Marines Refuse to Share Portable Toilets with Stewart and Colbert Rallies

Friday, October 08, 2010
When fans of Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert descend on Washington, DC, for joint October 30 rallies on the National Mall, they will find plenty of portable toilets in the area but no way to access them. That’s because the U.S. Marine Corps, which is distributing the Porta Potties for its annual marathon on Halloween, doesn’t feel like sharing with Stewart’s and Colbert’s followers. 
Officials at Comedy Central offered to help pay the Marines for the rental of the toilets and have them cleaned before the October 31 race, but that didn’t sway the race organizers. They plan to padlock the toilets so no one uses them prior to the race. Race organizer Rick Nealis told The New York Times, “It will cost me a few extra pennies, but it’s worth it to know that my runners won’t run out of toilet paper.”
The permits requested by Stewart’s “Rally to Restore Sanity” and Colbert’s “March to Keep Fear Alive” anticipated crowds of 65,000, the equivalent of 217 toilets. Because the Marines snapped up most of the locally available portable toilets, Comedy Central may have to rent some of theirs from Baltimore.
-Noel Brinkerhoff, David Wallechinsky
Runners and Rallies Will Not Share Toilets (by Juliet Macur, New York Times)


Bone 14 years ago
Patty ever notice that anyone who doesn't agree with your views is FAR Right. Just take a step back and analyze your life. Is your family happy? Ask yourself why? Are you happy? Ask yourself why? Then analyze why you would want to project your values on the rest of us based on the answers to each of those questions. PISS on the US Marines Corps??? They are the ONES that keep this country moving forward.
Laffaminit 14 years ago
Now THAT's a laugh!!!
A Runner 14 years ago
I'm a marathon runner, I also love Stewart and Colbert. And I think that Comedy Central makes oodles of money off of those two, and should be able to fiance getting their own Porta-Potties. Let me explain something to you non-runners, particularly Patty (because from the post she's full of piss and vinegar). First of all, most people who run marathons are nervous, because it's a extremely difficult test of endurance. I had the "runs" for two weeks prior and three weeks after the race. Those potties are needed for that. Secondly, proper nutrition dictates that in order to perform well during a marathon, you hydrate-- A LOT. What happens when you drink a TON of water-- you pee a ton of water. Having run Marine Corps, I have waited in line to use the potties both before and after the race, those potties are needed. I also stayed in DC after the race and walked about the mall. Post-race, there was absolutely positively no sign that the Marines had ever been there. The race costs approximately $80, part of that money goes towards potties. If I paid for the potties, I would want some guarantee that Comedy Central would clean and refill those potties, because they are well used during the marathon.
tommy G 14 years ago
Doesn't feel like sharing? Why should they share? If the Marine Corps reserved the porta johns before Stewart/Colbert, then they have a right to use them... And personally, after the rally, I doubt the portable toilets would be fit to use seeing the kinds of fans those two would have. The lefties should just suck it up and stop being such whiners. Don't like it? Do like the Tea Partiers would, ship in your own porta johns, instead of expecting someone else to give it to you. Try being self reliant for a change.
Patty Shenker 14 years ago
All i can say is PISS on the US Marine Corps! I intend to do that when i'm there for this incredible Stewart/Colbert rally to keep our country moving forward & stop the disgusting ideas from the far right! This is a perfect example of how the right will deny us all sorts of services!
Victor the Crab 14 years ago
@ Tony Stick to your reality TV. You know not what the hell you're talking about.
jon b 14 years ago
Stewart and his wife changed their names in '01 because his real last name was Leibowitz.
Anita 14 years ago
@nader paul kucinich gravel mckinney Why did you choose to be an idiot on 08 OCT 2010 at 8:17:44 AM?
Tony 14 years ago
Comedy Central should already have enough portable toilets, because the shows they broadcast and produce nothing but crap any way.
nader paul kucinich gravel mckinney 14 years ago
Why did Jon Stewart and his wife change their names on 19 JUN 01?

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