Federal Reserve Finally Reveals Which Banks Took Emergency Loans at Height of Crisis

Saturday, April 02, 2011
No wonder the Federal Reserve fought so hard to keep secret the names of banks that were bailed out during the height of the financial crisis of 2008. The biggest recipients were foreign—not American—institutions that benefited from hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars that were loaned out. And one of them was a bank owned by the Central Bank of Libya.
After losing repeatedly in court, the Fed finally released documents sought by Bloomberg that revealed who borrowed what through the central bank’s discount window during a critical period of several months for the U.S. economy. The discount window allows financial institutions to borrow money from the Federal Reserve at discount rates on a short-term basis to cover liquidity shortages.
The single largest borrower from the Fed program was Dexia, a French-Belgian bank that frequently held more than $30 billion in outstanding loans. Depfa Bank Plc of Germany received $24.5 billion, and $26 billion was loaned to the Arab Banking Corporation, whose majority (59%) owner is the Central Bank of Libya.
According to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont), because the Libyan-owned bank is headquartered in Bahrain, it is escaping the economic sanctions against the regime of Libyan dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke justified aid to the Libyan-owned bank on the basis that it has a branch in the United States (on Third Avenue in New York City).
During the crisis’ busiest week, 70% of the $111 billion borrowed through the discount window went to overseas banks.
“The American people are going to be outraged when they understand what has been going on,” Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) told Bloomberg. “What in the world are we doing thinking we can pass out tens of billions of dollars to banks that are overseas?”
He added: “We have problems here at home with people not being able to pay their mortgages, and they’re losing their homes.”
Only one U.S. bank, Wachovia Corp., was among the top five discount-window borrowers, taking $29 billion. It is now owned by Wells Fargo.
Records turned over by the Fed also revealed that it allowed banks to use $118 billion in junk bonds, defaulted debt and unrated securities and stocks as collateral in order to borrow billions in cash.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Letter to Ben Bernanke (Senator Bernie Sanders) (pdf)
Foreign Banks Used Fed Secret Lifeline Most at Crisis Peak (By Bradley Keoun and Craig Torres, Bloomberg)
The Fed’s Crisis Lending: A Billion Here, a Thousand There (by Binyamin Appelbaum and Jo Craven McGinty, New York Times)
Fed Kept Taps Open for Banks in Crisis (by Liz Moyer and David Benoit, Wall Street Journal)


Warner W. Fletcher 13 years ago
i believe that those who still working or at retirement age or near retirement age would be well advised to fire every "repubocrat" that is currently attempting to destroy the promises that are financed by our previous work at our respective companies half of which came from our own salaries that are now to be cut as "entitlements". this is another name for stealing by our wonderfully bought elected officials! any country that is ran by such a bunch of disconnected elitist hypocrites bought off by the dozens of well financed lobbying groups is doomed to a 3rd world fate. what sort of idiocy is it that votes for the destruction of the few programs that actually have worked for a greater good while fighting 3 wars and rebuilding the infrastructure of those countries we so willingly bombed! oh it must be those who make promises toward a better more efficient and caring government financed by the american middle class who pay their wages which are apparently not enough so they commit treason to those who voted for them as they are bribed by what they call "lobbying" along with great sin of treason to the american citizenry called the federal reserve! my wife and i will soon be looking for a much cheaper place to live since the refi of the hamp program actually raised our house payments while the bail out monies have been paid to foreign banks and for bonses to those who helped collapse the economy! i paid much of my life savings for this house so a bank can steal it! what a country! what kind of freedom is it that one serves in the military, works for a career afterward to be sold out by needy greedy politicians who jockey for political points like arrogant juvenile delinquents! i ask that we stop feeding the beasts who will stop at nothing to rob the old and young alike on hot air promises who are puppets of large coporations; such as the banking groups, ama, pharmaceutical companies and all those for profit insurance companies that syphon off billions of dollars for zero contribution to any actual medical care that the "insure" for. ps. are there any "responsible" adults out there who can help obtain and sustain decent housing for those of us who are having our life savings and homes stolen by banks and the current repubocrat minions of the ultra rich who are presently paying essentially no tax. one idea is to cut the beast off at it's source. propose a zero salary for all government officials as long as they misrepresent the interests of the middle class, young, older and retired citizens of this country!
Mike - OH 13 years ago
regardless of other related news stories reporting the loans were paid back, this is just another shaft the american taxpayers are taking at the hands of our elected officials. just freaking terrific! this could be the ultimate hit against pres. bho's transparency claims. but i'm sure the fed completely followed all necessary sharia compliant banking laws.
David Allen 13 years ago
the secret loans are just the tip of the iceberg. does everyone out there know how the crooked banks are cheating the american taxpayer out of the hamp loan modifications? chase bank is one of the leading offenders. after taking $129.6 billion in loans and loan guarantees under tarp, they are deliberately and intentionally tanking legitimate applications for hamp modifications, destroying documents, ordering their employees to lie and give borrowers false information on the status of their applications to avoid doing what they contractually agreed to do. they are keeping fees for processing the applications and denying the modifications for bogus reasons. adding insult to injury, their website claims to have approved "almost half a million modifications..." while the truth is that they've approved less than 70,000. check it out at www.financialstability.gov/reports.
fd1836 13 years ago
everyone the banksters/gangsters of the fed should go to jail for screwing the american taxpayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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