Indiana State Employees Get Bonus for Losing Collective Bargaining Rights
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels
Having adopted a state budget with more than a billion-dollar surplus, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has decided to throw a bone to government employees who lost their collective bargaining rights years ago.
About 24,000 of the more than 28,000 state workers will receive one-time bonuses in the coming weeks. The checks are expected to range from $500 (for those whose work “meets expectations”) to $1,000 (for “outstanding” job performances).
Hoosier public employees are now almost entirely non-union, compared to six years ago. In 2005, the year workers lost their collective bargaining power, 16,408 Indiana state workers paid union dues (out of 25,000 who were eligible), or 66%. Today, only 7% pay dues, or 1,409 of 20,000 eligible.
While the Republican Daniels spoke proudly about the new budget, House Democratic Leader B. Patrick Bauer pointed out the plan “has not been built on a strong economy keyed on job creation. That’s because this administration has no such program.”
Bauer added that the surplus is partly a creation of “budget reversions and other accounting tricks that this administration frowned upon when it took office. Without the past use of federal stimulus dollars, the continual demand for trimming agency budgets, and the occasional raid on dedicated funds, our financial picture would not be as rosy as the governor and the auditor would like.”
Daniels was frequently mentioned as one of the sensible centrist (i.e. non-Tea Party) Republicans suitable for nomination to be president—along with Tim Pawlenty, John Huntsman and Mitt Romney—because of his budgetary expertise. He was George W. Bush’s director of the Office of Management and Budget and often cited as one of the chief architects of the economic policies that brought on the Great Recession of 2008.
But he dropped out of the race in May to devote his full attention to Indiana.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Indiana State Employees to Get Bonus (by Anne Gregory, Journal Gazette)
Mitch Daniels Is the Tea Party's Dream Candidate (by Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic)
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