Obama has Mentioned Terrorism an Average of Once a Day Since He became President

Friday, April 19, 2013

People should think again if they believe President Barack Obama is reluctant to use the word “terrorism.”


Following the Boston Marathon bombing, critics complained about Obama’s initial public remarks, which left out any mention of “terrorism.”


If anything, the president was taking a one-day break from using the word—which he’s said an average of once a day since taking over the Oval Office in 2009.


Eric Ostermeier of Smart Politics, found that Obama had mentioned terrorism or one of its related usages 1,469 times over the course of 530 different remarks and written statements since becoming president (and before the Boston tragedy).


His first year in office produced the most mentions of terrorism: 436. Since then, his use of the word has gradually declined: 419 (2010), 283 (2011) and 265 (2012).

-Noel Brinkerhoff


To Learn More:

Obama Has Mentioned Terrorism Nearly 1,500 Times as President (by Eric Ostermeier, Smart Politics)

Speaking to an Audience: Ann Romney-5th Grade; Barack Obama-8th Grade; Michelle Obama-12th Grade (by Noel Brinkerhoff and David Wallechinsky, AllGov)


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