The U.S. and its Socialist Army: Cenk Uygur

Friday, August 07, 2009
Socialist center of the United States (a.k.a. the Pentagon) (photo: Geoeye)

Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, offers a different perspective on the U.S. military as part of his argument for combating the constant haranguing by Republicans over how bad government is. To denigrate the government is also to denigrate the U.S. military—for the Armed Forces are every bit a part of the federal government. So an attack on Washington is also an attack on the Pentagon and the men and women serving America. The military, after all, is completely funded by taxpayers and operated by the government.

Uygur also points out that the men and women serving in the U.S. Army are practically a bunch of communists. Why? Just look at their marquee slogan: Army of One. “That sounds positively communist,” he writes. “Why don’t they just call it the collective?”
With everyone pledging support for their brothers and sisters in arms, and no one getting left behind, as well as the fact that everyone in the Army gets government-provided housing, healthcare, and even clothing, “the military is the most socialist institution we have,” Uygur argues.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Is the US Military a Socialist Institution? (by Cenk Uygur, Young Turks)


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