Listening to Mozart Helps Premature Babies Gain Weight

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Age 7

Mozart does wonders for the human body. Following up on earlier research that found the symphonies of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart helped boost the intelligence levels of college students, a group of pediatricians decided to apply the “Mozart effect” to premature babies. They discovered that playing Mozart can have a positive impact on the weight gain of preterm infants. The experiment involved 20 babies born prematurely, some of whom were exposed to Mozart for multiple periods. Researchers noticed that those infants who listened to Mozart for more than ten minutes experienced a reduction in resting energy expenditure (REE), which allowed them to gain weight faster.

-Noel Brinkerhoff
Effect of Music by Mozart on Energy Expenditure in Growing Preterm Infants (by Ronit Lubetzky, Francis B. Mimouni, Shaul Dollberg, Ram Reifen, Gina Ashbel and Dror Mandel, Pediatrics) (pdf)


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