Majority of Senators Now Support Same-Sex Marriage

Saturday, April 06, 2013

So many members of the U.S. Senate have jumped on the same-sex marriage bandwagon in recent weeks that a majority now supports the right of homosexuals to marry.


This week alone three Democratic senators publicly said they now back gay marriage: Bill Nelson of Florida, Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota.


Nelson told the Tampa Bay Times: “Simply put, if The Lord made homosexuals as well as heterosexuals, why should I discriminate against their civil marriage? I shouldn’t, and I won’t.”


Before Nelson, Donnelly and Heitkamp changed their positions, six other Democratic senators had also switched sides recently: Tom Carper of Delaware, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Jon Tester of Montana, Mark Warner of Virginia and Claire McCaskill of Missouri.


In addition, Republican Mark Kirk of Illinois also came out in support of gay marriage.


Experts attribute the change of position to lawmakers getting in line with the public’s support for gay marriage, with recent polls showing a majority of Americans now in favor of gays and lesbians tying the knot.


Only four Democratic senators still oppose gay marriage: Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Tim Johnson of South Dakota.

-Noel Brinkerhoff


To Learn More:

It's Getting Mighty Lonely For the Four Senate Democrats Who Still Oppose Gay Marriage (by Josh Voorhees, Slate)

Bill Nelson Now Endorses Gay Marriage (by Alex Rogers, Time)

Bill Nelson Says Gay Marriage Should Be Left to the States (by Steve Rothaus, Miami Herald)

Explaining the Senate’s Surge in Support for Same-Sex Marriage (by Nate Silver, New York Times)


Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui 11 years ago
Same-sex marriage is an injustice, a tyrannical ploy being perpetrated upon our society of which the pernicious consequences are simply mocked and laughed at by its supporters. Ignorance and prejudice have taken the place of knowledge and reason. Caprice and passion substituted for prudence and virtue. The happiness of society, the good of all families, and the welfare of mankind fall victim to unjust selfish love, calculating every thing for itself while taking no notice of a child's best interest or the public advantage of the government promoting ONLY the traditional family. In the eyes of a child, same-sex marriage appears adulterous by nature. Someone is not present in his/her home who is his/her true mother or father. No good can come from adultery. At best, a virtuous heterosexual man and woman can soften the evil sustained by children from adultery, but same-sex proponents want their adulterous families to be considered normal and "equal" to a monogamous heterosexual marriage.... which study after study has proven to be the best environment for childrearing. There is simply no virtue in ignorance, or in denying truth. Here are two truths regarding marriage: (1) Creating a family with another man is not equal to creating a family with a woman, and (2) denying children parents of both genders at home is an objective evil. Kids need and yearn for both. Same-sex marriage in unconformable to the state of a rational social being, it is defective in principle, and has ONLY a deceitful appearance to young and old because it denies Natural Law. All children eventually figure out that it takes a man and a woman to bring a new life into the world. At school, those kids who have two mothers or two fathers will be different, and the other children will notice that the same-sex family child is different in many ways. Besides the obvious exclusion of either a mother or a father at home, a same-sex marriage child is deprived of both gender role models at home and will undoubtedly act differently than other children of his/her gender and especially with regards to interacting with the opposite sex of his/her same-sex parents. It is without a doubt that these children will be seen as different by children who have a mother and a father at home, and especially if they have their biological parents at home. In order to protect the same-sex child from any perceived harassment, the child of a same-sex marriage will become a special protected class in the eyes of the government. School officials will have to punish and "educate" any child who "offends" the protected class child for simply thinking it is strange that the child of the same-sex marriage has either a mother or their father missing, or if any child perceives that the child of his/her gender coming from a same-sex marriage acts in an unusual manner to his/her own, and his/her contemporaries. This unjust punishment to well-rounded children is proof that same-sex families do not follow core principles of Natural Law, and because same-sex marriage defies Natural Law, pernicious consequences will inevitably happen. To punish a child for saying what he knows is true (all children have a mother and a father) is nothing less than a tyrannical oppression to children who instinctively rely upon Nature's Laws to help them understand life and life's circumstances. Children will be forced and coerced to accept or comply with unnatural behaviors and their instinctual knowledge of right and wrong will become internally challenged and confused. A confused child is more susceptible to evil and perversion than one who is sound in his knowledge of the facts of life. Evil-doers will have a hay day in a society that sees no inherent evil to children in same-sex marriage, but alas....those who support same-sex marriage have apparently fallen too far into the depravity of licentiousness themselves to realize or acknowledge the harm and injustice same-sex marriage imposes upon our society and our children. Marriage was instituted to protect the Natural Rights of children. Same-sex marriage tramples those rights in the name of "equality".

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