes we know that, but dont be mislead, there is a huge supernatural world out there and to be armed literally with the Word of God is a huge weapon in the unseen. Good stuff, should be more of it.
BarakIII 15 years ago
Actually, the phrase "separation of church and state" is a misnomer and has been used for years to infringe on religious freedom. The language in the constitution is clear. It protects religion from the state, not the other way around. One of the reasons for the revolution in the first place was religious freedom. Our founding fathers came from countries where the government controlled religion, imposing one particular brand of worship upon the populace. It was from this rigid control that many of the founding fathers fled to this continent in the first place. The state has no right to force any particular religion on anyone, but religions have every right to worship, vote, or express their beliefs howsoever they choose. That includes people who are actually in government and includes expressing ones self on government property. The constitution guarantee's our right to worship as we choose and our right of expression. It DOES NOT guarantee our right to never see or hear things that may offend us, like seeing someone praying in a school cafeteria, or, yes, having a company express itself through placing bible verses on their products. Even if those products are sold to the US government.
Kolimasoldad 15 years ago
God praise, bless, and shine through "Trijicon". "Seperation of Church and state" is a load of crap. Find it in the U.S Constitution, Phillip and Karl. You morons are the reason why the U.S.A is failing. We need God at the forefront, and the Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts. It's either them (Muslims) or US. Pick a side, son.
karl 15 years ago
Right. It's called seperation of church and state. Your republic was founded as a secular republic, not some nutty christian super state. The military would be advised to deal wit this matter by the book and without exception. Join us someday in the real world, Bill.

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