Postal Service Charges Iowa City $831,000 for Freedom of Information Request

Friday, July 29, 2011
Officials in Sioux City, Iowa, have been told by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) that they can find out how the decision was made to move a mail processing facility to another town.
As long as Sioux City forks over more than $800,000.
Once the Postal Service decided to relocate the mail processing and distribution center to Sioux Falls—which could cost Sioux City more than 100 jobs—local leaders filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to obtain all documents relating to the decision. The Postal Service responded that such a request would cost $831,143.16.
“When I first saw it, I thought it was a Nigerian email scam,” City Manager Paul Eckert told the Sioux City Journal. “This is a shocking number. I would never have imagined this, especially given the difficulty they are placing on this community.”
A USPS executive in Washington, DC, confirmed the amount, adding: “The FOIA permits agencies to charge fair and equitable fees to recover the costs of furnishing records to the public.”
-Noel Brinkerhoff


j parsons 13 years ago
now, of course the question is; who is james jones and who does he work for? if it truly does cost this much for the gov. to respond to this foia request, it strikes me that some gov. employees may be vastly over paid. but then, we already know that.
James Jones 13 years ago
great sensationalist journalism folks. did you investigate how much information sioux city requested? did you investigate the number of hours it would take to complete the response? all federal agencies use similar rates for labor, copying, etc. did you investigate how they wanted to receive the information, etc. federal agencies recoup less than 1% on average of the costs of processing foia requests, so before you go piling on, do your homework. could it possibly be the buffoons in sioux city had no clue how to submit a foia request? and while you're at it, why don't you check out their track record for responding to requests? no fair and balanced reporting here. must be first year newbie reporters with nothing better to do than slam what they perceive to be easy "targets".

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