Medicare For All (a.k.a. Single-Payer) Won’t Work: Deane Waldman

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

“Medicare-for-All,” touted by liberals who want a government-run solution, is not the answer to the nation’s health care crisis, argues physician Deane Waldman. First of all, the existing Medicare program, unlike Medicaid, was never intended to be an entitlement. When first established, Medicare was supposed to be self-sustaining, with workers putting in what they later could take out (in the form of medical services) after they retired. Instead, Medicare became a Ponzi scheme like Social Security, with “contributions of the presently employed” used to “pay for the expenses of the retired.”

Given that Medicare is on pace to go bankrupt in less than 10 years (2017), why on earth would the country want to fashion its “solution” to heath care around the Medicare model, asks Waldman.
In addition, there are the inconvenient truths about how Medicare operates. Just like HMOs, the government-run health care plan seeks to contain costs—by rationing care. “Many things your doctor would like for you are denied as not ‘cost effective,’” writes Waldman.

Another inconvenient truth is that there are “virtually no scientific cost effectiveness studies on which the government denies payment. Denying payment means denying care and thus again, MediCare-for-All is No Care for All.”
                                                                                                                                                 -Noel Brinkerhoff

“MediCare for All” Becomes No Care at All
(by Deane Waldman, Huffington Post)


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