Clinton Finds New Business in India for Lockheed, Boeing, GE, Westinghouse

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Hillary Clinton and Indian Foreign Minister SM Krishna, July 20, 2009 (AP Photo/Mustafa Quraishi)

U.S.-India 3.0, the catchphrase being pushed by the Obama administration to laud the results of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s recent trip to India, might also be called “billions for big business.” Negotiations between Clinton and Indian leaders produced agreements involving the building of civilian nuclear reactors and the sale of sophisticated military aircraft, both of which will benefit some of the nation’s largest corporations. The defense pact reportedly involves the sale of at least 126 American-made fighter planes built by Lockheed Martin and Boeing. The nuclear deal involves the construction of two new nuclear power plants for energy-starved India, for which General Electric and Westinghouse are expected to win substantial contracts.

-Noel Brinkerhoff


dic the vet 15 years ago
yupp lets forget her campaign contributions from felons and her good ol lobbyists

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