Clarence Thomas’ Wife May Have Benefitted from His Vote on Campaign Financing

Monday, October 11, 2010
Virginia Thomas
By involving himself in the decision to throw out campaign contributions limits for corporations and unions, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas helped expand fundraising opportunities for his wife’s new political organization.
Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the most partisan of any Supreme Court justice spouse ever, according to The New York Times, is the founder of Liberty Central, a conservative group that seeks to end the “tyranny” of President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party.
In January, the high court ruled it illegal to limit the spending of businesses and organized labor, clearing the way for big-money interests to pour huge sums into the 2010 election. In order to cloak their spending, many contributors are giving to certain nonprofit groups, like Liberty Central, which are not required by law to disclose their financial backers.
Ginny Thomas launched her organization in late 2009 with two unidentified gifts of $500,000 and $50,000.
“It’s shocking that you would have a Supreme Court justice sitting on a case that might implicate in a very fundamental way the interests of someone who might have contributed to his wife’s organization,” Deborah L. Rhode, law professor and director of the Stanford University Center on the Legal Profession, told The New York Times.
Supreme Court justices are supposed to recuse themselves from cases in which they may have a personal bias, including those in which they or close relatives have a financial interest. However, such self-disqualifications are voluntary.
In one particularly notorious case from 2004, Justice Antonin Scalia refused to recuse himself from a case involving Vice-President Dick Cheney even though he went duck hunting with Cheney while the case was being considered. Scalia argued that there was no conflict of interest because he and Cheney never hunted in the same blind, and they never discussed the case against Cheney. Cheney won the case on a 7-2 vote.
-Noel Brinkerhoff, David Wallechinsky


Christ. Ward 14 years ago
what the intelligence community is calling economic treason) We're going to the U.S. Justice Department in the near future to present our LEGITIMATE case and DEMAND investigations to verify the charges and evidence in question. Whatever happens this should be an eye opening experience for Tea Party & Christian voters all over our great nation. Email to Dr. Freda Crews/ We need to see your financial statements. Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) is going to be investigated for tax fraud. We understand the Senator was on your TV show Time for Hope pushing his book “Saving Freedom” (sic). There sure is an awful lot of political organizing going on in the name of GOD. The way you Christians are speaking out against Wall Street reform and regulation… one could get the idea you people would have defended the Money Changers from JESUS! 2010bychristward 10-10-10 YOU’VE BEEN LED ASTRAY BY FALSE PROPHETS Last warning from Lloyd The Baptist. "I’m only the messenger, I don’t care if you believe or listen to this warning or not. Recognize the SIGNS... Floods, fires, winds, drought and oil spills in Red States. Just look at Dick Cheney, he’s well on his way to that special place in hell occupied by the screaming souls of Benito Mussolini, Prescott Bush, Nicolae Ceausescu and Ronald6 Wilson6 Reagan6. Glenn Beck suffering from a mysterious ailment, passed it on to all he touched at “Restoring Honor” rallies. A multitude of anti-gay Republicans and right-wing Christian preachers caught seducing young boys or procuring male prostitutes. A Ginny Thomas breakdown will be but a drop in a tidal wave of Conservative women losing their minds. Wealthy Conservative Americans losing fortunes to Wall Street FRAUD or seized doing business with authoritarian Communist Chinese and the OPEC Dictators. and the US Chamber of Commerce... pure evil $. REMEMBER, Rush Limbaugh was struck down days after my last warning, December 20, 2009, post titled “A Christmas message from Lloyd the Baptist”. (as posted on ) Ok, if you still don't believe? On 10-13-10 there will be a sign over the FOX News building in NYC. It will be pooh poohed in the news media but rest assured it is the real thing... REPENT! A host of ANGELS from above will bring the WRATH of GOD upon all those who continue their evil ways. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! AMEN END TRANSMISSION NOTE: Video and details, for an exclusive holy hot springs baptism in the Blood of Christ Mountains, coming soon. QUOTE OF THE DAY: “…mind JAH lick dem with diseases, the most dangerous diseases, I talk’n like the elephantiasis, and a poliomyelitis, arthritis and one diabetes… JAH JAH not pleased, wit all dem vices, I pray HELP us out of the crisis…” Smiley and Michigán

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