“Anti-Soviet” Restaurant Forced to Change Name

Friday, September 25, 2009
(photo: Igor Tabakov, Moscow Times)

A historically-themed restaurant in Russia known as the “Anti-Soviet” (Antisovetskaya) has had to change its name following complaints by a well-known Russian advocate who now works for the government. Oleg Mitvol, a Moscow city prefect, pressured the restaurant’s leadership to drop the “anti” and go with just Sovetskaya. A local official claimed the eatery voluntarily agreed to change—but Alexander Vanin, the general director of Sovetskaya, denied that.

“We took down the sign under pressure from the district authorities,” Vanin said. “It was to avoid a war and attacks from the prefect, Oleg Mitvol.”

Mitvol said the original name was “insulting to the history of our country,” and to veterans in particular. He added: “Such signs are unacceptable and should be taken down.”
                                                                                                                                                         -Noel Brinkerhoff

Mitvol Roars, Eatery Changes Name (by Anna Malpas, Moscow Times)


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