CNN, FOX and CNBC Push Romney as Republican Nominee

Friday, November 11, 2011
Mitt Romney at Michigan debate November 9, 2011 (AP Photo)
There’s something about Mitt Romney the networks can’t get enough of. Over the last five Republican presidential debates, Romney has scored far more speaking time than his rivals, according to statistics compiled by Smart Politics. He’s logged 73 minutes and 22 seconds while answering questions and responding to candidate attacks, while Rick Perry has had only 53 minutes, 51 seconds. The disparity is even greater with Michele Bachmann (40 minutes, 57 seconds), Herman Cain (38 minutes, 43 seconds), Newt Gingrich (38 minutes, 23 seconds), Ron Paul (37 minutes, 1 second) and Rick Santorum (35 minutes, 5 seconds).
In the most recent debate in Rochester, Michigan, on Wednesday, Romney was allowed to speak 20.8% of the time, with Gingrich a distant second at 13.7%. The media sponsor for this debate was CNBC. The media sponsors of the other debates were CNN (twice), Fox News, and Bloomberg, The Washington Post and New Hampshire’s WBIN-TV in tandem.
Saturday night it will be the turn of CBS News and The National Journal to give the Republican candidates a platform, this time in Spartanburg, South Carolina.
-David Wallechinsky, Noel Brinkerhoff

2012 Primary Debate Schedule (2012 Presidential Election News)  


Common Sense 13 years ago
there's a very simple reason why romney has had more air time during the debates than all the other candidates and it's not because the networks are "pushing" him on us. the reason romney recieves more air time is because incase you haven't noticed, he has been at the top of the polls in every single debate thus far. not only does the percieved front runner get asked more questions by the moderaters than any other other candidate, but he also gets attacked much more by the other candidates giving him more air time to respond. if perry hadn't of completely collapsed then his air time would be much closer to romney's. if cain or paul or anyone else had been leading in the polls all this time and not romney then they would have had the most air time.
66_in_KY 13 years ago
i saw the same smart politics article yesterday and found the media bias described therein to be very troubling. this information needs to get out to more people. i agree with what liberty without demagogues said. it is clear that there are some power brokers intent on manipulating the electorate. most people are too intellectually lazy. we act like sheep waiting for the news media to tell us how to think and vote. i'm a bachmann supporter and i would like to see bachmann, paul, santorum and huntsman all address this issue at the same time on the same stage. making this an issue together, on live tv so that the media can't filter it is the only way it will have a chance of making a difference. i sent a link to the smart politics article to the bachmann campaign. perhaps the other aforementioned candidates should see this too.
Liberty without Demagogues 13 years ago
it is quite obvious that conglomerate corporate media has but only two or three owners who direct underlings on who to give coverage to. it is dissapointing to see this unethical and propagandist approach to journalism. i am disgusted at the way supposed impartial, fair and balanced journalists try to push their choice of candidates by citing statistically irrelavent national poll numbers, over and over again. data which would otherwise be discarded as statistically insignificant in the scientific community and would tarnish a researcher's career if they relied on flawed data to base a conclusion upon. it is a blatant thing, rick perry got more news coverage for being an idiot blunderer, mitt romney and newt gingrich are now being pushed as front-runners. the polls used are dispicable and partisan bought propagandist data. until we stop listening to unbalanced news media the presidential race will always be fixed and staged. following the media's poor attempt at pushing a candidate, i predict obama and romney will face off and obama unfortunately will win...again. there aren't enough americans who care or are awake to the fact that militarism and propagandist news sells advertisement. like a hot knife through butter, ron paul tells the truth in the empire of lies.

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