35% of Americans Find Obama Health Care Law Too Liberal, 16% Say It Doesn’t Go Far Enough
More than half of Americans still oppose President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform measure, which isn’t news given that previous polls have shown the same results. But what is worth pointing out is that not all of the opponents are conservatives who just flat out hate the law.
Of the 54% who responded to a CNN/ORC International poll (pdf) saying they oppose the Affordable Care Act (pdf), 16% explained that their beef stems from the law not going far enough, the highest percentage since polling began. Another 35% of critics feel the law is too liberal.
Other polls have shown widespread confusion about what the law actually includes, even among those who would benefit from it.
Meanwhile, don’t expect any changes to the law anytime soon. Neither Republicans nor Democrats are willing to amend the controversial statute.
Making adjustments is out of the question for GOP lawmakers, who simply want to repeal the entire thing. Democrats, some of whom would like to adjust provisions in the law, are too afraid to bring up the subject prior to next year’s midterm elections and risk handing their Republican adversaries a hot-button issue to attack them with.
The measure was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama in March 2010.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
To Learn More:
Poll: Do You Support or Oppose the Health Care Law? (by Paul Steinhauser, CNN)
CNN/ORC Poll (ORC International) (pdf)
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