Why Did D.C. Give Charlie Sheen a Police Escort at Taxpayers’ Expense?

Saturday, April 23, 2011
(photo: Charlie Sheen)
Late for his show in the nation’s capital on April 19, Charlie Sheen received a police escort from the airport to the event venue, traveling up to 80 miles per hour along the way.
On the way, Sheen tweeted: “in car with Police escort in front and rear! driving like someone's about to deliver a baby! Cop car light #Spinning!” He also sent a photo showing the car’s speedometer.
Upon arriving at this destination, Sheen proudly admitted he had District of Columbia police cars flanking his SUV as he sped through one red light after another.
Some local leaders were not happy with the police’s decision to help Sheen.
“Citizens of the District don’t want to see their police force used to escort private citizens and that Charlie Sheen, of all people, is getting a personal escort,” DC Council member Phil Mendelson, chairman of the committee that oversees police, told The Washington Post.
Police authorities are investigating the matter to determine who authorized the escort.
-Noel Brinkerhoff
D.C. Police Escort of Charlie Sheen Motorcade under Investigation, Official Says (by Mary Pat Flaherty and Paul Duggan, Washington Post)


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