Wisconsin Firefighters Withdraw Money from Bank that Funded Gov. Walker

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Fed up with Governor Scott Walker’s effort to take away the collective bargaining rights of public employees, firefighters in Wisconsin protested this week outside a Republican-friendly bank and withdrew so much money from accounts that bank officials had to close the branch early.
The bank, M&I Bank in Madison, is led by executives and board members who contributed heavily to Walker’s gubernatorial campaign.
Members of Firefighters Local 311 went after the bank following union President Joe Conway’s call to move their money out of M&I. One report said $192,000 was withdrawn, while another cited the figure $600,000.
Opponents of Walker have organized through Facebook (“Boycott Scott Walker Contributors”) and are targeting other businesses supporting the governor, including Northwestern Mutual Insurance, Johnsonville Sausage, the Wisconsin Realtors Association, the Wisconsin Automobile and Truck Dealers Association and Georgia-Pacific, which is owned by GOP heavyweight contributors David and Charles Koch.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Websites Back Boycotts of Walker Contributors (by Don Walker, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
WI Firefighters Spark "Move Your Money" Moment (by Mary Bottari, Center for Media and Democracy)


Anna 14 years ago
The top execs in the banking industry are now making more money and bonuses than ever before. Exxon still gets government handouts, and yet there are still people like Dave and the Professor who want to join in and stomp on the ever shrinking middle class for doing nothing but exercising their rights provided under the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. Keep up the good fight, you firemen, and all you working folks. If my house burns, it'll be you, and not the bank execs that try to save my family. And that's why I stand behind you - and keep MY money in a credit union. We need more action like this. And as for people being "bussed in" - so what if folks got a bus ride? The bank execs are getting private jet rides anywhere they want to go - made possible by deposits of the middle class. You really believe those bank execs work harder than the firemen and policeman and they deserve those huge salaries more than people that actually save the lives of children?
tom 14 years ago
let's see those politicians who would make such drastic actions against the working men and women of Amerika's Middle Class take voluntary pay cuts for themselves. let THEM show US how it's really done. and oh, yeah, how'bout the politicians voluntarily going off tax-payer funded insurance? let's see them decline that tax-payer funded lifetime benefits package and escalating retirement account. let's see the *leaders* lead by example. and if not, then let's IMPEACH.
Professor 14 years ago
The headline of the article is either a mistake, false, misleading, or a lie on purpose. Wisconsin campaign finance law prohibits corporations from donating to candidates. Therefore, stating as the headline does, a 'Bank that Funded Walker,' is simply untrue. In addition, odds are that there are some people who work for the power company who donated and voted for Scott Walker. When will the call to disconnect electricity and natural gas come? Also, probably some people who work for cable TV providers donated and voted for Scott Walker. Time to cut the cable. How about providers of food and dairy products. Time to stop eating. It is ridiculous to boycott any company based on how some of their employees participated in the political process. What a shame that front line workers in companies that are boycotted will be hurt by those who claim to care about workers.
Dave 14 years ago
Wow thats a lot of firefighter hats. Did the union bosses truck you guys in from out of state to. I guess you have time to go to the bank with your 3 day ON 4 day OFF schedule. Pulling all that money out while other people cant find work and making this a political battle. Cops, fire fighters and correctional officers should keep there mouth shut and get back to work. So you got a pay cut.... big deal. Please... in a few years you will whore yourself out again in your full dress uniform while you stand behind another democratic candidate for photo oppps saying " Cops, Firefighters and bla bla stand behind this candidate. Doing just what your union bosses-realy lawyer tell you and then you get to pay more dues. As a deputy sheriff I have employment protection, IA hearing, grievance process, police officers bill of rights ect. If the sheriff needs us to cut our wages then we do it. Deputy Sheriff are in law enforcement because we make a difference. I suggest you do the same.
P.O>@ kasich 14 years ago
Hopefully someone in Ohio will compile the same type of list for Ohio to boycott all of Kasichs election supporters. No more Johnsonville Sausage or Georgia Pacific lumber for this family !
thewall 14 years ago
There is no reason to allow M&I reconciliation by simply condemning Walker, which they blatantly refuse. This unjust usurping of political process was incubated over time by money from M&I and others. Boycott the donors, boycott the business partners of the donors. Never again let a dollar be recirculated in this economy to such a heinous end. Boycott them forever, exile them and all their ilk from Wisconsin.

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