Railroad Worker Claims He was Fired for Refusing to Pray

Thursday, January 20, 2011
James Dunkin is suing his employer, the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company (BNSF), because he claims he was fired for not participating in prayer meetings. Furthermore, Dunkin says his boss, shop superintendent Jeff Kirby, handed out religious materials containing “instructions for raising ‘masculine sons and feminine daughters,’” and declaring that it is a sin for married couples not to have children. Dunkin also says that Kirby disclosed Dunkin’s personal health information to co-workers.
Dunkin, who had been with BNSF since 1996, was working as a general foreman in the Glendive, Montana, diesel shop when the incidents occurred. A Christian, Dunkin initially did attend the prayer meetings, but stopped because he felt uncomfortable with Kirby’s interpretation of Christianity. After Dunkin complained, he was transferred to Kansas City, Kansas, and demoted to a lower pay grade.
-David Wallechinsky, Noel Brinkerhoff
He Was Demoted for Failing to Pray, Rail Worker Says (by Bridget Freeland, Courthouse News Service)
James Dunkin v. BNSF Railroad (U.S. District Court, Kansas) (pdf)


John Buckner 6 years ago
Well Kirby is a nut case. Youvall habe no idea what this guy has done to people mentally.
I use to work with James Dunkin 9 years ago
James Dunkin is a snake. He has an axe to grind against the railroad due to he has no way of advancing. More in likely he fabricated or overblown everything. It is a known fact the railroad will back down on ANY law suits.
Anonoymous 13 years ago
you obviously have not meet jeff kirby.
Paule Patterson 14 years ago
I would be interested in Mr. Kirby's side of the story since these things are often made up allegations, distorted facts, and one-sided exaggerations to fulfill a personal vendetta one has. So far there is nothing reported about Mr. Kirby's side.

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