David Vitter: The Formaldehyde Senator
Sunday, November 08, 2009
David Vitter
Paul Anastas, a Yale chemist and so-called father of green chemistry, is being prevented from taking over the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development because of opposition from Senator David Vitter (R-LA), who has been accused of doing the formaldehyde industry’s bidding. Many environmentalists expect Anastas, if confirmed, to lead EPA’s effort to establish safety standards for formaldehyde, which has been linked to causing leukemia.
Vitter has put a hold on Anastas’ confirmation, saying he wants the EPA to allow the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to conduct a two-year study on formaldehyde toxicity before issuing new standards. Environmentalists are opposed to this idea because they’re afraid the NAS study will be influenced by reports sponsored by chemical companies.
Vitter has accepted campaign contributions from formaldehyde emitters, including Dow Chemical, Monsanto, ExxonMobil, and the American Forest and Paper Association.
Formaldehyde contamination gained national attention when the chemical was linked to the health problems of Americans who lived in trailers provided by FEMA after they were displaced by Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita in 2005. According to the Formaldehyde Council, formaldehyde is used in products as widespread as toothpaste, mascara, flooring, car parts, wrinkle-free clothing and dollar bills.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Louisiana Senator's Block on EPA Nominee Tracks Desires of Formaldehyde Industry (by Sabrina Canfield, Courthouse News Service)
IARC Confirms Link Between Formaldehyde and Leukemia (by Jennifer Sass, Natural Resources Defense Council)
Formaldehyde Politics Block Research Chief Joining EPA (by Rebecca Trager, Royal Society of Chemistry)
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