Romania Coin Honors Anti-Semitic Prime Minister

Monday, August 09, 2010
(photo: Reuters)

Bank officials in Romania have come under fire from Holocaust experts for issuing a special coin honoring Miron Cristea, a former prime minister who demonized Jews prior to the outbreak of World War II.

Cristea led Romania’s Orthodox Church between 1925 and 1939, and served as prime minister from 1938-1939. In 1937 he issued a statement calling Jews “parasites” and urging Romanians to rid the country of Jews. During his brief time in power, he supported the country’s recently passed citizenship law that stripped 225,000 Jews of their citizenship. He also restricted worship by Protestants and banned all political parties.
About 280,000 Jews and 35,000 gypsies were killed in Romania during the Holocaust.
-Noel Brinkerhoff, David Wallechinsky
Miron Cristea (Wikipedia)


Antonio 14 years ago
Keep the damn coin!!!. I had enough of Jews talking about so bad they had it. If they were MORE humble and PEACEFUL today, i might like them..they feel ALL other races OWE them something!!! . Take care of your own business, stop fucking around other people shit.
Mark Meyer 14 years ago
see the position of the Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce demanding cancellation of the coin:
Anonim 14 years ago
What a shocking absence of real journalism in this article. 1) The coin is PART OF A SERIES HONORING ROMANIAN PATRIARCHS IN THE 20th CENTURY! Romania is not honoring Cristea's role as Prime Minister but rather as the PATRIARCH! 2) Cristea died before World War 2 and therefore before teh Holocaust. He cannot be held accountable for it. 3) Cristea lived at a time when anti-semitism was - unfortunately - fashionable. Wintston Churchill was also an anti-Semite; perhaps Great Britain should also erase a part of its history because not every aspect of national personas is sunshine and lolipops? I am shocked at the poor level of journalism. Congratulations!

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