Rock Concert Halted Due to Pigeon Droppings
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Caleb Followill temptimg the pigeon world
Following the abrupt stoppage three songs into the Kings of Leon concert last week, fans became irate, screaming: “Bullshit!”
No, pigeon shit.
Playing at the Verizon Amphitheatre in St. Louis, members of the rock band found themselves bombarded with pigeon droppings, thanks to the mass of birds collected in the rafters. The headliners had been warned of the problem by the two opening acts, The Postelles and The Stills, but the stars of the show insisted on trying to perform.
"We couldn't believe what The Postelles and The Stills looked like after their sets," said Jared Followill. "We didn't want to cancel the show, so we went for it. We tried to play. It was ridiculous."
The final straw came when bassist Jared took a direct hit in his mouth.
Followill’s brother and bandmate, Nathan, later tweeted about the show’s cancellation in an attempt to assuage angry fans.
“So sorry St. Louis. We had to bail, pigeons shitting in jareds mouth. Too unsanitary to continue,” he wrote on his Twitter page.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Kings of Leon Cancels Its St. Louis Show After Playing Three Songs Because of Bird Shit (by Annie Zaleski, Riverfront Times)
Birds Force Kings of Leon from St. Louis Stage (by Alan Duke, CNN)
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