Communists and Evangelicals Join to Fight Sex in China

Monday, September 06, 2010
Just say bù xìngjiāo

When it comes to slowing population growth, Communist officials in China have decided to seek help even from Christian missionaries preaching abstinence.

After rejecting earlier entreaties from religious groups, Chinese officials are allowing Evangelicals to work with teachers in Yunnan province in southern China to teach children about waiting until marriage to have sex. The “No Apologies” program marks a milestone for Focus on the Family and its founder, James Dobson, who have tried for years to make inroads in China.
The partnership in China follows other successful footholds that Focus on the Family has gained with abstinence program in other countries, especially Muslim nations like Egypt and Malaysia.
As part of the “No Apologies” program, children conduct role playing exercises using scripts that include the following:
Boy: “If you love me, then you’ll agree to have sex with me.”
Girl: “If you love me then you won’t ask me to give up my cherished chastity.”
Boy: “I want to dedicate myself to you and only you.”
Girl: “If I’m the only one for you then you can wait until we get married.”
-Noel Brinkerhoff


New Spirit Jazz 14 years ago
Every "civilisation" that preaches/enforces abstinence will be brought down.

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