Kenyan Sex Boycott Update

Monday, May 11, 2009
Raila and Ida Odinga

The sex boycott in Kenya is over, but the litigation has just begun. Two weeks ago several prominent women called for a week-long sex strike to get Kenya’s male leaders to resolve their political differences and avoid bloodshed between supporters. But one Kenyan man, who has filed a lawsuit, said the boycott caused him “anxiety and sleepless nights” after his own wife refused him his conjugal rights.

“I have been suffering mental anguish, stress, backaches, lack of concentration,” said James Kimondo, who is seeking undisclosed “general damages” from the organizers of the boycott, the Women’s Development Organization.
It is unknown just how many women in Kenya joined the strike, which ended last Wednesday. It was reported that the wife of Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Ida Odinga, endorsed the effort, but it is unclear if the spouse of President President Mwai Kibaki did so as well.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
Man Sues Over Sex Boycott (Kenya Broadcasting Corporation)


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