2.1 Million Americans Just Lost their Jobless Benefits

Sunday, December 30, 2012

If Congress is unable to reach agreement on a deal to avoid the so-called “fiscal cliff,” the biggest losers will not be taxpayers, whose tax rates are merely returning to 2002 levels, but the 2.1 million Americans—and their families—whose unemployment benefits ran out as of December 29. That was the expiration date of the federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation program, a Labor Department program that extends unemployment compensation to long-term unemployed workers who have already collected all regular state benefits for which they were eligible.


Given the poor prospects for a fiscal cliff deal, Democrats plan to introduce legislation preserving the Bush tax rates for incomes up to $250,000 a year and extending the unemployment benefits program through next year, which would cost $30 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office.


“I believe such a proposal could pass both houses with bipartisan majorities – as long as these leaders allow it to come to a vote,” said President Barqck Obama in his weekly address. “If they still want to vote no, and let this tax hike hit the middle class, that’s their prerogative – but they should let everyone vote. That’s the way this is supposed to work.”


Meanwhile, some economists argue that a benefit cut-off, combined with the end of the payroll tax cut, could throw the nation back into recession, which would cause even more unemployment and needless human suffering. Some also contend that the recent holiday shopping season suffered poor sales partly because of the looming fiscal uncertainty, including the benefits cutoff.


If all this seems strangely familiar, it’s because in summer 2010, extended unemployment benefits actually lapsed for several weeks while the Senate argued and dithered over funding before finally passing legislation. That time, recipients received lump sum retroactive benefit checks, which is expected to be the case this time around as well, assuming a deal is reached.

-Matt Bewig


To Learn More:

Congress Almost Certain To Blow Unemployment Deadline (by Arthur Delaney, Huffington Post)

Extended Emergency Unemployment Compensation will Expire for 2.1 Million Recipients on December 29 (by HoundDog, DailyKos)

Half a Million Long-Term Unemployed Lose Benefits Earlier than Expected (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)


Bermuda One 11 years ago
God Bless you and I will pray for your family. I too am just like you. I have over 25 years experience, up to date skills and hundreds of rejection letters. I am too qualified so I dumb down my resume. I then worked a seasonal job and had to have emergency surgery, which really was not cheap, then have to fight appeals to get any sort of help. I too ran out of the benefits, which were small but keeping me floating. I am absolutely disgusted that I come from a family of veterans, have worked my entire life to lose a job through no fault of my own. I am proud and not lazy. It is time for a change. I actually am thinking about leaving this so called great country. It was once but lately I think not too much. It is great for the CEO's and rich politicians. I have actually been investigating places to move that are more affordable, safer, and have better healthcare systems. They are out there. It is time to act because I now realize we are looking at a situation that if the bill passes to extend unemployment it will be much too late for most of us. I refuse to sit idle while I watch my life unravel and have to live in the street. I will pray for you and all of us. The politicians better start praying too. I believe we will eventually see riots and unbelievable skyrocketing crime. People will resort to whatever to survive and feed their families. God Bless you all. I believe in God and I really hope the people in Congress enjoy hot weather. They are all going to find themselves in a really bad place one day. We will all be smiling:)
marie 12 years ago
It's so thoughtful of our leaders to rob the poor and feed the rich. Every person on the FEUC needs the money to keep a float, never mind us the ones who are trying to get a job with the new mentality of employers. Most all employers are now pushing for workers up to 20 hours only a week, no full time work here. Sorry all out, thank you Mr. and Mrs. whomever you are who worked all your lives paid your way and lets give you what you deserve a big slap in the face. I'm 50 some years old, can count everyday missed since 15 years old on one hand and can't get a job, I've looked and looked. I get up everyday and go look and go for interviews. My family is not rich, we were getting by on a 363. check from federal unemployment, now its gone, I am about to cry, to have to go ask for food stamps, and medicaid, to help my family out. I worked all of my life for this. At least with the federal unemployment insurance, I could pay my bills while I looked for work, now its winter and I imagine we will be sitting in a dark cold house, til thats gone. Thank you for caring about us. What a joke, our leaders are. From our president to the clowns in the congress and house. Too bad your jobs are not cut out.

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