Commander of the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center: Who Is Lt. Gen. David Perkins?

Saturday, August 04, 2012
Lieutenant General David G. Perkins serves as the commander of the Combined Arms Center (CAC) at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, which oversees the Command and General Staff College and 17 other schools, centers, and training programs located throughout the U.S. and is also responsible for development of the Army’s doctrinal manuals and training of the Army’s commissioned and noncommissioned officers. Perkins took over at CAC in December 2011, succeeding Lt. Gen. Robert L. “Bob” Caslen, Jr., who was commander there starting March 2010. A specialist in armored warfare, Perkins has served in several of the major U.S. military hotspots over the past 32 years, including the Balkans and the war in Iraq.
Born circa 1958 in Keene, New Hampshire, Perkins earned a BS at the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1980 and an MS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan.
Commissioned an Army Second Lieutenant in Armor in 1980, Perkins served his first assignment as a platoon leader in Germany. During his career, he has commanded at the company, battalion, task force, brigade, and theater level in Germany, Macedonia, Iraq, and the United States.
Perkins commanded the 1st Battalion, 63rd Armor, in the 1st Infantry Division from 1996 to 1998, during which the battalion deployed to Macedonia, where Perkins commanded a UN mission established at the request of Macedonia to monitor its borders with Albania, Kosovo, and Serbia. Between 2001 and 2003, he commanded the 2nd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, including an armored assault on Baghdad on April 7, 2003. In 2004 and 2005, he served as the Executive Assistant to the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington D.C. From 2005 to 2007, he was the Commander of the Joint Multinational Training Command in Germany. From 2007 to June 2008 Perkins served as the G-3 (division operations officer) for United States Army Europe and Seventh Army, Germany. In 2008 he became the Director for Strategic Effects for Multi-National Force-Iraq (MNF-I) in Baghdad, Iraq, where he coordinated and implemented political, economic, and communications activities on behalf of the MNF-I. From 2009 to 2011, Perkins was the commander of the 4th Infantry Division in Fort Carson, Colorado.
David Perkins is married to Ginger Perkins, and the couple has two children, Cassandra and Chad, both of whom are also in the military, Cassandra as a helicopter pilot and Chad as a cadet at West Point.
-Matt Bewig
General Assumes Command of Fort Leavenworth (by Kathleen Pointer, Kansas City Star)

CAC Welcomes New Commander, CSM (by Melissa Bower, Fort Leavenworth Lamp) 

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Kaye 6 years ago
This page is extremely outdated. Cassandra is no longer a helicopter pilot. She works for the Department of Justice in the Pentagon. Chad is still doing his Army duties. Ginger and David are divorced. I met David in person and he is very much a gentleman. I have known David for 5 or 6 years. He is a very nice man. His Mother is still living, her Birthday was Feb. 4th, I am not sure of her correct age I believe it is 97 or 98. David is a wonderful man. Much better than most Generals and smarter too. Kaye
Mary zebro 6 years ago
I have been contacted by a man claiming to be Gen.David Perkins asked me to marry him today 9-29 -2018. Said he was divorced from an evil women . So sorry sir
Duvelza 7 years ago
I too have been scammed by someone in Greenville, S or N Carolina. I totally scammed me. Please locate him and charge with theft of identity.
Helen Rätsep 7 years ago
Hello..Sir..i am lae to send in real David Gerard Perkins in TRADOC command...message...i destroying in your name more then 112 scammers..but why Army yourself not do nothing by destroying Him..why i must do do this..but i can't understanding..How they is soo much in your name...?this is really unbelivebol..! Best regards.. Helen from Estonia.. God Bless You..!
Anna 7 years ago
Buonasera. Anch'io voglio avvisarti che usurpano il tuo nome e grado. Io stessa ne sono stata vittima. Ho pagato 1800 euro perché ti aiutassi a far arrivare in Italia una valigia tua.Attento e fai in modo che non possano estrarre le tue foto.
Claudia Moema 7 years ago
I am here to reinforce the warning. I have just blocked the scammer. He uses your full name and asks the common questions asked to befriend someone. He said you are a widower and had an only daughter, named Mirabel. As I googled your name, I could check that a general deployed in Afghanistan for 2 years and 3 months would never be on HangOut looking for company... and making so many English mistakes... I am also an English teacher.
Angie Brown 7 years ago
Dear sir It seems like I'm not the first to write ,to warn you, that your profile is being used by a scammer. I met you (or should I say your profile) on a dating website. Very nice photo of you. I've been warned not to befriend, or start a relationship with anyone online from the US army, in fact anyone American! I'm certain alot of you are very pleasant people. I thought I'd see if I could find out more about you When I read you're army profile,and learned what you've achieved, I thought, why would a man as popular and successful as General Perkins want to go on a dating websites. This person is so adament he is you. He is asking for money, and texts up to ten times a day. It does sound like you've heard all this before, but for goodness sake, there should be a way to stop scammers doing this, you and your troops have been fighting a war for years, and you don't deserve to have this done to you. I'm still having contact with this person. At the moment we have this on going battle. You, well I mean the scammer is asking me to help him, and I'm adamant he proves he is General David Perkins. Interesting messages are being exchanged!!!
Nelda C. Navarro 8 years ago
Dear Sir Im Nelda C. Navarro from Philippines. At present a man named William Issie sent me a request and he sent me your pictures too. He told me that he is Generald David G. Perkins. But I go on to his profile his birthday is May 10,1960 and that is not fit to details since I searched for you too is Nov. 12, 1958. So I am here to report this matter coz I was victimed by some scammers. Hope that you can help me for this. He told me that his wife Ginger and Cassandera was died 7 years ago with a plane crash. And only his son Chat ii left in his school at us and they did not yet meet almost three years. He want me to talk to his son through yahoo mail. Please help me to this matter. Im a teacher here in our country sir. So I beg your pardon if ever I disturbed you. Thank you so much for your kindness regarding thiss matter
maria 8 years ago
Dear sir, true these I want to let you know that there is a man on Skyp that says he is you, and make al kids of strange histories.I try to find out what he realy wants because i cant belive its you. Please let me know if you are where of it thks
Miss L Jane Johnson, 8 years ago
One more small thing,these scammers are useing General David'spic from your younger days,i caught on,with all of the technology that is known to us today,why haven't they been caught,oh can see where we were dumb,but we don't need someone telling us that no one is better or they are too good foru us,everyone is God's children,oh yell we all have fanistys,mine was to walk the beach with you,but it wasn't you on that text,so that's where it starts,but this one is still trying to get back in ,I delete every man that want's to be friends,i don't trust anymore,I really appreciate and Honor all Our Military,Im sure your all loved,So I just wish you all could get these scum bags,they are too lazy to work,worthless scums,thank you for your time,i know I won't hear back,but just wanted you guys to get those Scums,

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