Age at First Marriage Hits Record High
Monday, January 18, 2010
Americans are waiting longer than ever to try matrimony for the first time. Statistics released by the U.S. Census Bureau show the medina age of men who have their first wedding is now 28.1 years old, and for women it’s 25.9. In both cases, the age is the highest it’s ever been since the federal government first began keeping track of the rate in 1890.
The youngest median age came in 1956, when men’s age at first marriage was 22.5 and women’s was 20.1.
People in other industrialized nations also are waiting longer to tie the knot: Brazil (28 for men, 26 for women); Canada (34.3 for men, 31.7 for women); France (31.2 for men, 29.1 for women); Germany (32.6 for men, 29.6 for women); Japan (30 for men, 27.3 for women); Russia (29 for men, 27.5 for women); and United Kingdom (30.7 for men, 28.5 for women).
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Wedding Porn Doesn’t Turn Us On: Age at 1st Marriage Has Never Been Higher (by Bella DePaulo, Psychology Today)
Estimated Median Age at First Marriage, by Sex: 1890 to the Present (U.S. Census Bureau)
Age at First Marriage (Wikipedia)
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