Businesses Don’t Create Jobs; Corporate Tax Breaks Don’t Help: Dave Johnson

Thursday, November 18, 2010
(graphic: SouthernKathy)
Businesses do not create jobs, says Dave Johnson at Campaign for America’s Future who sees companies as an enemy of employment.
“Businesses have more incentives to eliminate jobs than to create them,” argues Johnson. “Businesses in our economy exist to create profits, not jobs. This means the incentive is for a business to create as few jobs as possible at the lowest possible cost. They also constantly strive to reduce the number of people they employ by bringing in machines, outsourcing or finding other ways to reduce the payroll.”
Given this proclivity on the part of the private sector, Johnson says it’s a waste of money to provide tax breaks to businesses.
What really creates jobs is demand for a product or service. Notes Johnson, “A job is created when demand for goods or services is greater than the existing ability to provide them.” If a business can increase its profits by hiring more employees, only then will it do so. Thus what most efficiently creates jobs is not giving businesses more money through tax breaks, but giving customers the money to buy more products and services.
Government helps business by creating “the infrastructure of roads, schools, courts, etc. that is what makes our businesses competitive with businesses in other countries.”
-David Wallechinsky
Businesses Do Not Create Jobs (by Dave Johnson, Campaign for America’s Future)


aligatorhardt 13 years ago
johnson is correct on this question. no business owner is making job positions unless he has the orders for goods or services beyond what can be handled by staff. automation is always the first choice, as machinery does not get health insurance, workman's comp, vacations, or require breaks. the cost of an employee is nearly double the cost of wages due to the above mentioned extras. what would really help employers add jobs is a national health insurance like all our competitor countries have.
Landin 14 years ago
is this idiot for real? "giving customers the money to buy more products and services." key word? "giving" and just where does money come from? who creates money dave johnson? i want to pull my fu****g hair out when i read stuff like this from people who do not understand even the most b a s i c of economics.

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