10 States Represented Only by Senators Born Elsewhere

Friday, February 18, 2011
Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colorado), born in India while his father was with the State Dept.
One-fifth of all U.S. states currently have no native son or daughter representing them in the Senate, according to Smart Politics at the University of Minnesota. The ten states and their Senators are:
Arizona: John Kyl-Nebraska; John McCain-Panama Canal Zone
Colorado: Michael Bennet-India; Mark Udall-Arizona
Delaware: Thomas Carper-West Virginia; Christopher Coons-Connecticut
Kentucky: Mitch McConnell-Alabama; Rand Paul-Pennsylvania
Massachusetts: Scott Brown-Maine; John Kerry-Colorado
New Mexico: Jeff Bingaman-Texas; Tom Udall-Arizona
Oklahoma: Tom Coburn-Wyoming; James Inhofe-Iowa
Utah: Orrin Hatch-Pennsylvania; Mike Lee-Arizona
Virginia: Mark Warner-Indiana; Jim Webb-Missouri
Wyoming: John Barrasso-Pennsylvania; Michael Enzi-Washington
Over the past century, 35% of Senators represented a state other than the one in which they were born and 2.5% (22 of 879) were born in another country. During this period, the state of Washington has had only 3 home-grown Senators out of 16, while 25 of Ohio’s 26 Senators were born in-state, as were 14 of 15 from Vermont and 9 of 10 from Mississippi.
-David Wallechinsky
Which States Produce the Most U.S. Senators? (by Eric Ostermeier, Smart Politics)


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