U.S. Ambassador to Serbia: Who Is Kyle Scott?

Saturday, October 10, 2015
Kyle Scott

Kyle R. Scott was nominated on Sept. 15, 2015, to be the next U.S. ambassador to Serbia. If he’s confirmed by the Senate, it will be the first such assignment for the expert on Eastern Europe and Russia.


Scott attended Arizona State University, where in 1979 he earned a BA in German language and literature while also minoring in Russian. He then went on to the Thunderbird School of Global Management, studying international business and finance.


Scott’s early State Department postings included Croatia, Israel, and Switzerland. He stepped away from the diplomatic world for a bit in 1994 as a national security fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. When he returned to active duty with the Foreign Service in 1996, it was as a political counselor at the embassy in Moscow. In 1999, Scott was moved to a similar role at the embassy in Budapest, Hungary.


His next post, in 2003, was in Brussels, Belgium, as a political minister/counselor at the U.S. mission to the European Union. Scott continued working with multinational organizations when he was named in 2005 as deputy chief of mission at the Organization for Security in Cooperation in Europe, based in Vienna, Austria.


Scott returned to Washington in 2009 as director of the Office of Russian Affairs. Under his watch, the United States and Russia cooperated on Iranian issues and began to negotiate the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) agreement to reduce nuclear weapon stockpiles, launchers and heavy bombers.


For Scott’s next assignment (2011 to 2014), he was posted in Milan, Italy, as the consul general there. In 2014, he was made the Department of State’s senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund.


Scott is married and has two sons. He speaks Russian, German, Italian, Croatian, Hungarian and French.

-Steve Straehley


To Learn More:

Official Announcement

American Business Group


Dana Banov 5 years ago
It's interesting that Kyle Scott speaks "Croatian" because it doesn't exist. The Croats speak a version of Serbian. The background is that in WW1 the Croats, a minor tribe in the area around Zagreb & Zagorije, were allies of the Austro-Hugarian Empire & in WW2 they were Hitler's allies. In both World Wars Croats were on the losing side while Serbs sacrificed roughly 40% of its adult male population fighting with the Western allies. The Serb Monarchy's greatest mistake was accepting the traitorous Croats into the Royal Kingdom of Serbs, Croats & Slovenes after WW1 & this was confirmed in WW2 when the genocidal Croats slaughtered over 1,000,000 predominantly Serbs, but also Jews & Roms. Yet their horrific deeds have been hidden & in the 1990s destruction of Yugoslavia an invented "Croatia" was carved out of Dalmatia, Slavonia & Lika, historically Serb territories on the Adriatic Sea.
Bluegrass 5 years ago
Kosovo is Serbia, never was a province. Remember that.
A Real American - 7 years ago
Drain the swamp! Yugoslavia was the globalist's testing ground for their ultimate goal of destruction of the United States. The same jihadist shovel these #SorosMuppets broke over Serbia's back with is the same one being used to bury American Culture & Sovereignty one scoop at a time.
Sasha 8 years ago
Good luck, you not need learn Serbian, because Croatian is actualy Serbian with different dialect, but well. You will be fine :)
Scott 8 years ago
Good luck Kyle, Serbian people are very nice. Your work in Milan was great!
Ja 8 years ago
Mike, its like U go to Texas from California and U need to learn Texasian to communicate with Texasians!!!!! Croatians r Serbo-catholics, Serbs that receive catholicism try last 6-7 centuries under vatikans preasure or because they didnt want to become muslims under Otomans ( Turks )...( 80% of nowdays croats ).
PhilipM 8 years ago
It is just a different dialect. He will be fine.
PakiP 8 years ago
The language is Serbo-Croatian.
MikeD 9 years ago
Speaks Croatian and he's going Serbia? Too bad he will have to learn Serbian now.

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