Battle over Morning-After Pills Goes to Court in Idaho

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Jennie Linn McCormack of Idaho is suing a local prosecutor for trying to convict her for using the morning-after pill to terminate her pregnancy.
McCormack, a single mother of three children, ended her pregnancy after she purchased FDA-approved RU-486 over the Internet. She was later arrested for violating Idaho’s law that forbids self-administered abortions, an offense punishable with five years in prison and a $5,000 fine.
The criminal charges were dismissed by a local judge at the preliminary hearing on August 24.
McCormack then filed a lawsuit against Bannock County Prosecuting Attorney Mark Hiedeman, in which she challenges the constitutionality of Idaho’s anti-abortion law. In particular, the lawsuit emphasizes that Idaho law discriminates against low-income and rural residents of southeast Idaho, who have to travel 165 miles to Salt Lake City to obtain a legal abortion from a doctor.
-Noel Brinkerhoff, David Wallechinsky
Woman Who Took Morning-After Pill Sues Prosecutor Who Put Her in Jail (by Philip Janquart, Courthouse News Service)
Jennie Linn McCormack v. Mark Hiedeman (U.S. District Court, Idaho) (pdf)


Oubli 13 years ago
ru-486 and the morning after pill are two completely different things!!! you cannot terminate a pregnancy using morning after pills! jennie took ru-486, not the morning after pill. fact checking is desperately needed here!
Daisee 13 years ago
you go jennie!! and thanks.

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