Who Owns BP? Biggest Shareholder is JPMorgan Chase

Saturday, June 12, 2010

In the wake of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, BP’s stock value has plummeted, prompting news stories identifying the company’s largest investors. Oddly enough, some media outlets have failed to identify the largest BP shareholder: the U.S. investment firm JPMorgan Chase.

According to the European financial database Amadeus, JPMorgan Chase is the No. 1 holder of stock in BP. That distinction also has earned the Wall Street bank the title of “Global Ultimate Owner” of the oil giant, as it owns 28.34% of BP. Next, at 7.99%, is Legal and General Group, a British-based financial services company with assets of more than $350 billion. Another U.S. investment firm, BlackRock Inc., owns 7.1% of BP. Other owners include the governments of Kuwait, Norway, Singapore and China.
Noel Brinkerhoff, David Wallechinsky
BP P.L.C. (BP) (Amadeus Database)


Alex Jones 14 years ago
I will for you. BP is a PLC and is floated on the LSE. A Foreign corporations i.e. BP listed in other markets are not permitted to make direct secondary listings in the United States markets. Therefore an foreign company i.e. BP can create American Depositary Receipt ("ADR") which is a vehicle for foreign corporations to list their ordinary equity on an American stock exchange, such as the New York Stock Exchange or the NASDAQ and therefore American Depositary Share ("ADS")are created. BP ADR are created by JP Morgan and they oversee 28.34% of the company. Each ADS is equal to a sixth of a normal BP share and they are owned by liked normal shares and have voting rights and dividend entailment. So thats why JP MOrgan owns 28.34% because of the receipt but in relaity it does not the owners of ADS own that percent of the company.
rex 14 years ago
Just to let you know ..... I am a minority interest owner in BP. And i will NOT sell my shares !
Sam M 14 years ago
SteveW and Bill - the company is owned by all of its shareholders, each share allows one vote on deciding which decisions to implement. As JPMorgan Chase holds 28.34% of the shares and is the majority shareholder by far, it is deemed the "Global Ultimate Owner". The next largest shareholding is only 7.99%. Follow up the links or do your own research to verify this if you need to.
SteveW 14 years ago
Care to elaborate? I'm sure we'd all like to know what the truth is so if you have it bring it forth, who is the majority shareholder in BP?
Bill 14 years ago
Oddly enough, they are ignoring it because its not true...

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