U.S. has Averaged One School Shooting Every 4 Days in 2014
Shootings at schools in the United States have become so common this year that they’re averaging one just over every four days nationwide.
As of June 10, the date of the most recent shooting at Reynolds High School in Oregon, there were 37 recorded gunfire incidents at schools in the U.S., according to Everytown for Gun Safety, a pro-gun-control group. That averages to a shooting every 4.4 days. Tuesday’s shooting claimed the life of 14-year-old Emilio Hoffman, who was killed in Reynolds’ boys’ locker room.
A little more than half of the incidents have taken place on college campuses (20), with the other 17 occurring at secondary schools.
A state-by-state breakdown shows Georgia—which recently adopted a “guns everywhere” bill—has had the most school shootings to date in 2014, with four.
Three shootings apiece have occurred in three states (Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Wisconsin), while seven other states have experienced two (Iowa, Indiana, Louisiana, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Washington).
The remaining 10 incidents in 2014 occurred in Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina and Utah.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
To Learn More:
School Shootings in America Since Sandy Hook (Everytown)
Map: There Have Been at Least 74 Shootings at Schools Since Newtown (by Niraj Chokshi, Washington Post)
Oregon High School Shooting: Details Emerge of a Relaxed Day That Turned Suddenly Tragic (by Anna Griffin, The Oregonian)
Since Newtown Massacre, More States Have Loosened Gun Restrictions than Tightened Them Despite Most Americans Wanting the Opposite (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)
Average of 2 Children Shot to Death in U.S. Every Week (not including Accidents) (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)
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